The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody

Page 10

Also available on my regular website....  Jobo Pooks 

Reiner Fuellmich and David Martin Grand Jury on the Covid Hoax and Crimes against Humanity.

Update 14th March 2022

Day one to eight Court of public opinion which started the Reiner Fuellmich story is at the bottom of this page. Go straight to The Court of public opinion.

Go straight to Updates

 My introduction before proceeding to the links...

 For many years, I and many others who actually give a toss about the future of humanity have been lambasted, mocked and ridiculed; being called conspiracy theorists and tin foil hat nutters for actually investigating and researching what those mockers and abusers couldn't be bothered, or didn't have the intelligence to do. They, having instead, choosing to believe everything their corrupt masonic governments, TV news and press spewed and continue to spew at them.

 We have and continue to be vilified as the truth emerges; leaving egg on a lot of faces. Sadly, in the case of the diversion and distraction known as the fake covid pandemic that keeps many busy and totally ignorant of the real reasons behind it; the vast majority of those ignorant uninformed mockers and selfish *I'm alright Jack* types are going to learn the hard way via compromised immune systems. Of course, the many who received placebo jabs (because the perps can't be seen to be killing too many at once) will continue, in their smug ignorance, to mock... So be it; not every jab they have been given or will continue to volunteer for will be saline solution.

 Most people believe that paper qualifications, Degrees, PhD's etc, along with honours and other awards automatically equate to the owners being in possession of intelligence and good morals. What's becoming increasingly clear of late is that this is far from the case as Joe Public is arming itself with immense knowledge and expertise in many fields via research and investigation. Of course, the man and woman in the street are still being called armchair experts and crazy conspiracy theorists just because they haven't got a piece of paper from an education authority that does nothing more than prove they've Read, Retained and can now Regurgitate what they've been brainwashed to believe is the gospel truth... much of it however, being major lies that are slowly but surely being uncovered and exposed as the elites and oligarchs fail and fall.

 The Grand Jury, with all its experts, whether paper accredited or not are doing an excellent job of exposing the lies and corruption surrounding science, medicine, politics and big business etc. However, many of the so called experts are still holding onto beliefs taught in modern medicine relating to virus/germ theory. Further to this and as you listen to each day of this Grand Jury, you will witness not only the fixed beliefs of the so called experts as they bleat about viruses being contagious, but also the contradictions of those who have spoken about Covid-19 having no full isolation certificate and it being simply a Computer Generated Model who now talk about the so called Covid-19 as if it really exists and is spreading from person to person. I remain suspicious of some who are included as their fear porn spreading jumps out in spectacular fashion but then the enemy is very good at inserting psy-ops and nematodes into almost everything these days so my mind remains open.

 It will, for sure, take many years to re-educate the world regarding science and medicine, as it will to fully expose the lies about space, ball earth, dinosaurs, Jesus and God religions, the Holocaust, climate change nonsense and futile voting in political systems owned and controlled by the 13 papal bloodline families that are the wellspring of all that is evil in this world.

 At the forefront of your mind should be the truth about virus/germ theory, which was used to create a big pharma depopulation agenda and obscene wealth creating industry for the major puppets of these papal bloodline families.

 The truth about viruses and diseases?

"Viruses and diseases do not exist.

They were both created via the pharmaceutical industry that uses the flawed germ theory to sell medicines and vaccines to the populous for monetary gain and population control.

 If the germ theory was correct, there wouldn't be a human alive today to tell the story. Germs, bacteria, pathogens, fungus and even viruses, which are not viruses but protein based exosomes within our RNA are everywhere. Life is made up of these things. Our bodies are made up of these things. So called diseases are purely symptoms of an underlying toxicity within the cells. So called viruses are manufactured within our own bodies as a protection mechanism against over toxicity.

 When we are overly toxic our body creates a natural detoxification process called a flu, a cold or a pneumonia to rid the body of these deadly toxins. Viruses are not contagious in any way or form. The only way you can catch a virus is to be injected with one via a vaccination."

 Check out Aajonus Vonderplanitz...

 That being said, Below are links to the 6 Grand Jury days court of public opinion and many interviews by Reiner Fuellmich ICIC. Some of this material will be difficult for the average person on the street to grasp given the scientific terminology etc and many will leave out of boredom as the opening statements and initial evidence are heavy duty historical stuff, but stick with it; it will open your eyes and minds to the truth and the lies your governments, establishments, education institutions, mainstream media and TV is pushing on you.... Please stay tuned for updates.


**** Updates ****

Update 13th January 2025

Latest updates via PDF from the ICIC website here...


Update 16th December 2024

Reiner Fuellmich to Run Against Former Secret Services Head in upcoming German Elections.

Reiner Fuellmich video update. Staying strong and positive and still in alleged captivity in Germany.


Update 12th November 2024 

It's laughable when you consider Matt Hancock going on YouTube to defend The alleged *world class* scientist, Chris Whitty. Both these creatures need to be hauled into court along with Boris Johnson and many many others, including celebs and doctors/scientists who supported and actively pushed these so-called vaccines and jailed pending a return to the death penalty for conspiring in mass murder and crimes against humanity. Their wealth should be stripped from them to pay for the carnage. As for those who still support orthodox medicine, big pharma and the WEF agendas in their eugenicist stance, they should receive serious sentences and be forced to compensate all who suffered via their advice and recommendations.

Here are 2 updates. The first from Reiner Fuellmich who was kidnapped by the totally corrupt German establishment and is still being held captive and the other by Mike Yeadon who has not been challenged for his views, despite the seriousness of his statement. 

Reiner Fuellmich update 4th November 2024. 

Mike Yeadon Vaccines designed to injure and kill.


Update 25th October 2024

Latest update on Reiner, who is still allegedly imprisoned in Germany. Here on ICIC site.


Update 20th July 2024

Short statement 14th July 2024 Here on ICIC site. 

Update on criminal case. 15th July 2024. Reiner in yet another self defence rant, but now supports Trump; what does that say about him, because Trump is a New World Order illuminati puppet, same as Biden. They’re all wings on the same WEF bird for fuck sake. Here on ICIC site. 


Update 2nd July 2024

Quite a few updates since my last one and good news from ICIC camp as the Nazi 4th Reich machine begins to fall apart. 

April 29th 2024-07-02. Too late to shut us all up. 

June 12th 2024-07-02. Happy ending is clearly visible.


Update 1st April 2024

Three updates from Fuellmich who is still, allegedly, being held in jail in Germany.


Update 12th January 2024

Reiner Fuellmich Message. January 2024

"Dear friends, supporters and companions.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year and assure everyone that I will continue. We will not let up with our educational work and the subsequent legal investigation into the plandemic.

Of course it is very difficult for me to be away from my wife and my dogs and my family and friends. But it helps me a lot that I always receive new information through the many letters and postcards, as well as very personal messages and stories. All this helps me a lot. That’s why I can still say with full conviction and determination: Some crack under pressure, I don’t.

The international colleagues with my friend Dexter and all the others are also still ready to ensure justice for all. This time the broken system will not be able to stand in front of evil.

In a somewhat longer communication in the next few days, I will be able to explain important details concerning both the case against me and our international legal work.

There is no doubt that things are moving faster and faster in our direction. But there is also no doubt that the other side is fighting for its survival, i.e. remains highly dangerous. Do not be intimidated or even discouraged: We will expose everything that must come to light and we will ensure that the collapse of the system and the transition to a new human coexistence without corruption and without violence is made possible with the help of justice.

I thank you again for your support, and I thank our ICIC team for their work. I believe that the criminals who are trying to paralyze and financially bleed me and my wife, my family and my friends will not only fail, but each and every one of them will pay. We can be slowed down, but we cannot be stopped.

Best regards, Reiner Fuellmich."


Dr. Mike Yeadon: Why are they all so desperate to prevent me being heard?

"Three occasions upon which parliamentarians in Germany, Croatia and UK might have heard me, it didn't happen. I think it's not coincidence." 

The ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero


Update 29th December 2023

Straight from the horses mouth 

Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer chief exec responds on the ICIC website here. He pulls no punches in this 20 minute video. His credentials are impeccable and more than suited for the so-called pandemic and mRNA jabs, but he was never consulted because he told the truth. Instead, the UK government used *Sir* Chris Whitty to spin lies on MSM and TV. Where's Whitty now? Gone into hiding?

Perhaps Mike better be very careful now and sort out some security because the shit is about to hit the fan. I and many others have been warning about all this for years because we were investigating Bill Gates. We were laughed at and ridiculed. Now, as Gates videos from many years ago are surfacing, those who mocked us have fallen silent. 

It's certainly a bad day for all those who wished us unjabbed dead because we wouldn't take the poison. All we were trying to do was help them, but they wouldn't have it as they gobbled up the bullshit and propaganda from their TV sets. 

All I can say to them now is... Good luck; you'll never know if you recieved a placebo or the real thing. There are many ticking time bombs out there who may be lucky enough to have good immune systems as cancer soars out of control and untold maladies start to surface, as was predicted by many specialists in the field who lost their careers and livlihoods to tell the truth, but no one will know until years down the line what the effects will really be.
This is like the so-called Spanish flu pandemic of 1918... Almost carbon copy. 


Update 18th December 2023

The support for Reiner Fuellmich over his alleged kidnapping and trumped up charges by the German authorities has begun. Here are four videos from the ICIC centre. Surprisingly, Mike Yeadon has not made a statement here as yet... 

Message From Inka Fuellmich To Our Community

Statement From Andrew Bridgen...Free Reiner

Statement From Andrew Johnson...FreeReiner

Inka Fuellmich Speaks Out. On Being Kept Silent. On Gratitude. And Much More. With Elsa Schieder.


Update 8th December 2023

Mike Yeadon addresses government and Reiner Fuellmich's wife speaks out about his imprisonment.

Former Pfizer executive, professor Mike Yeadon addresses the uk government.

Reiner Fuellmich's wife talks about her husband's treatment in jail.


Update 9th November 2023

Reiner Fuellmich arrested, charged and held in custody. 

In my last update I pointed out how Reiner came across as acting strangely concerning his choice of the people he included on his ICIC podcasts lately. Now all of a sudden, he walks right into the very situation he knew would get him arrested. Why would he do that?

I've made it clear that I have an open mind on Fuellmich. Could my suspicions of him being a psy-op and shill time waster be coming to fruition given the expertise of the NWO to plant distraction/diversion puppets across The Net? Or is this current revelation a genuine attempt by the beast to silence him?

Feullmich, if genuine, is a major threat to the WEF Great Reset plans and given his support by many top legal heads along with the likes of Mike Yeadon, alleged whistleblower from Pfizer, it's surprising they haven't spoken up yet. That remains to be seen.

Many people who have threatened NWO and the papal bloodline families in the past have been dispensed rapidly and the likes of Fuellmich could have been easily taken out at any point in the last 3 years. So why go through all this legal shit with him?

Could we now see Reiner mysteriously dying in some way via alleged illness, accident, suicide etc and his ICIC baby dying with him as those who currently support it run like frightened rabbits?

On the other hand, his supporters may very well rally to his aid and save him to continue the fight. Either way, things just smell really funny now with all this. All we can do is wait and see how it pans out.

As I've always pointed out; this war can't be fought in the current judicial systems that are built on the corruption that protects them and only be fought physically via a mass awakening and revolution. Evil does not recognise love and dialogue. Any and all attempts to use democracy within dictatorial tyrannical regimes will be futile, as they always have been.

Links below re: his arrest and the New Zealand faction that are now allegedly in court.

Update following his arrest

New Zealand trials begin

Arrest update November 23

Nuremberg 2


Update 19th October 2023

Dr. Daniel Nagase was an emergency and family physician in British Columbia, Canada. He lost his license and is being prosecuted for saving his patients‘ lives with ivermectin. He is now suing in B.C. Supreme Court for vaccinating his children against COVID-19.


9th October 2023

Icke the book selling shill gets a platform.

Fuellmich has suddenly changed direction..from almost promising, a while back, that the Maoris of New Zealand were going to change things at lightning speed and we would soon see, within a few weeks, other countries bringing the WEF and WHO beasts to justice, he starts inviting a peyote head in the form of Mr. Clif High and a major shill, David Icke onto his platform. Not only is Mr #nwo Con-Op, Icke on his show, but has a two part video. Something is beginning to smell a bit funny on here now. 

So here they are. Parts one and two, starring the one and only, Devil's Island permanent resident, David Icke; The guy who, for years has taken the material of true resistance fighters for free and monetised it by writing books, making videos and holding stage shows having his disciples believe it's *all my own work, folks*

When Fuellmich asks Icke if Putin is in with the other puppets, Icke is thrown and claims he doesn't know. For years, he's been boasting about *knowing the outcome to know the journey* and claims he was talking about stuff in the 1990s that no one had a clue about. He strangely knows everything about all world leaders, but not a clue about Putin? The truth? Icke is a fucking plagiarist and gleans his stuff for free then sells it.

Listen to how many times in these two videos he talks about his books... Sales pitch and am I surprised Fuellmich has been taken in by him? That's a big NO! Icke doesn't like awkward questions and when confronted with them, goes off on weird mental adventures to evade those questions. During the 56k dial-up days, I joined his online discussion boards but wasn't allowed to post. Despite years of contacting via the board and via email, I was ignored; why? Because I'm a problem who asks too many awkward questions. That's when I started investigating Icke. Make your own mind up. 

Part 1.

Part 2.


Interview with Peter Koenig, an economist and geopolitical analyst. For over 30 years he worked for the World Bank and the WHO as a specialist for water resources and the environment. After his retirement, he compiled his insider knowledge of these organizations in an economic thriller entitled *Implosion*, which deals with war, environmental destruction and corporate greed. He is still active as a freelance consultant so bascically, a Mercenary. Careful, folks. Fuellmich is acting a bit weird.


Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host Dagmar Schoen, Attorney at Law, once again speak with Cathy O‘ Brien, a survivor of the Mind Control program in which she was involved and purposefully traumatized by her family from an early age.


Update 27th September 2023

In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host Attorney Dagmar Schoen talk to Paul Craig Roberts, an economist and publicist, economic advisor to former U.S. President Ronald Reagan and then U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, about the current disastrous situation of global financial and economic policy with its devastating, destructive effects worldwide. 

He talks of CIA assassinations, the cold war, America printing money to get out of the shit, which presidents of the U.S. sought policies for the people, rather than self-interested ones, his support for Reagan, who ended stagflation in America and the Cold War, how monetary systems work and details the historical background culminating in an insatiable greed for profit by the U.S. to strengthen its supremacy, as well as the power of the petrodollar as the most powerful means of payment for global trade.

He covers U.S. failure to perceive the emergence of the powerful economic and trade community of the BRICS countries, which are now in the process of destroying the supremacy of the petrodollar. In his opinion, the arrogance of the United States has put the country into a hopeless situation from which it can no longer get out of very easily using its fiat money system, and simply printing money out of thin air. 

At the same time, however, this means that the USA and its European puppet states must resort to ever more vicious crimes against humanity in order to secure their existence. Paul Craig Roberts is convinced that any means will do, since they do not even shrink from assassinations of popularly elected presidents at home and abroad, from electoral fraud, from terrorist attacks such as the 9/11, assassinations, creating a pandemic, or provoking Russia. Roberts warns that people must comprehend these things and realise that they are literally fighting for their lives right now.


Update 22nd September 2023

In this episode, Reiner talks to Clif High, an internet writer of software able to allegedly predict world events, about his personal view of life, the current global problems and how the invisible world works and influences us.
Interesting stuff but Reiner has declined from making things complicated by talking about the fact that viruses don't really exist, as has Mike Yeadon, because it would be too much for mainstream judicial systems to take in and here he is promoting Clif High. What's he up to? There's *aliens are coming* stuff here. Also, that name... Clif High. Ha ha! More entertaining than Max Igan or Lobsang Rampa. I'll be digging deeper on *Mr. High* to see what he's about... He's not unlike Rampa and Igan in looks either. Ladies and Gentlemen; Lobsang Rampa has entered the building!


Update 19th September 2023

In this episode of ICIC

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host Attorney Dagmar Schoen talk with Dr. Rima Laibow, a psychiatrist and specialist in child & adolescent psychiatry in the US, about the untrustworthy and demonstrably long-planned agenda of a psychopathic minority of self-proclaimed elites who stop at no crime to achieve their inhuman goals. In their dangerous megalomania to decimate humanity by 95% and to keep the rest under their totalitarian control like cattle and to abuse them as they see fit, they do not even stop at the cruelest violence against the weakest members of our society, the children.

In 2004 she founded the *Natural Solutions Foundation* together with her late husband, an organization dedicated to health through food and freedom. Her websites: and

*If you don't listen to any other production here on my website then listen to this one because its conciseness in covering what's happening to us and our world blows them all out of the water.* 

"If it’s possible to indoctrinate all children worldwide using mind control and MK-Ultra programs with early sexualization, uprooting and identity confusion, which they incorporate into all areas of our daily lives, and to poison them by means of so-called vaccinations and in the worst case by gene-altering, experimental injections to damage their DNA, it will be easy in the future to manipulate and control humanity and to eradicate the qualities that make up being human, such as love, compassion, friendship, social connectedness. Thus, the „useless eaters“ who, in their view, burden the planet to which they have issued a sole claim, should disappear. Useful slaves, without human characteristics, created in laboratories in the best case, shall be available for them, without feelings and without polluting the planet unnecessarily and wasting resources.

Dr. Laibow speaks clearly using plain words to expose it all, and bring into the light of day this terrible plan which the power-hungry and their henchmen, who she calls *Monsters*, have subtly forged under the guise of private organizations like the WHO, EU, UN, Unicef and Unesco etc., which were founded especially for this purpose. It does not gloss over anything, and points out the impending dangers to our existence and that of our children and our children’s children.

We as sentient beings, as people with strength, creativity, courage and a sense of justice must no longer remain silent in the hope that ‘it’ will eventually pass and we will be able to live a normal life again, because it was not normal before either, only that it could not be perceived due to the brainwashing and drug treatments. But now that we have seen it clearly, what has been done to us just in the last three years and they are waiting in the wings again with panic and torture, we have to stand up and protectively put ourselves in front of our children.

Dr. Laibow advises everyone to declare loud and clear, *Don’t you dare lay a hand on our children*, and *Don’t you dare try to control our lives!* This is the language that they understand and it is the power of community and cohesion that we need to hunt down these ‘monsters’ and hold them accountable."


Update 18th September 2023

This production has got to be one of the worst yet. After years of Reiner Fuellmich talking about bringing this into mainstream judicial systems, he presses the point about the mRNA jabs being poison, but then continues and brings in so-called experts who then push big pharma drugs as replacements for so-called Covid 19 and SARS viruses knowing full well that these viruses have never been proven to exist in any way, shape or form. What's going on here? 
I can understand his former points about dealing primarily with the WEF, WHO, big pharma and others involved in the pushing of these toxins to depopulate the world etc and shutting them down before we move on to the lies about virus/germ theory, but he could have dealt with this in other ways than basically go along with the pandemic and contagious virus lies.


Update 29th August 2023

"Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks with UKs Dr. Andrew Wakefield, physician and filmmaker, about the sense and nonsense of vaccinations as well as their dangers and their impact on our and, in particular, children’s health. Dr. Wakefield has become known for his oppositional stance on the COVID narrative, as he has refused to be intimidated by the reprisals, insults, and threats against him. It was already before the so-called COVID pandemic that he had turned away from the corruption in the health care system, accepting the possibility of putting his medical career at risk.

Based on his many years of practice and experience as a medical doctor and on the findings of 150 research reports, Dr. Andrew Wakefield concludes that vaccinations have never been conducive to people’s health. He thinks the opposite is true and in most cases, the substances and adjuvants contained in vaccines lead to health problems, often autism, and in the worst case scenario irreparable damage including death. Unfortunately, vaccine-related damage and side effects are difficult to prove. Only in rare cases can causality to previous vaccinations, e.g. against measles, mumps or rubella (MMR), be established to be recognized by the pharmaceutical companies responsible.
Based on 150 published research reports, Dr. Wakefield and his research team were able to prove causality to autism and gastrointestinal diseases that developed after MMR vaccination. This had a negative impact on his career in Great Britain. He realized, also because of the threats against him, that the main purpose of vaccinations was to ensure the profits of the pharmaceutical industry rather than children’s health. He therefore decided to bring the monstrosities he discovered to light with the help of his educational film projects.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield speaks of gigantic fraud and corruption being common practice in the pharmaceutical industry, of useless and dangerous vaccines primarily serving the manufacturers’ and lobbyists’ revenue, and of countless desperate parents whose children have fallen victim to this business scheme. He reveals that the first measles vaccine trials were conducted on children with severe mental and physical disabilities. These children had no lobby, their lives were considered unimportant and expendable to the system. In view of these scandals it is hard to believe that the pharmaceutical industry with its inhumane practices has anything good in mind for humanity." 

My only issue with Wakefield in this presentation is in his support of Chinese traditional medicine. Sharks, wales, pangalins, bear bile etc etc? No way!


Update 19th August 2023

 Shyster? WEF Psy-Op? Kook? Let's dive in to...The *One small town* Utopia idea created by Michael Tellinger.

 It is now being investigated by Reiner Fuellmich who thinks it’s a good idea but has said, he’ll look more into it. I listened to This Pod Cast on Reiner’s site today where he gave Tellinger a platform to speak and what jumped out at me from my GUT muscle was *Amway*. Younger folk might not know what that is but those of us who have been around the block a bit will. During the days of pyramid selling, Amway, an American company, devised a selling platform that was a *too good to be true* system of selling that it claimed was not pyramid selling and hoodwinked a lot of people. It was a success, but only for a chosen few.

 As soon as Tellinger spoke, I smelled something funny and throughout the presentation, I remained cautious about the man and his motives. There seems to be little info on his personal life, parents, siblings, family and friends etc and this only puts him in the Max Igan pigeonhole as far as I’m concerned. I could be wrong so I’ll proceed with an open mind.

 *One small town* is pushed as a way to fight the system by using the system and on the surface, it seems plausible but I’m not convinced. It’s not as simple as it’s presented and there are many questions still to be answered. People are now so afraid and desperate to find a way out of the WEF controlled world we’re currently enslaved in that they’re vulnerable and perhaps this is where Tellinger steps in to take personal advantage and make a killing? Perhaps not. Who knows? It could be that Mr. Ubuntu here is a major WEF puppet created to usher in a new system that will eventually fool the people into believing they control the show when in reality, it’s New World Order all along loading brain dead and desperate morons onto modern NAZI cyber box cars and carrying them to the next communist one world government under the guise of, *The people control it all.* Let’s watch and listen with interest before jumping in.

 A little about Tellinger:

“The Ubuntu Party was a minor South African political party founded in 2012 by author and songwriter Michael Tellinger. Based on the principles of Ubuntu Contributionism, the party espouses Tellinger's pseudolegal ideas. The party aimed to introduce 100% employment by closing down the South African Reserve Bank and replacing it with a people's bank that will grant interest-free home-loans, fund massive public works, and provide free electricity as Eskom, the state-owned electricity utility, is owned by the people of South Africa. They also plan to eliminate the necessity for government altogether. The party took part in the 2014 General Election at a national level. Second on their list of candidates was Stephen Goodson, leader of the Abolition of Income Tax and Usury Party, a former director of the South African Reserve Bank and controversial for his holocaust denial. In a 2020 social media post, the party noted it was no longer active in politics and had not contested an election since 2016.

Tellinger earned a degree in pharmacy, and then spent the 80s and 90s as a stage musical actor, film technician, and musician (he's released at least 13 CDs). The only place that calls him a "international authority on the origins of humankind " is his own site. If research is published by only one person, doubt it.

 Here's more:

 Here is the Pod Cast:

 One smalltown V 15 minute prisons 


Update 30th July 2023

 It's been a month since the last update in which Fuellmich claimed trials would start in two weeks but nothing since. I'm open on Fuellmich and some of the people he has on as many before him turned out to be Controlled Opposition and still are with many so-called awake still being hoodwinked by them. But of late, it seems Yeadon is apparently re-educating himself on the truth as opposed to the lies he was brainwashed with via his education. As you will see, he wants to not focus on viruses not existing, which will just create extra material in an already bloated investigation, but stick to closing down WEF, WHO etc so let's see how he goes on here.

 Updates here are as follows:

 1. Fuellmich and Mike Yeadon, Joseph Molitorisz and Meredith Miller on the fake pandemic and how fear is motivating people. Methods to fight back. This is a good concise production and suited for those not fully up to speed.


 2. This update concerns Sweden and how it's been totally taken over by WEF with the people subject to a 3rd Reich that never died.



Update 30th June 2023

 Reiner talks to Delingpole. Not my favourite person but a good interview with updates on the trials allegedly coming in the next two weeks.


 Update 19th June 2023

 Ex UN executive, Dr Calin Georgesku, turns whistle blower.

 View on ICIC website here:

  Reiner interviews Dr. Vernon Coleman.

 View on website here:

 Dr Reiner Fuellmich - New Zealand Maori vs. Plandemic.

 View on ICIC website here:


​ Update 23rd April 2023

 Professor Mike Yeadon ( Ex Pfizer) is struggling with his formal education and indoctrination re the false virus/germ theory lies. He seems to be onboard with the greatest lie ever told and now realises the covid pandemic and the mRNA killshots are both control and depopulation agendas.

 To support the lies of mainstream education, Here's Dr Stefan Lanka


   Update 17th March 2023

 Personality and major irreversible physiological changes from mRNA jabs. Dr Sucharit Bkakdi. Dr Naomi Wolf. Dr Reiner Fuellmich.


  Update 8th March 2023

 Swiss president, Berset named in lawsuit filed by British Swiss banker, Pascal Najadi versus Pfizer Inc and FDA with supreme court NY USA. Major breakthrough as more judges will be free to support the people without fear of disbarment or losing their jobs. The dominos are falling.


Update 23rd February 2023

 Reiner Fuellmich and Barrie Trower Absolute proof on microwave energy since the 1940s via documentation. Politicians and officials across the board guilty of criminal acts in hiding information from the public about 5G and HAARP technology. Note: I have my reservations about Barrie Trower owing to a number of his beliefs.

 1. He believes viruses, plagues etc, are dormant and laying in wait in the soil to be brought back alive and so is supporting the lie of virus/germ theory.

 2. He believes in satellites and space.

 3. He claims he told a court he could produce a HAARP ( High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program ) device yet when Reiner asked him what HAARP stood for, he couldn't answer.

 Part one:

 Part two:


   Update 20th February 2023

 Reiner Fuellmich, Patrick Wood and Joseph Molitorisz. Transhumanism. Their goal for us.


   Update 3rd February 2023

 Reiner Fuellmich meets with Pascal Najadi to discuss the incredible news that must surely bring down the whole house of cards as Swiss president has lawsuit filed against him.


   Update 4th December 2022

 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & the International Crimes Investigative Committee with Dani Henderson. These summaries are excellent. They're not only keeping us updated but helping those newly struggling awakeners to get a grip on all this by keeping things as layman as possible.

  Died Suddenly. A must watch if you want a future. Very graphic but essential for preventing more mass murders.


   Update 16th November 2022

 Reiner Fuellmich - Suddenly changed? Personality-changes after mRNA-injection and overwhelming evidence on the body before and after mRNA injections.

 Personality and cellular changes and the body before and after mRNA. There's no going back once you're jabbed...yet.


Update 14th November 2022

 Immense Legal Implications for politicians, police, judges, doctors, scientists and others who advised on and supported the Covid and Mrna jabs.


  Update 2nd October 2022

 Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. David Martin. The patents, which are all readily available to the public, prove without a shadow of a doubt, the corruption that has been going on for a long time and all judges who have failed to act on this blatant corruption across the board should all now face the same justice as the perpetrators.


   Update 30th September 2022

 Reiner Fuellmich has now broken away from his court of public opinion and is attempting to bring class actions suits against corporations, organisations and institutions, with judges in America who are prepared to do what it takes and are not afraid of the threats that have seen most judges petrified of the corrupt that would either disbar or even murder them.

 I have mixed views on Fuellmich and have aired them here and online. It's all very well wasting time on the legal side of things and claiming you don't agree with capital punishment as he does, but in the meantime, the globalist psychopaths are gearing up with speed and unleashing their weapons and methods at an alarming rate as we predicted. I do agree that Civil suits are the way to move forward over criminal suits as they're quicker and easier and would bankrupt many, thereby totally immobilising them, but this will take a long time and we can't afford that.

 Fuellmich was warned by us long ago about trying to bring actions in the mainstream judicial systems but has only recently taken it on board that you can't fight in systems owned by the enemy. That alone wasted much time. My other concern is his failure to realise that covid doesn't actually exist but in name only and that viruses are not contagious.

 In a recent interview with Stew Peters, he condensed a lot of things, putting them in layman's terms, which served well to have most people understand, but ruined the final seconds of the interview by spouting god and universal creator nonsense saying that this invisible alleged entity would come to our aid. More time wasting as the New World Order illuminati are now in such desperation that the threat to our existence is becoming extremely grave. There is no time to waste on these fairytales about gods and creators. We must act now by working at local levels to remove the oligarch's protectors. These monsters have already built huge bunker cities for themselves and their chosen to survive many nuclear winters and will stop at nothing in completing their depopulation agendas before hiding away, giving them the opportunity to regroup in the future with greater knowledge.

 Short video on his leaving corona committee:

 Stew Peters inteviews Fuellmich here:

 50 Lawyers. Jabs designed to kill populations.

 The Patents that prove the plandemic

 Science summit uncensored


 Update: 8th June 2022

 This is nothing new. We've been pointing out who really controls all world governments for years and finally, the word is spreading. Here, Prof Michel Chussodovsky is interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich and in an excellent and concise explanation, talks of the deep state that controls all governments, institutions and organisations Hell bent on destroying world economies in order to depopulate and control the 500 million they see as being the maximum population on earth after culling billions.


Update: 28th May 2022

 I'm not a fan of Alex Jones and after this latest effort, wherein he supports Fuellmich in not advocating violence on all the evil perpetrators of this New World Order plandemic mass murder depopulation and global control agenda that's been in the planning for hundreds of years, my respect for him, which is pretty much zero as it is with all who profit from the misery of their fellow humans, is now even lower. My opinion is that the pure evil of Fauci, Schwab, Gates, Rothschild, monarchies and all the papal bloodline families and their puppet politicians and scientists, amongst many others, is that they should all be wiped off the face of this earth and keeping them alive serves no purpose whatsoever.

 Fuellmich and Jones: Here.

 Fuellmich and Jorn Berninger: Here.


Update: 4th May 2022

 New updates include Phase 2 and other short productions in which Reiner seeks to condense the 6 days in more layman terms and talks of class actions in the regular judicial systems against the perpetrators of the huge crimes against humanity; those class actions being impossible at present in his home country of Germany as the totally corrupt government owns and controls the judicial system. I and others warned Fuellmich that the efforts of himself and Dr Martin, along with Michael O'Bernicia and Simon Dolan amongst others in trying to fight this within the current corrupt judicial systems was futile and wasteful of time and money. It's nice to see he finally admits this is the case. He is confident that many judges in the USA are now coming onboard and class actions will soon begin.

 Phase 2 is here:

 Many morevideos here:

 This may be a better place to begin for most before delving into the full 6 days of testimonies from the many experts in their fields.

 There is also a production with attorney Todd Callender. Pointing out that the AIDS pandemic, caused by mRNA jabs, is just starting to surface.


   The Court of Public Opinion

 Day 1. Court of public opinion.

 Day 2. Every new jab creates a new variant.

 Day 3. PCR testing.

 Day 4. Injections and psychological warfare.

 Day 5. Economical and financial destruction.

 Day 6. Eugenics and outlook.

 Day 8. Closing statements.

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