
Ponders are a collection of quotes and sayings I coined over the years, the earliest being in the 1990s. They are not in any kind of order.

Do not stand under. Do not comply. Do not obey. Do not pay taxes. Do not apply for licences. Do not ask for permission. The only way to be free is to Be Free. There's a tipping point wherein the few who control the many will be frozen by fear of the majority. That tipping point is close and gets closer with every individual who has the courage to refuse to be enslaved.

On the deep level. Nothing and no one really exists. It's all just a single energy force manifesting as dreams.

If you demand organic food, it will come and its name will change back to just food.

Because of AI, no photograph, image or movie can be trusted to be true. The Illuminati have succeeded in the most part of creating confusion, chaos and suspicion in the partly awakened. They've fully exposed themselves to the awakened and completely hoodwinked the programmed sheep that vote for their puppet politicians who are all wings on the same WEF bird.

Cognitive dissonance stops programmed compliants delving into the truth.

Nothing and no one within the Westminster system can change that system to become honest, moral and support the majority because it survives and is protected by the corruption it was built upon. It's a cash cow for league division one criminals.

The biggest problem? We're talking to the fucking wall instead of demolishing it.

Males and females have equally important roles to play in life and each are specifically designed to fulfil those roles.

In this fight against evil tyranny, spare a thought for your sheep friends who will stab you in the back and remember... You can't reason with lemmings going over cliffs.

When the beast comes knocking on your door, be prepared for your friends to desert you and strangers to stand at your side.

I fight for and with the lions and for the children. The traitor back stabbing sheep have made their beds.

Those who have mocked us for years will soon beg our help. They will learn via experience just like we did.

Tarring everyone with the same brush proves one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt... You take rank with the enemy who controls you.

As we step into 2024 there is a real pandemic that has been created by the few who really control this earth. It's called cognitive dissonance.

The royal honours system is designed to manipulate the weak minds of those in positions of influence. I call them Judas goats.

Meat is just ants on another level of vibration.

The Jew cabal will slaughter their own race to achieve their goal.

The job of the religious has always been to throw everyone under the bus.

You know your nation is doomed by counting how many sheep are hiding behind their sofas watching TV news.

What better way to control and enslave the world than by having it fight amongst itself rather than against the enemy that makes it fight against itself.

It might be painful but better to lose the jabbed and increase the pure bloods than carry the enemy's enslaved puppets.

Those who still believe the political left and right are NOT wings on the same bird are enslaved puppets of that bird and without doubt, the enemy of the free world.

Over diagnosing is the road to hypochondria.

As we age, our fists and our physical strength is replaced by our wisdom and our tongues.

The human manifestation of spirit experiences via the contrast of good and evil. Without one there is nothing to measure against and in consequence, nothing to experience.

Extremely heavy things were lifted using frequency levitation before the past resets. Fine artwork on buildings and in statues were created using stone lasers. The realms beyond the ice walls and barriers were closed for a reason. We will go there when the beast is slain.

How easy is proving corruption when the judicial system is run by the corrupt?

You can tell how much fear is controlling people via the amount of brainwashed morons who increase their social media posting of god shit.

The judicial systems: Corruption and perversion at the highest levels sets standards for the lowest levels.

What you think about NOW shapes the Now you experience now.

The box cars heading for the concentration camps aren't on rails anymore. They're mobile phones and TVs.

The truth doesn't have many followers because currently, the truth is too painful.

You can live alongside the beast that's programmed to kill and devour you with a mutual respect for nature but what you can't do is live WITH that beast because that only leads to carnage.

Satan, like God, are simply excuses born of the blame mind of human consciousness.

Protests are nothing more than a bunch of people standing in the road whining and moaning and asking permission of their enslavers.

Given everything is carbon based then net zero should be called suicide.

One thing the elite types will never know or understand is true loyalty born out of true love for their own kind. Something the working class have in abundance.

There's a pathway with mud on either side. People still wonder why their boots are constantly messed up.

Major politicians, scientists, Doctors, judges, pigs and other #nwo puppets are going to be suicided by their masters... The Papal Bloodline Families.

The belief that Covid actually exists is the proof that you're not really awake yet.

The political systems convince voting morons that stockpiles are shortages.

Millions will leave this life carrying the regrets of their ignorance and stupidity in trusting their governments, TVs, media, education and medical institutions; their souls tattooed by the poison needles. Yet many will leave still believing the lies.

Voters in the current systems are the most dangerous and destructive animals on the planet.

Most people are not racist but MSM brainwashes most people to believe that most people are.

The people who pray to their invented god's suffer the same amount of shit as the people who have no gods and don't pray to fictitious concepts so why pray?

Good and evil can exist with or without religion and it's Gods and Devils and is reliant on neither.

Your success on social media is measured by the number of hypocrite moron sheep that unfollow or block you. Truth hurts.

Australia is what happens when you obey dictatorial regimes.

Billions are forever complaining about their enslavement and abuse yet they continue to vote for systems that create that very thing.

The purebloods will leave a legacy to be proud of.

The most powerful thing in existence is thought. Everything starts from it. No one can choose them for you. They are yours exclusively. Don't abuse them.

Self preservation is the strongest of all natural instincts.

Jabs? You must have the latest operating system or your programs won't work.

There's nothing more destructive than someone who is only partly awake.

When a hungry tiger wanders into your village you don't feed it your babies. You kill the tiger.

The longer morons try to talk and vote their way out of tyranny, the worse it gets.

The sheep are Mr Smith.

When the water in a fish tank is killing the fish, you don't keep adding new fish. You dump the water and refill it with clean water.

Life is as long as your last thought before you transition to your next level of consciousness.

All so called leaders are puppets and will remain so until the papal bloodlines are ashes.

If everything is this god's will then why do anything? Might as well just stand in a field chewing grass.

Communists are morons who have fuck all and want to share it with everyone else and communist leaders are cunts who have everything and don't want to share it with any fucker.

The military is owned by the New World Order papal bloodlines. If it wasn't then the New World Order papal bloodlines wouldn't exist.

Patriots are nothing more than blind disciples.

Governments worldwide are all singing the same tune with those who vote in them believing their votes work when in reality, they're simply replacing the New World Order puppets that have been installed in all parties.

The Enemy is Exposed by its Attempts to Silence The Truth.

Trump is one of those cancers that grows inside you without you knowing, until it's too late because you gave that cancer an environment to thrive in.

I can't help but notice how God fearing cheek turning religious people are bombing the fuck out of each other's babies.

Truth is a dirty word amongst those who feast on lies.

The greatest enemy is the ignorance and stupidity of your tribe.

People who vote are like theatre goers who pay to watch make believe.

The love of money is the root of all ostrich head behaviour.

The Bill Gates jab is designed to create autoimmune disease. In that way, the blame for depopulation lays squarely on the shoulders of the jab volunteers.

The only road to real freedom is the one drenched with the blood of the papal bloodlines.

Regrets won't fix your Vaxed body.

The police are defending the master that's sacrificing them and their families.

Fear motivates to the point of removing all common sense and intelligence.

The universe is as big as thought makes it.

We will start the process of real freedom when the majority completely ignore the government and its corrupt masonic establishment and start living free.

There's more chance of a camel passing through the eye of a needle than that of an honest man or women being allowed a place and a voice in the Westminster and Whitehouse systems.

The most powerful thing we have in any fight is thought.

Once we cross that bridge from enslavement to freedom and taste the first blood of our former abusers, wild horses will not drag us from the cleansing.

Bob Dylan's final words will be, I was taking the piss all along.

Covid? Things that don't exist can't stand up in court.

Restricting travel and increasing security makes it harder for assassins to do their jobs properly.

A real pandemic can be guaged on funeral director's recruitment drives.

The survivors will be the so called conspiracy theorists who are really #OMITs.

You vote? One's Kith and kin are being murdered and the murderers are being embraced.

Stupidity is the new fashion statement.

As a child I played amongst the scrap planes, vehicles and equipment from world war 2 with no feeling other than I wished I'd been there in the great patriotic adventure I'd been brainwashed into believing it was.

When people are their own government there is real freedom.

The government, within the system ingrates vote for, will continue to create acts and statutes that make the truth lies while they force people to believe their lies as truth.

Desperation makes bad liars worse liars.

Politicians say it, but the people enforce it.

We've reached the point where talk is pointless. Their agenda is genocide, our agenda is self preservation and self defense as nature intended.

The only normal we should be fighting for is one in which if we don't steal, hurt or kill then we're left the fuck alone to live our lives without license or permission.

We are gradually heading towards the day when cop killers will be hero freedom fighters.

The legislation of the written and spoken word ultimately leads to the erosion of freedom of speech and expression.

The biggest challenge the brainwashed have is in not realising they're brainwashed so the challenge never presents itself.

We are already free. It's just that many choose not to be.

Legislation is the beast's greatest weapon in a society that's afraid of its government.

The elite oligarch cull can only start at local level. The enemy is amongst you.

If you don't research and investigate then you're not misinformed or uninformed... You're blind to knowledge that's waiting for you.

Our online friends are restricted to those we know personally. Everyone else is just pixels on a screen.

Information is not sealed by governments to protect national security. It's sealed to hide the truth and protect the guilty.

Planting seeds in dead soil is pointless.

The New World Order goal will be easy for them if you allow it. Compliants will destroy each other.

You're not born and you don't die. You just believe you do.

People who really care about their fellow human beings don't seek to profit from their misery.

The government repeatedly takes away your freedoms and gives you back a portion of them until eventually, you have no freedoms at all and you don't even notice.

The problem now is that most people don't remember when they got sick and allowed their bodies and minds to fix it like it was designed to do because they never have.

I manifest into human consciousness to be human. Why would I do that to not be?

Extremely heavy things were lifted using frequency levitation before the past resets. Fine artwork on buildings and in statues was created using stone lasers. The flat earth realms beyond the ice walls and barriers were closed for a reason. We will go there when the beast is slain.

How easy is proving corruption when the judicial system is run by the corrupt?

You can tell how much fear is controlling people via the amount of brainwashed morons who increase their social media posting of god shit.

The judicial systems: Corruption and perversion at the highest levels sets standards for the lowest levels.

What you think about NOW shapes the Now you experience now.

The box cars heading for the concentration camps aren't on rails anymore. They're mobile phones and TVs.

The truth doesn't have many followers because currently, the truth is too painful.

You can live alongside the beast that's programmed to kill and devour you with a mutual respect for nature but what you can't do is live WITH that beast because that only leads to carnage.

Satan, like God, are simply excuses born of the blame mind of human consciousness.

Protests are nothing more than a bunch of people standing in the road whining and moaning and asking permission of their enslavers.

Given everything is carbon based then net zero should be called suicide.

One thing the elite types will never know or understand is true loyalty born out of true love for their own kind. Something the working class have in abundance.

There's a pathway with mud on either side. People still wonder why their boots are constantly messed up.

Major politicians, scientists, Doctors, judges, pigs and other New World Order puppets are going to be suicided by their masters... The Papal Bloodline Families.

The belief that Covid actually exists is the proof that you're not really awake yet.

The political systems convince voting morons that stockpiles are shortages.

Millions will leave this life carrying the regrets of their ignorance and stupidity in trusting their governments, TVs, media, education and medical institutions; their souls tattooed by the poison needles. Yet many will leave still believing the lies.

Voters in the current systems are the most dangerous and destructive animals on the planet.

Most people are not racist but MSM brainwashes most people to believe that most people are.

The people who pray to their invented gods suffer the same amount of shit as the people who have no gods and don't pray to fictitious concepts so why pray?

Good and evil can exist with or without religion and its Gods and Devils and is reliant on neither.

Your success on social media is measured by the number of hypocrite moron sheep that unfollow or block you. Truth hurts.

Australia is what happens when you obey dictatorial regimes.

Billions are forever complaining about their enslavement and abuse yet they continue to vote for systems that create that very thing.

The purebloods will leave a legacy to be proud of.

The most powerful thing in existence is thought. Everything starts from it. No one can choose them for you. They are yours exclusively. Don't abuse them.

Self preservation is the strongest of all natural instincts.

Jabs? You must have the latest operating system or your programs won't work?

There's nothing more destructive than someone who is only partly awake.

When a hungry tiger wanders into your village you don't feed it your babies. You kill the tiger.

The longer morons try to talk and vote their way out of tyranny, the worse it gets.

The sheep are Mr Smith.

When the water in a fish tank is killing the fish, you don't keep adding new fish. You dump the water and refill it with clean water.

Life is as long as your last thought before you transition to your next level of consciousness.

All so called leaders are puppets and will remain so until the papal bloodlines are ashes.

If everything is this god's will then why do anything? Might as well just stand in a field chewing grass.

Communists are morons who have fuck all and want to share it with everyone else and communist leaders are cunts who have everything and don't want to share it with any fucker.

The military is owned by the New World Order papal bloodlines. If it wasn't then the New World Order papal bloodlines wouldn't exist.

Patriots are nothing more than blind disciples of a non-existent god and fake political leaders.

Governments worldwide are all singing the same tune with those who vote in them believing their votes work when in reality; they're simply replacing the New World Order puppets that have been installed in all parties.

The Enemy is Exposed by its Attempts to Silence The Truth.

Trump is one of those cancers that grows inside you without you knowing, until it's too late because you gave that cancer an environment to thrive in.

I can't help but notice how God fearing cheek turning religious people are bombing the fuck out of each other's babies.

Truth is a dirty word amongst those who feast on lies.

The greatest enemy is the ignorance and stupidity of your tribe.

People who vote are like theatre goers who pay to watch make believe.

The love of money is the root of all ostrich head behaviour.

The Bill Gates jab is designed to create autoimmune disease. In that way, the blame for depopulation lays squarely on the shoulders of the jab volunteers.

The only road to real freedom is one drenched with the blood of the papal bloodlines.

Regrets won't fix your Vaxed body.

The police are defending the master that's sacrificing them and their families.

Fear motivates to the point of removing all common sense and intelligence.

The universe is as big as thought makes it.

We will start the process of real freedom when the majority completely ignore the government and its corrupt masonic establishment and start living free.

There's more chance of a camel passing through the eye of a needle than that of an honest man or women being allowed a place and a voice in the Westminster and Whitehouse systems.

The most powerful thing we have in any fight is thought.

Once we cross that bridge from enslavement to freedom and taste the first blood of our former abusers, wild horses will not drag us from the cleansing.

Bob Dylan's final words will be, I was taking the piss all along.

Covid? Things that don't exist can't stand up in court.

Restricting travel and increasing security makes it harder for assassins to do their jobs properly.

The plandemic can be guaged on funeral director's recruitment drives.

The survivors will be the conspiracy theorists.

One's Kith and kin are being murdered and the murderers are being embraced.

Ignorance and stupidity is the new fashion statement.

As a child I played amongst the scrap planes, vehicles and equipment from world war 2 with no feeling other than I wished I'd been there in the great patriotic adventure I'd been brainwashed into believing it was.

When people are their own government there is real freedom.

The government, within the system ingrates vote for, will continue to create acts and statutes that make the truth lies while they force people to believe their lies as truth.

Desperation makes bad liars worse liars.

Politicians say it, but the people enforce it.

We've reached the point where talk is pointless. Their agenda is genocide, our agenda is self preservation and self defense as nature intended.

The only normal we should be fighting for is one in which if we don't steal, hurt or kill then we're left the fuck alone to live our lives without license or permission.

We are gradually heading towards the day when cop killers will be hero freedom fighters.

The legislation of the written and spoken word ultimately leads to the erosion of freedom of speech and expression.

The biggest challenge the brainwashed have is in not realising they're brainwashed so the challenge never presents itself.

We are already free. It's just that many choose not to be.

Legislation is the beast's greatest weapon in a society that's afraid of its government.

The elite oligarch cull can only start at local level. The enemy is amongst you.

Planting seeds in dead soil is pointless.

The nwo goal will be easy for them if you allow it. Compliants will destroy each other.

You're not born and you don't die. You just believe you do.

People who really care about their fellow human beings don't seek to profit from their misery.

The government repeatedly takes away your freedoms and gives you back a portion of them until eventually, you have no freedoms at all and you don't even notice.

The problem now is that most people don't remember when they got sick and allowed their bodies and minds to fix it like it was designed to do because they never have.

I manifest into human consciousness to be human. Why would I do that to not be?

History is simply the thought that creates it now and now is the thought that creates it now.

We are a carbon based manifestation of spirit that devours carbon.

The Observer is the creator of the observed.

The best crime prevention is criminals in total fear of not having police and courts to protect them.

Cop killer is no longer a dirty word.

What's so great about a concept called God that's nothing more than a spectator?

The enslavers control via the ignorance of the enslaved.

The only thing Trump will deliver is you - Into the hands of Orsini.

You can play in the sandpit of human manifestation while basking in the freedom of illusion.

The only thing that really exists is the observation of reality, at whatever level of observation of reality is observed, by the observer.

So called laws are unenforceable when the majority break them.

Gods are concepts used for control. That's why they were invented.

Spiritual searcher? Find The Observer and you'll understand that there is nothing more to question.

White people will be blamed for the race wars that black people started on behalf of George Soros.

Do not be like 1930s Jews. Do not get on the trains. Do not join the queues.

You can't have fresh drinking water if you allow turds to float around in it. That's what your water treatment plants are.

The challenge is realising who the enemy are and not succumbing to the brainwashing by those we believe are our allies, when in truth, they are the enemy pouring out of Trojan horses.

Black people have a valid reason to be racist. It's the same reason white people have. It's called fear and it's a control agenda.

Our experience is shaped by our observation of our experience and the beliefs we choose based on those beliefs.

Everyone is just a lonely god in a game of hide and seek for one.

Hate crime is for the weak minded who define themselves by their victim status.

A godless society is a concept because god is.

The weak and insipid who bathe in and push apathy for free are not far removed from the evil and powerful that peddle it for profit.

Never take your eye off the ball and even though it seems you might miss, always take a swing at it. You might be surprised.

A dangerous man is one who regurgitates advice without questioning it.

The best entertainment are deluded truthers.

Removing the memory of history is the true BLM agenda and its puppets are too thick to realise.

The world is being disinfected to kill your immune system.

When the majority of a brainwashed populace believe the police are there to protect and serve them, it's time to take a break from MSM and learn to investigate the truth.

The only pathogens to be concerned about are people who vote for their abusers.

TV has drip fed ingrates with the most powerful drug; their own minds.

The world is full of very well educated highly allegedly intelligent people struggling hard to become fools.

Retards who vote for corrupt Masonic governments that treat them like retards should not complain. They asked for it.

Retards vote for corrupt Masonic governments to create laws that suit the agendas of corrupt Masonic governments.

Compartmentalisation of institutions and organisations is designed to keep the truth within a very small circle of liars.

People are no longer prepared to die fighting for truth and decency. They choose to die by the hand of the oligarch elite slave masters they vote for.

Freemasonry is how the elite cabal police their puppets.

It's a sick world wherein an abused populace votes for its own enslavement.

Voters in UK and USA systems are no different than dogs being dragged along on a leash.

Governments love wars. Let's give them a people's one they'll never see the end of.

You can't overcome a corrupt political and judicial system by using that same system.

A PhD doesn't automatically equate to intelligence. State Education is basically Read. Retain. Regurgitate without questioning. It creates compliant state robots. Nothing more.

Governments care so much about the environment they prop up the plastics industry via taxing people instead of totally banning plastic bags and using hemp products.

Unless I know you personally, you're nothing more than pixels on a screen.

You can't vote out corruption when the system is owned by the corrupt.

Without exception, all who accept royal honours are the lowest form of consciousness.

Knighthoods are about pleasing the monarchy. What does that tell you about the monarchy?

You can't vote your way out of a system owned and controlled by psychopaths.

Most young people are simply retards with educational qualifications. Read. Retain. Regurgitate.

There'll be no real freedom or democracy in UK until the monarchy and it's Westminster system are bad memories of a past that was total enslavement.

New World Order Illuminati Masonic cabal via Mainstream Media has created millions of victims with no selfworth who think the world owes them.

If you refuse to even investigate then you remain ignorant by default.

You create the gurus you bow down to.

The truth will not set you free. Acting on the truth will.

All religious tomes are simply instruction manuals for the enslaved weak of mind.

If it's the truth then you can be sure the brainwashed 99% will carry out the wishes of the 1% in trying to silence it.

Reality is nothing more than your observation of it.

My dream is to see royalty, politicians and lords in their entirety dragged from their houses of filth and slaughtered on the streets, becoming nothing more than the bad memory of a nightmare never to be repeated.

Monarchies were built on ancestral murder and theft and continue to survive via the brainwashing of retards with weak minds.

The only fit President or PM will be the ones the people actually *elect* rather than believe they've elected in sham systems owned and controlled by oppressor dictators within systems that have people convinced their votes do anything but keep them brainwashed.

Let's not censor and legislate the written and spoken word that eventually leads to erosion of freedom of speech and expression. Let's develop bullet proof self-worth.

The world is brimming with well educated idiots.

A modern troll is someone who is created by noodles who don't like others to have opinions.

Wake up. Tune in. Drop out.

You can't fix a corrupt political system by using that corrupt political system.

The interpretation of the written and spoken word is the responsibility of the interpreter.

Labels are the must have brainwashing these days.

God and Satan are not all powerful beings that live in the sky. They're simply the thoughts and deeds of the brainwashed mind.

Mainstream Media and its followers have descended into something resembling a mental hospital where the staff are crazier than the patients.

It is a basic human right according to nature to treat one’s own health and wellbeing using anything nature offers up.

Many angry emotional outbursts are the result of challenging cognitive dissonance.

The pharmaceutical industry makes money for the 1% by keeping you alive for as long as it can as it kills you very slowly.

Twitter users don't follow those who smash their delusions.

The bible is a text book on how to live and specially written by men for the weak of mind and easily led.

Orthodox medicine doesn't want to kill you, but it's controlled by those who do.

White English people are the new niggers.

A proper education system nurtures individual talent, which creates a natural balance.

Dead dictators can't abuse you.

An unarmed populace is no threat to its oppressor.

The closer we get to revolution the more the beast will entice us via false philanthropy.

Sheep believe their choices are limited by the shepherd they chose.

It matters not your level of education. If you support the British monarchy you are a complete imbecile.

You can't fight and beat the NOW illuminati Masonic cabal from their own houses. Burn Westminster and Whitehouse systems.

When there's nothing left to know about your own self deceit you play in the sand pit.

People are being bred as victims because victims are easy to control.

Everything that seems to exist is nothing more than the thought that creates it all.

It's difficult to wake up when you don't know you're alseep, but not impossible.

A corrupt establishment that creates so-called laws to protect its corruption has to increasingly create new laws to reinforce the protection they offer.

The survival of the Westminster and Whitehouse systems is dependent on how awake the populace is.

The collective consciousness experiences what it believes.

The more corrupt an establishment becomes the more ludicrous its increasing *laws* to protect that corruption.

The world is run by the 99% who vote for the 1% to abuse them.

Charities are like cancer. Totally unnecessary and kept alive by abominations.

What if the you that you don't really know is you as the you you are now is the dream maker that creates every level of consciousness you see and yet sometimes don't see even though the you you don't realise is you knows it?

The job of the police is to control crime. Are you getting it yet?

Corrupt Masonic governments tell us that violence is not the way, as they control us with violence.

Jews, Christians and Islam are nothing more than cockroaches controlled by Orsini.

When art demands a high price it becomes garbage.

There's always something coming out of a perceived nothing.

The definition of hypocrisy: The difference between humans and animals is that humans believe they're civilised.

The majority of the people on Earth are slowly committing suicide and they're either too stupid or too brainwashed to realise.

Birth and death are beliefs that reside in the imaginings of The Observer from a point of constant now.

Everyone has mental health problems in comparison to everyone else.

The legislation of the written and spoken word is a creation of the deep state and designed to erode freedom of speech and expression.

People who cure the cancers of others for free are jailed.

In the arena of human consciousness, the spirit (You) manifests into human consciousness as a unique piece of the eternal jigsaw. Each piece has an agenda to make the puzzle whole.

It's always the job of spirit manifest to simply BE what it was designed to be.

People follow the herd because they're afraid not to. It's not rocket science.

You are both the puzzle and each individual unique piece.

You don't have to ascend to your spiritual source; it's always right there with you.

The world is a compartmentalised cage.

There is only one thought. It's continuous. Everything within that thought is a belief by that thought.

Why do people put their paper qualifications on their social media profiles? Everyone knows that intelligence has nothing to do with education.

Art is just personally compelled expression.

While everyone is busy arguing politics, the NWO Illuminati Masonic cabal are getting on with creating new ways to keep the masses busy arguing over politics while they plunder.

The majority aren't truth pioneers because they're afraid of what others think of them and don't want to appear crazy.

The path to one contrast is via another. Without both there would be nothing to measure either.

The world will only be healed after god mentality is history.

The job of a socialist government within the Westminster system has always been to appease the masses with scraps from the ruling classes table until they've settled down and lost their revolution mentality.

Hate speech is just the opinion of those who create the acts and statutes surrounding it for their own agendas.

While others beg for more followers, I rejoice in losing them because I know I've rubbed raw nerves and raw nerves hate the truth.

Everything is vibrational and predatory.

Survival via pharmaceutical drugs creates an inferior model as each generation evolves, both physically and mentally.

To ensure your kids grow into healthy adults you've got to stop killing 99.9%of all known germs.

Inheritance tax is a means of keeping the majority in a place of enslavement with the inability for each generation to progress and improve.

Many people define themselves by their self created victim status.

Giving to charities and research organisations is not going to beat cancer and other symptoms.

Why use suicide bombers when you can murder millions via curry house radical cooks?

People who vote in the Westminster system are like idiots swimming amongst sharks looking for one that won't eat them.

The IRA were a puppet of MI5 and CIA. They were controlled by freemasonry. If the New IRA are any different and actually genuine, they won't target innocent men women and children; they'll hit Westminster, monarchy and the filthy elite ruling classes of the Masonic and corrupt UK establishment.

There are no honest people working from within the Westminster and Whitehouse systems telling you the truth because they're all swearing allegiance to the owners and controllers of those systems who create the lies the politicians spew to the populace constantly.

Being offended is the responsibility of those who haven't yet discovered they're just as capable as anyone else to develop self worth.

When a social media platform censors you it erodes your freedom of speech and expression becoming nothing more than the enemy pulling your strings.

The mouse is mightier than the sword.

If you don't say what you feel now for fear of ridicule, imagine how you're going to feel when you realise you should've said it because you were right.

People who vote choose their own oppression and abuse.

All cops are automatically guilty of gross misconduct by virtue of their loyalty and allegiance.

The problem with the human manifestation of consciousness is that as a kid, your head is older than your body then when you become old your body is older than your head.

When the cabal turn off the power and there's no TV, the people will start thinking for themselves.

Racism is designed to create divide and mostly doesn't exist.

Hemp wasn't a problem until the pharmaceutical industry got a foothold.

If loving gods existed they would not be spectators.

Human rights are nothing but privileges given to you by an abusive oppressor you believe you vote into power to do as you say.

The cabal will flee when Vatican libraries are plundered and shared.

Nothing is more powerful than a mother whose child is threatened with harm.

Continually asking yourself what the government will allow you to do? You're a slave.

Education does not necessarily equate to intelligence. All royalists are ingrates.

Better to be enslaved by force knowing the truth than voluntarily put on your own shackles through ignorance.

If you read the newspaper knowing it's your enemy, you're studying your enemy.

The more so called *laws* created by the corrupt masonic establishment, the more so called *laws* there are to break.

Perhaps the meaning of life is to be born and immediately start deteriorating at varied speeds and intensities.

The owners and controllers of the Westminster and Whitehouse systems have had you squabbling for centuries over who the managers of their systems should be while they reap power and wealth and you believe voting affords you freedom to control.

The holy bible is an instruction manual for slaves.

The survivors will be the conspiracy theorists.

One's Kith and kin are being murdered and the murderers are being embraced.

Stupidity is the new fashion statement.

As a child I played amongst the scrap planes, vehicles and equipment from world war 2 with no feeling other than I wished I'd been there in the great patriotic adventure I'd been brainwashed into believing it was.

When people are their own government there is real freedom.

The government, within the system ingrates vote for, will continue to create acts and statutes that make the truth lies while they force people to believe their lies as truth.

Desperation makes bad liars worse liars.

Politicians say it, but the people enforce it.

We've reached the point where talk is pointless. Their agenda is genocide, our agenda is self preservation and self defence as nature intended.

The only normal we should be fighting for is one in which if we don't steal, hurt or kill then we're left the fuck alone to live our lives without license or permission.

We are gradually heading towards the day when cop killers will be hero freedom fighters.

The legislation of the written and spoken word ultimately leads to the erosion of freedom of speech and expression.

The biggest challenge the brainwashed have is in not realising they're brainwashed so the challenge never presents itself.

We are already free. It's just that many choose not to be.

Legislation is the beast's greatest weapon in a society that's afraid of its government.

The elite oligarch cull can only start at local level. The enemy is amongst you.

Islam is a nematode. It doesn't care where it feeds. Its goal is to eventually destroy its host and survive alone.

Doesn't matter the religion. All believers are brainwashed puppets of their abusive fellow man who control them.

It is what it is to whoever it is to.

The problem with colour prejudice is; where does black and white start and stop?

Humans are tribal by nature. Respecting each others tribalism and not being invasive is the true way of peace.

All religions are control platforms for the New World Order using the mentally retarded as tools.

Gods were created out of the first conscious thoughts of man. Before conscious thought there were no conscious thoughts.

2017 review: I've never seen so many able disabled people.

Don't vote. Opt out. Get free.

Improvements in police crime detection have been totally overshadowed by police corruption.

If I join others in their misery, am I not simply adding to the misery in the world?

Non-agreement and dislike is now a crime. It's classified as hate and everyone who votes in the Westminster system has created this erosion of freedom of speech and expression.

Governments are denying people food because hemp in all its forms is food.

If people realised how much power they possessed in boycotting they'd see how much control they have in the marketplace.

We manifest into human consciousness, which is one of contrast,without which there would be no means to measurement, hence, there will always be inequality, good and evil, but let's create a world where abject poverty and obscene wealth doesn't exist.

Your choices today create your reality tomorrow. Understanding, of course, that The future is always now.

The human consciousness manifests into a contrast platform.

Hemp has always been the way forward, but we must not legislate it into the hands of governments.

I used to ask, Where is their compassion, until I realised; evil has no room for good.

Money can buy you what you want, but not always what you need.

People don't really want the truth. They want their beliefs reinforced.

Life is a series of warnings and examples and no one takes any notice.

The earth is neither round nor flat - It's simply a belief.

People vote for socialist parties, still not realising they're NWO Illuminati appeasers to dumb down revolutions.

My ultimate goal is to be the healthiest corpse that goes into the oven.

People are constantly trying to fix the party when it's the system that's broken.

The 99% are the niggers of the world.

The legalisation of cannabis is simply governments taking the people for another ride.

Mainstream Media survives via the emotions it stirs up in the sheep that lap it up.

How can the UK police institution ever be properly investigated when the investigating bodies are controlled by freemasonry?

People who create laws to put themselves above the law do so because they're breaking the law.

So-called rights are not forced upon you to protect you, but more to control you.

Those who support the monarchy as we move out of the dark ages won't be left behind-they'll follow the monarchy.

Inciting the masses to fight with each other via Mainstream Media is a New World Order Illuminati agenda.

The New World Order Illuminati and monarchy are the lowest form of humanity yet the masses pander to them not realising that this universe is rich and there is plenty for everyone if they would only stop this pandering.

The desert is every bit as important as the jungle to maintain a natural balance. Leave them alone.

f everyone possessed adequate self worth hate issues would be as rare as hens teeth.

The erosion of freedom of speech & expression grows via the sheep that vote for the legislation of the written & spoken word.

If you repeatedly feed the tiger that worries your village it will never go away.

The constant creation of new laws does not protect you, but rather, controls you.

Reality is simply the belief in itself.

The human reality is just one of countless levels of consciousness born of the observer.

The Vatican must be razed and its inhabitants slain. Its wealth distributed.

The monarchy must be razed. Its inhabitants slain. Its wealth distributed.

Westminster must be razed. Its inhabitants slain. Its wealth distributed.

Every priest hole must be exposed ; the contents burned.

Every place of concept worship must be razed. The supporters turned to ash.

Americans are mostly the runts of the British litter.

Even Tesla was off the mark. The ultimate energy source is thought; observation. The wellspring of all creation is thought.

Beware the spiritual entrepreneurs who tell you to be silent and watching. They'll take your money as they spoon feed you apathy.

While the majority still believe the Westminster system is the way to real freedom and democracy, this nation will be enslaved and abused.

People who tend to look for reasons why things won't work are the ideal candidates for elite machine control.

Until the collective consciousness reaches a critical mass it will continue with the self abuse.

Religious people get and deserve everything religion has to offer.

Chemtrails are designed to make you forget what they are so you can be controlled, abused and murdered.

The world will be fixed when the collective consciousness agrees on a common ground of observation.

All who work from the Westminster system are deluded in that they can take that system from NWO elite and control it via the majority.

Voting in the Westminster system is like joining The Mob and expecting them to hand themselves in to the law.

The monarchy are the tumour that keeps Britain cancerous.

Recognition is only required by those of low self worth.

The perceived world is the collective consciousness. Hence the current perception.

The Westminster system is the little watch swinging back and forth, keeping the weak of mind entranced.

A UK democracy is like god. It's a concept that brainwashes the weak of mind.

Westminster system: A bunch of cross party back scratching elite machine robots that tell you what they're going to do without ever doing it.

Each minute you experience contains the potential to create countless outcomes.

Everything is a construct of the mind. The mind is a construct of the observer. The observer always operates from now.

Everything exists from a single thought at a constant point of observation that is always now.

Racism, like religion, is a control agenda that censors and prohibits freedom of speech and expression.

The way to change is always via the food that feeds the need for change.

Politicians spend their lives reading off dummy cards whilst pretending not to.

Freemasonry is the medium through which the elite machine agendas are brought to fruition.

If we're ever hoping to overcome the corrupt UK establishment that is Jesuit owned and run out of the Westminster system then we must smash the medium through which it operates by killing freemasonry.

Governments want you to believe they don't want hemp legalised so you will buy into their hidden agendas of legalisation with their control.

Well done UK gov. You have succeeded in narrowing the gap between yourselves and league division one criminals to zero.

Cannabis should share the same classification as any other herb. Take away its value and enhance its worth.

It's always what it is according to the observer.

UK laws are created, altered and amended in accordance with the corrupt who create and use them to protect and manage their corruption.

People continue to enslave themselves by voting in systems that create acts, laws and statutes that increasingly enslave them.

Observations that create my apparent reality have me almost convinced my body and environment actually exist external to my observations.

If you believe Westminster is the voice of the people, you're brainwashed.

There's nothing wrong with voting - you're just doing it in the wrong places.

Freemasonry survives not only by the hiding of its filth behind cloaks of charity and philanthropy, but by the ignorance and apathy of a world that watches its obscenity and stays silent.

Your greatest weapon against the 1% is your ability to remove your permission.

Consciousness is a jigsaw puzzle that changes each time a piece is moved.

Joy can come from joy, but it is realised through misery.

Prayer is useless and pointless unless you want to control those praying.

When you brainwash enough people, lies become truth.

Your realities are the product of your observations.

Embrace your fear, negativity, depression, apathy - they show you the roads to the opposite.

Hillsborough: The fight must continue to expose the role freemasonry took in protecting and supporting the lies, deceit and blatant criminality of those ultimately responsible for the deaths and aftermath.

Remember; In a Radio Merseyside interview with Norman Bettison, Roger Phillips asked the former chief constable if he was a *current* freemason and never a *former* one.

Westminster political system is designed around the electorate being held responsible for the corruption of the elite controllers.

Adolph Hitler's genius was sabotaged by his eventual insanity.

I was born crying. My goal is to die laughing.

Yes, I'm sure there are lots of decent albeit ignorant freemasons whose cognitive dissonance helps support their filthy institution.

Remember that the human manifestation default of hypocrisy is something no one can escape.

Today is the tomorrow you made promises about yesterday. How many did you keep?

Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome. You keep voting in the Westminster system.

The elite machine uses a cyclical agenda of turning the people against each other and creating violent revolution before pulling the plug at the last minute and allowing a socialist element into the driving seat to appease for a while.

Wealth and or fame don't necessarily equate to success and success does not require wealth and or fame to be realised.

Most racism is actually colour prejudice, name calling and only exists because we're not all blind.

Those who are strong enough see the truth in the world. Those who aren't sugar coat it.

Enlightenment is simply the unconditional acceptance and allowance of your being as it unfolds and the human manifestation of consciousness is just another observation that keeps me conscious.

Elite owned MSM NLP is something that tells you what you think you want to hear and see.

Capitalism is simply free enterprise that's been given a bad name by the greedy, selfish and corrupt money and power hoarders.

A spoon proves to be every bit as dangerous as a gun after it's killed someone. Spoon Law.

Buying into legislation of hemp, an already free plant, is handing control to governments. Decriminalise.

All politicians within the Westminster system are Masonic robot puppets.

Those who vote for and buy into the Westminster system and the censorship of words are responsible for their own enslavement.

Freemasonry is the medium through which establishment corruption thrives.

Legalising cannabis will turn it into the new oil so guess who loses out?

Racism is name calling that the government uses to control and legislate the written and spoken word.

We know everything, but deny the answer all at once.

I am both compassionate and merciless in accommodating those who deserve either.

Never let your positive mental attitude ruin the inevitable shit you can't help but attract into your experience.

Rest is equally as important as exercise. The quicker you wear out your joints, the longer you'll have to regret.

Ultimately, everything is simply observation in thought.

Reverse psychology is ok until you do it 3 times....you're then back to square one.

All who work from the Westminster system are complicit in its centuries old corruption and abuse.

Freedom of speech and expression will not exist unless the people ignore the corrupt censors.

The corrupt establishment creates laws that protect its corruption then new laws to challenge those laws when they expose their corruption.

You only believe you were born. As an eternal spirit manifesting as human, your default is non-remembrance.

Man creates gods then makes excuses for them.

No poverty and capped wealth should be the priority.

The corruption of governments and establishments will never be destroyed while freemasonry lives and prospers.

The hoarding of extreme wealth is one of the most obscene acts by those masquerading as human beings.

Orthodox medicine agendas are actually making people more ill.

Regrets are just the belief you've done something wrong.

The monarchy are like the thief that can't sit on its spoils until the heat dies down.

Freemasonry is an institution that uses philanthropy to hide its arse.

The first step in overcoming an enemy is actually knowing who that enemy is.

Anon bravery is reinforced by its hiding.

Why would anyone believe the Westminster system could bring them freedom when it never has?

The brotherhood uses philanthropy for the things it wants you to see and secret signs for the things it doesn't.

Fear and blackmail created the elite machine. Fear and blackmail will destroy it.

So many discover how to live just before they die.

As life unfolds, the cracks produce answers.

Westminster is a fucking slaughterhouse.

All religions share a common theme. They are control agendas by the few over the many through fantasy, fear and blackmail.

A part of human manifestation revolves around the older you get, the more insanity you see.

Always remember. The last thing you think about could be the last thing you think about. It's that swift.

The corrupt establishment operates on a knife edge. It could be controlled very quickly by doing nothing.

It's always what it is according to how you shape it in thought now.

See what's happening all around? That's what you see. How you hold that vision in your pain.

Most of us from other levels of consciousness don't give a shit about the other levels. Those levels always take care of themselves.

HM armed forces do not fight and die for your freedom, but for your continued enslavement.

Where we are brings us to where we are.

Quick, put the MSM news on - your brainwashing is wearing out.

Nature offers us only the rights we get via nature.

Capitalism has many names. One of them is communism.

The monarchy have made themselves above the laws they create, not the people they rule by force of those laws.

Like John Lennon, when you become a threat to the elite machine, the elite machine uses a tool to assassinate you.

I am a solitary projecting spirit staying conscious - a lonely god in a game of hide and seek for one.

Accepting a lost cause is not failure.

The more fear you feel, the more the corrupt establishment, headed by the fear feeding beast will survive.

It’s a wonderful world out there – let’s save it by killing the beast.

Some of the greatest dreams don't require money - they require the support of other dreamers who might need support.

The people are like soldier ants that have not yet woken up fully to purpose. Once awake, nothing will stop them.

The monarchy, in struggling to hide its affairs, is constantly sewing the seeds of its own destruction.

If I chose to ignore that everything is not an illusion, I'd have fuck all to keep me busy.

Refusing to succumb to violence until backed into a corner makes you a formidable opponent.

Parliament is just a place where liars gather to shout abuse at one another without actually answering any questions.

Stop searching and wishing for a future. The future is always now.

Change is and is always changing.

People's stupidity is directly related to their level of brainwashing.

Now is retrospective because you observe it.

How big is the universe? – It’s simply as big as the thought that creates it.

In constantly monitoring your spiritual growth, you are sabotaging it.

The road to peace is paved with self-worth.

People with a healthy sense of self-worth can't be insulted. Imagine the lives it could save if everyone had bullet-proof self-worth.

The corrupt establishment will do everything in its power, via selective laws, to make you believe that if you stand against it, you will die.

The current system of a government, monarchy headed corrupt establishment is now a true symbol for us to understand the mass deception by rising above the lies to see the bigger truth.

The job of the police was to protect and serve the public - it's job now is to protect and serve the elite by controlling the public with selective laws.

One man's vision of suffering is another man's vision of joy.

Words are what you make them.

All believers have one thing in common. They are all trapped in illusion and delusion.

Just because your current choices are shit doesn't mean you don't control your ability to choose.

Most charities have a top body making a mint out of guilt.

Apathy's only success is failure.

The system of government in UK has reached a point wherein the corruption it is built on cannot be hidden anymore.

British education system is designed around not focusing on a natural talent and nurturing it, but by striving to make everyone the same brain dead state robot that will work for and make richer, the world’s elite families.

When you fuck with nature, nature fucks back twice as hard.

Given that everyone is a unique and essential piece of the eternal jigsaw then everyone is successful by just being.

The redistribution of wealth will not be realised via dialogue, but by action in taking back what was stolen.

Money should flow - not be hoarded.

At the moment of spiritual transition, you realise that the god you spent your whole life searching for, was and always will be, simply you, the observer, all along.

The carbon based vehicle reduces its time as a fully functioning organism when it fuels itself on the wrong additives.

Nature has designed the carbon based vehicle to devour itself and its many forms.

Parents: As your children grow up, it's a good idea to grow up with them.

People pray for a higher consciousness to end wars and bring peace and compassion to this world, not realising, they ARE the higher consciousness.

Those who hoard obscene amounts of money are fearful cowards.

The elite's greatest weapon is its creation made up of your fear, apathy, greed, wanting, sense of hopelessness and total selfishness.

The elite are few - the people are many - don't be afraid of the few.

Free speech and expression is the number one enemy of the elite machine.

The Elite Machine is a people-killing creation designed to control global population whilst making financial and power profit for the few.

Many young have a distorted idea of patriotism created by the elite and throw themselves off military cliffs.

Shit always has a habit of giving us the inertia to move into its opposite.

Take comfort in knowing that the elite and those who support it are the lowest form of consciousness.

A cabinet reshuffle is no different than putting a dirty T-shirt on inside out.

The more man embraces the contrast for what it is, the more balanced he will become.

All religions are control agendas.

The culture of a corrupt establishment is based on protecting that very corrupt establishment.

Leaders are not elected by the people - they are chosen by the controllers.

Real beauty is felt, not seen.

The problem with the young is that the media has their full attention.

My being happy has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with choice.

The best way to kill something is to stop feeding it.

Doing nothing is one of the most powerful weapons we possess.

The real enemy are the elite who organise the brainwashing of people who end up fighting against their own kind.

Mistakes don't exist - Results do.

I love all my haters....they are the well-spring of my joy.

The legislation of the written and spoken word only leads to massive censorship across the board. The answers lay in increased self-worth.

I pity the police and corrupt establishment when the people have nothing to lose but their minds.

Elite control is so subtle, you hardly notice it until it's too late and everyone is brainwashed.

Legislation of the written and spoken word starts with one word and before you know it, the law tells you what to say and write.

The glorification of war and those who fight them serves only to reinforce the brainwashing by the greedy elite who create them for profit.

The bible is a set of terms and conditions for the fearful brainwashed.

Yesterday is a now in remembrance. Tomorrow is an imagined now.

There is only one point of power - NOW.

Orthodox medicine is a huge elite machine business consisting of health authorities, research organisations and pharmaceutical companies cuddling up in a convenient financial marriage – do you buy into it?

You only believe things existed before you did and that things will exist after you don't from a viewpoint that is always now.

UK Police stereotyping. The majority are guilty until proven innocent.

No one really fails at being exactly who they are.

If we don't know who our allies are, how do we recognise the enemy?

Pet Pampering is the must have mental illness of our times.

World conflict is a money making tool for the elite.

Your future is always now - do you get it yet?

There are many forms of mental illness. Pet pampering is an epidemic.

Apathy might make your life easier now, but it ultimately weakens you when you most need strength.

The simple problem with the whole fucking world is that it's not being run for the benefit of the majority.

The best way to deal with America is just to give it back to its indigenous people.

America is simply a British tumour that hasn't yet been lanced.

The reason people fail at meditation is because they do it.

I'm not an atheist: Why would I deny the existence of something that doesn't exist?

For me, real love is caring more about another than you care about yourself.

If everyone was forced to have a friend like Wilson, they might learn something.

The web we weave always has an end that leads, eventually, to the beginning.

Is it the question that produces observation or is it the observation that produces the question?

One gets off where one gets off - that's the beauty of consciousness.

What other viewpoint is there, but your view point.

Looking down, with nothing above, gives one a focus that transcends anything ever known.

Our perceived brain says one thing. Our perceived heart says another. Our spirit says nothing.

When I observe most young women these days, I wonder where the lady went.

People don't just get ill - they are made ill by an elite machine with agendas that stretch back centuries.

Choice is eroded depending on how entrenched and brainwashed the religious person is.

What you perceive as reality is simply your strongest belief that it's not just all thought.

The elite are fighting freedom of speech and expression because it hates the truth.

One day, the part of The Internet that shares freedom of speech and expression will be illegal.

The elite have the biggest weapons, but the people have the biggest numbers.

People whine about their stress, but then fight tooth and nail to keep it alive by defending it.

If you truly believe that something is what it is then how could it possibly not be?

The Earth and its people could be saved from destruction by planting two things: Hemp and the elite few.

Legislating the spoken and written word creates the foundations of an anarchic bloodbath.

Who is responsible for the state of the Nation UK? The majority who buy into an historically corrupt and abusive system.

It's not the substance that's addictive; it's the personality of the user; otherwise, all users would be addicts.

Constantly analysing everything only leads to legislation of the findings, creating more control agendas.

The more corrupt a regime becomes the more selective laws it needs to create to protect that increasing corruption.

You may be convinced it's solid, but it's all thought when you think about it.

The problem with today's society is apathy and bone idleness - people want others to be strong for them.

Now is always reliant on now for creating now.

No plant in the world should have legislation applied to it. All plants should be freely available to people to use as medicine or food.

While we are ruled by monarchy in UK by force in law, we are gagged and chained by those laws as long as we subscribe to them.

People need guiding; not leading.

People spend their entire lives trying to get where they've been all along.

Modern zero tolerance policy policing and laws don't take into account that humans are actually human and not robots.

Dictatorships and police states are created by the people in allowing, firstly, the censorship of words, which ultimately leads to the erosion of freedom of speech and expression.

We constantly become conscious, buying into the dream, believing it to be reality; when all the time, it's reality masquerading as reality.

The key question regarding cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s and other maladies is not what causes them, but whom.

There will always be poorer people and richer people. Let's strive to build a country and a world wherein each end of the spectrum doesn't ensure abject poverty and obscene wealth eh?

A well balanced adult can only exist if that adult has actually had a childhood rather than a series of exams.

Draconian UK zero tolerance laws are creating a population that is slowly, but surely, heading into total inertia.

Very soon, in UK, we will not be able to breathe without permission or license unless we say, no more.

How far down in the gutter do you want to be before you feel grateful for the scraps the elite throw you?

If we continue to allow the corrupt establishment to carry on, we'll end up with cameras in our homes.

Diplomacy is the key to bullshit.

Crazy psychiatrists are no less common than fat dieticians these days.

Have the British people ever been paid for what they do over and above those who are paid for who they are?

Embrace your life as it unfolds instead of wishing for memories that can't be anything else.

I never see another man’s colour until he reminds me of it.

If people who see themselves as black keep reminding others that they are black, others will keep remembering they are black.

A dictatorial government's answer to controlling a nation that rejects being controlled is to create laws to control them by force.

Gods were born of thought. How could that not be so?

Spoon feeding is not recommended once the use of a knife and fork is mastered...

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