The Free British Army
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Copyright © Jobo Pooks 2020
Page one.
Natalie Lords woke with a start. She turned sharply, finding her husband, Jed sleeping soundly next to her and lay back. Focusing on her racing pulse and willing it to slow, her increasing paranoia didn't help as she took deep breaths in, holding each one momentarily before controlling the out breath. Bathed in sweat, she turned toward him and spooned; his body heat soothing her and matching his breath rate, she eventually calmed to an acceptable level, but still listened intently for another noise, fearing an intruder.
She'd been through this many times before, but of late, struggled to reach a level of relaxation enough to fall back to sleep and with the fear of going downstairs alone, she rolled onto her back, pulled the duvet to her chin and set into her regular worry session until the alarm clock woke Jed.
His last day on the early shift, she dreaded the coming week and the empty house at night. Despite his assurances to her that the house was secure with a direct panic alarm link to his station, she forced him to upgrade their security system and further fortify the bedroom door along with a full house fire alarm and sprinkler system.
She worried about him constantly when he was on shift and at risk, but more so when he was at home, given the increasing spate of attacks on lone police officers and their homes and families by resistance groups whose agenda was to not only persuade officers to quit the force and move over to the people's side via veiled threats, but with the selective assassinations of diehard officers supporting and protecting the dictatorial New World Order government.
Jed punched in the code on the remote keyboard to deactivate the alarm and went downstairs first to check the house and assure Natalie all was safe, but was halfway down the stairs when he heard the scream...
Page Two.
Special weapons and tactics department in Mancfester held a sombre mood. They were five men down; all five dead over a 2 month period with no leads. The absence and non-response of Jed Lords only served to add to their fears; not only for Jed and his wife, but for themselves and their own loved ones. An immediate briefing saw a team and backup dispatched to his home.
Jed raced up the stairs; one of his personal firearms, snatched from a concealed shelf at the foot of the stairs, cocked and ready to fire and despite his training and expertise in similar situations, his normal calm demeanour deserted him; his heart pounding against his breast bone with the fear for Natalie's welfare clouding his normally clear and solid judgment.
He burst into their bedroom to find it empty. No sign of struggle and the now deafening silence unnerved him further; only adding to his extreme anxiety. He took several deep breaths, holding some to try and calm his hyperventilate state and moved slowly through each of the upstairs rooms but found nothing. He shook his head, turning in circles, confused as to her total disappearance in the seconds it took for him to reach the bedroom after he'd heard the terrifying scream. Checking the windows, he found them all locked and headed downstairs but again; all rooms empty, all doors and windows locked.
The homes of his five former colleagues who had met their recent deaths bore similarities to his house in almost every respect. No signs of struggle, no DNA, all doors and windows locked and all family members bar the officer in question gone... disappeared without trace. He reached for his mobile phone to find it switched off; unusual as he rarely turned it off. Attempts to switch it on saw the battery discharged and an increased anxiety hit him; his heart racing again.
Heading towards the front door, knowing his colleagues couldn't be too far away, he heard a noise coming from upstairs and gun at the ready, turned, shouting as he bound 3 steps at a time, "Police! I am armed. Remain where you are. The house is being surrounded. There are no means of escape."
Despite the bedroom door being open when he ventured downstairs, it was now closed. He stood at the door, listening, but the sound of his heart beat pounding in his ears took precedence. Tacking a step back and kicking hard, he burst the door open and screamed at the sight before him.
Page Three.
The Free British Army mission statement circulating the UK was on almost every screen and news outlet apart from the majors and regular TV channels. The UK government had been aware of it and the FBA for a long time, but as there were no apparent headquarters, no leaders or organisers and no recognition asked for by the resistance groups carrying out the increasing dispatching of police, politicians and NWO local security thugs, there was no evidence and nothing to act upon.
FBA tactics and ops were top notch and along with their high level of anonymity, MI5/6 had nothing but pig bodies. MET police were at a total end to even begin investigations into FBA and the bodies piling up were moved to purpose built dedicated mortuaries housing the only current evidence in the form of cadavers.
The Mission Statement read:
Talking and voting is useless when dealing with dictatorships. The ultimate goal is to destroy the wellspring of tyranny. The wellspring is the 13 Papal Bloodline Families. Monarchies, bankers, oligarchs etc that currently run the world.
You can't get anywhere near these creatures because they're too well protected. They must be taken out from the feet up and that means removing those who protect the politicians at local level first.
Without the protection of the police or local government security thugs, local councillors are wide open and can be removed easily.
Working only in your local area, the workload and challenge is reduced drastically as opposed to launching mass attacks in the streets with sure and certain mass slaughter of the populace using their silent frequency weapons along with traitor military programmed robots.
By working locally across the nation and world, the cumulative effect is that of a single army of billions against a handful of psychopaths.
1. Hit squads for individual culling of police and security from the shadows. The burning of police houses while they sleep. This will have the effect of creating fear in their ranks. Literally batting back the ball of fear they unleash via orders from their oligarch masters. Pigs will die and wives will cry as police and security fear so greatly for their lives and families, they quit or change sides. The latter being undesirable as deserter pigs cannot be trusted.
2. Local politicians who haven't already fled will be bunkered down and unable to operate properly in delivering New World Order agendas and propaganda. Their ultimate culling will send a clear message to the corrupt Masonic government and establishment that the people's army is too great to challenge.
3. Liaison between local groups to swarm and storm London, taking in monarchy, Westminster and the private residencies of top politicians, police and MI5/6.
4. The setting up of a people's nation management organisation that will root out freemasonry to its very heart; destroying it forever. The setting up of a people's banking system. The overhaul of the business platform ensuring the burning of corrupt business practices and the growth of honest free enterprise.
Page 4.
At a local FBA meeting, spokesperson, Karl Zane addressed the members; some seasoned and some new.
"People are forever trying to fight this thing from the corrupt Masonic judicial systems of the enemy... The oligarchs and papal bloodlines. It's futile because their agenda is to waste time, divert and distract and have everyone at each others throats, eventually winning in their own court rooms against those who, out of ignorance and cowardice, use their system. You cannot fight and beat the beast in its own back yard. The only way is to fight smart from the shadows using tactics... Not on the streets like mindless directionless thugs who only end up destroying communities and looting."
He took a wide standing stance and thrust a fist forward. "Our immediate goal is to continue to take out their pig protectors by burning their houses and families while they sleep... quietly when they're vulnerable. Once enough numbers are taken out, the pigs will swap sides or quit; many vanishing completely for fear of retribution from the insanely angry masses, leaving the politicians unprotected and we're seeing it now. Police are quitting in their droves. The hangings and incarcerations of the major political perps are not far off and can then take place unhindered. Then it's on to the elite and oligarchs before the final big kill and the papal bloodline pyres."
Fists clenched in front of him, he raised his voice.
"There's a mass worldwide slaughtering of police, politicians and oligarchs coming that has never been seen in history. The masses, like insane swarming killer hornets are descending on them with a vengeance so fierce, nothing will stop it. There will be hangings and brickings in the streets. Mercy will be an alien word. The beast will have no hiding place. We are the precursor, the awakening army that will fire up the masses and bring a new awareness and resolve to fight for real with the same lack of mercy the people have been shown by the oppressors."
He stepped down from the stage and walked amongst the members.
"It's far from over, and the regular government cease fires to try and lull people into a false sense of security and hope are being seen right through now. If people believe the New World Order are going to stand down that easy, they're crazy and deluded. Too much is involved for them to just walk away. They're using their own psychological tactics against their protectors. They don't care how many of their puppet pigs and politicians get whacked. They have Antarctica city bunkers with everything they need to survive nuclear fallout and they're crazy enough to slaughter millions of people when they're cornered. They have to be exterminated and talking and voting won't do it. The only way is via removing their protectors; Now!"
The crowd cheered and threw clenched fists into the air. Karl nodded and smiled as he returned to the stage; high fiving as he went.
"Once that wall of resistance is down the monarchies and oligarch families will follow and must be dispensed rapidly.”
He paused for a moment closing his eyes. The crowd fell silent, waiting in expectation at the only hope they'd had for years in beating the murderous beast. Karl finally lifted his head and smiled broadly.
"Our dream of real freedom never before known is unfolding. They said an awakening had begun, but it hadn't even opened it's eyes until the first politicians had pistols pressed into the back of their heads and their faces blown off so their filthy protective families couldn't conduct their funerals in open caskets."
He clenched his hands together, as if in prayer and laughed out loud.
"This is the beginning of the true awakening. The people are realising that talking to dictatorships and voting in their political systems is futile. Too many people are being murdered... The rising will belch forth as police and local officials are slaughtered in their hundreds, thousands, each area combining until tens of thousands are dead and dying before we move on to major establishment perps, monarchy, elites, oligarchs and the papal bloodlines themselves. No one will dare to help survivors; knowing for sure it would mean joining the piles of rotting and screaming bodies of the once mass murdering tyrannical army of the few that laid waste, for the New World Order beast, the lives of innocent men, women and their babies. It’s a world in fumigation; creating its own perfect freedom and democracy; a world of both free enterprise and compassion for those who need that kindness and support."
The crowd exploded in both joy at the vision of a perceived new world and intense anger and vengeance for the filth masquerading as caring governments and world leaders. Karl called for a new speaker and left the stage.
Page Five.
Jed Lords took his tablets and wept. His wife missing with no clues, his breakdown saw him on sick leave and hospitalised. The scenes of his bedroom flashed, relentlessly across his tortured mind, but he could not speak of it. He rarely had visits from colleagues and with no family; his support structure was limited to doctors and staff.
In a matter of months, mainstream media had lost all credibility and struggled to win favour of the majority by pretending to push people news but the people were having none of it. Reports on politicians dying of sudden illnesses were a front for the suiciding of those who were ready to sing; murdered by their new world order masters. Those thousands, amongst them, long retired corrupt masons and murdering paedophiles, who were culled by the Free British Army never got a mention, with the FBA designated a conspiracy theory; a fictitious group in the Robin Hood guise, less the people should know the truth.
It was not only local and major politicians that met their just rewards; thousands of police of every rank and from every force, along with hundreds of judges, higher freemasons, principals of schools and colleges who towed the sick and twisted child abusing trans agenda line and business people who got rich off the back of the virus jab hoax also suffered their own well deserved demise via the insane anger of a rapidly growing army; many who had suffered much personal loss.
All the guilty were known as pigs, sharing the same name and same fate; the burning of their homes and families as they slept... The assassinations by an increasingly well armed and tactical nationwide force of selfless individuals, who sought no recognition, had no defined leaders and used no headquarters; The grim reaper who called when least expected and struck from the shadows.
Numbers in the forces protecting the oligarchs and their puppets dwindled rapidly as the FBA stepped up their campaign and swelled their volunteers. Ex army seasoned vets joined the ranks, along with regular military that had woken to their brainwashing and the ease with which the FBA continued their campaign grew as police and local officials were either assassinated or resigned out of fear for their lives and the safety of their loved ones.
Page 6.
For a time, crime rose as the scum of the nation seized the opportunity for a quick buck, but the growing army of marshals self policing soon picked away at those numbers as the dross met the same end in the farms.
Royalty had left the building to join the elite and oligarch families scurrying to seek refuse in the Alaskan wilderness city bunkers, but failed to make it as many were thwarted enroute or at the entrances of the captured bunkers.
Muslim radicals were rounded up and kept in specially designed prison dog boxes. They were fed meat from the pig farms and given the choice to eat the animals or die. Those that died were fed back to the pigs.
Using fire to fight fire, the intolerance to evil surged through the nation. England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales once again joined forces as the new system gained popularity and this was reflected worldwide as more and more members of the papal bloodline families were dealt with via exposure. But those 13 families would not give up.
The sudden cessation of chemtrailing aircraft had truthers suspicious and within weeks the robot insects rained down and the first video of the beetle spewing planes hit the Independent Net.
It was a subtle release that many took as a natural event brought on by the drought weather. Given there were thousands of species of beetle, the critters that reigned down in their thousands on a daily basis didn't hold much concern for people because this oriental looking insect seemed to be like any other, but once the biting started, the results ended in many fatalities that followed painful seizures. Scientists of the freedom movements got to work to find they were far from a natural glitch.
To Be continued...