The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody

Page 8

Update 22nd August 2021

Max Igan. Brisbane Freedom Rally 2021.

Max Igan on fire in a monumental speech at Brisbane Freedom Rally August 2021. He says it like it is and issues a direct warning to all police and politicians to leave the building because their crimes are exposed and justice is coming. Is he too good to be true?

Rubber Bullets and Pepper Spray in Australia.

This presentation is entitled Australia has fallen, which reeks a bit of negativity because it's far from fallen. Quite the opposite actually. Australians, exercising their right to peaceful protest, are hit with rubber bullets and attacked with pepper spray, and all in the name of health? It looks like the Aussies are starting to push back in earnest now as the police turn full on Nazi Gestapo and the politicians prove without a shadow of a doubt that they don't care about the people or about the fact that the people know they are league division one criminals and supporters of NWO tyranny. Tens of thousands of children have had the poison vax jabbed into them without parental permission. This could be the turning point for the rest of the world to follow as Australian citizens scream for blood and lynchings.

Paid to kill you.

Insurance companies are paying GPs and doctors to kill you and they're filling their bank accounts. The Hippocratic oath has surely been burned and these monsters must be brought to justice.

Child killers via the Bill Gates Fauci Jab.

The Kill shot is causing a new syndrome in children called MIS-C.

Update 7th October 2021

Gab and Andrew Torba's World Cult Agenda.

My review of Gab:

I've been using Gab since December 2018 and almost from day one I could smell something fishy about Andrew Torba and his motives. Pushing this platform as the bastion of free speech and expression, he boasted of being a god fearing Trump supporting Christian who was not going to be pushed around by the authorities. A people's champion who was going to poach the millions of Twitter uses who were sick to the back teeth of being censored, shadow banned, restricted and totally banned for speaking their minds?

It sounded too good to be true so I jumped on board and took a sneaky peek. It was obvious from the start that this guy was on a massive learning curve as far as social media web authoring was going as the site was strewn with glitches and poor web authoring. But everyone has to learn, I thought, so I plodded on and within a week, I was getting this strange smell via my Net nose so started digging deeper into the rabbit hole.

Still better than Twitter, even with all its needless faults - which it still has btw, and despite me and others pointing them out to him and his support staff by way of trying to help out; we were totally ignored. I ploughed on until I realised - the hypocrisy and darkness of this site and its owner and accomplices was sticking out like a sore thumb with many of his followers and disciples, (mostly god freaks and Trump supporters also,) totally blind to the agendas laid out in full view before them.

When Torba blocked me, I knew I'd triggered him. Of late, I've been getting warning emails telling me I've been advocating violence, amongst other veiled threats and accusations of breaching T&Cs. At first I couldn't believe it, but then I was half expecting it given the change in his T&Cs and his total support of the authorities he first set out to fight against. Free speech and expression had disappeared it would seem, but I found it strange that after asking users if anyone else had received these warning emails, no one came forward and many users were posting material far worse than mine and are continuing to do so. Obviously, Andrew didn't like me rumbling him on his own platform and set his support dogs after me. Others online are now coming forward with reviews covering how they were treated because they dared to criticise the self styled free speech champion, Torba.

This link will outline what's going on, but the way things are going, I've a feeling I'll be burned from gab so take a look now before it's gone. I'll continue.

Here are the T&Cs. which have changed massively from the early days. No surprise now that the money making has stepped up a gear. The important one in the image here, covers the hypocrisy of Torba in as much as he accuses others of advocating violence but sponsors those who sell and or give away assault rifles and ammunition whilst he also claims to be a Christian with Christian values. Didn't his god say "turn the other cheek and love your enemies"? The hypocrisy reeks. But then that's Americans for you... preaching their god's values then going against them by bombing the fucking world into oblivion for other country's resources. It's an old old tale.

So anyway, despite having his own servers now and claiming to be a freedom of speech and expression guru, he abides by the so called laws of a totally corrupt government and its state and local laws. Funny stuff. Is he a freemason, I wonder?

Now to his servers. He has Pro users who he claims pay for his site upkeep and gives them extra benefits, although, I can't see what those benefits really are and whether they're worth it. I certainly wouldn't pay for a site that seems to be nothing more than a glorified and discriminatory free discussion board from the 56k dial up days and given his latest revelation, I really wonder whether it's time to move on and stop supporting something so dark by having my name associated with it.

Torba has recently sent out an email covering his wish to create a religious cult. He is: "Laying the groundwork of infrastructure for a parallel society. This week we installed a giant 600 terabyte storage machine in one of Gab’s data centers."

Strange, all this money from someone who is begging users to go pro because his site relies on them? He goes on to tell us of the money involved in producing gab and his cult dream while all the time being a hypocrite, like most Christians, and supporting a New World Order Jew puppet called Donald Trump who is a NWO mass hypnotist, hoodwinking the world.

"We do not have the luxury of being hosted in the cloud by Amazon, Microsoft, or Google web services." he says. "We had no choice but to build our own and invest millions of dollars in time and hardware to maintain and grow our servers. It’s all worth the extra money and effort though because on Gab Christians are thriving and the Gospel is being shared. It’s really amazing to see. A parallel Christian society is forming–and it’s growing quickly."

Drink the kool aid comes to mind?

I honestly believe that gab will self destruct via Torba's bigotry, greed and discrimination of those with alternative views and opinions, and his real dream of wealth and power. The bad reviews are already piling up online and his obvious push to create his religious cult will chase many ordinary sane folk away, leaving only his pro user disciples and those free users cow towing to his increasingly dictatorial terms and rules.

I can't help wondering if this guy is really a New World Order shill and taking rank with Trump officially but under the counter. His current appetite for rolling out censoring and banning people along with his now massive T&C changes stinks of hypocrisy and oligarch puppet.

This is Torba's platform though and he can do with it as he wishes, just like Dorsey did and does with Twitter. I'm not telling him how to run it. I'm just doing a review. All I can see is that the time Dorsey took to screw himself and his platform up is nothing compared to the speed Torba is fucking his and himself up.

Here's an interesting post called gab Cancer. Here's just one gab review site.

Pros: It's free. It has an edit function for posts and block/mute facilities. Not quite reached the level of Twitter hypocrisy yet but trying hard.

Cons: It's fast becoming heavily moderated and discriminatory. It's heavily biased toward supporting religious hypocrites and the Trump Train. Support is ignorant and threatening to those whose views, opinions and posts don't fall in line with the views and teachings of Torba. T&Cs are changing and resemble a contract of employment written by the top lawyers of huge multi national companies. Posts are removed without explanation and accusations are fired at users via email without replies as to which posts broke the terms and why. There is no draft on posts facility and long posts are totally lost if the recipient has blocked or muted you or you are not a member of a group. Admins of groups cannot delete a group. Groups can be password protected but can still be accessed by gab webmasters and or Torba so massive privacy issue here. follow and unfollow are limited to approx 6 per hour. No facility like Twitter unfollowers app to sort through your followers so it's painstaking scrolling. Often very slow to download. Not as free speech and expression as Torba makes out. Overflowing with ads which are mostly religious or selling guns and ammo and these are designed, it would seem, to pop up (a definite no no in web design) after posts are uploaded or deleted, making the site jittery and unstable in as much as you are not returned to the thread but have to search for it. All in all I don't trust this site or its owner and support and as stated before. In my Opinion, it's about on par with an old skool 56k dial up discussion board. Over and out, unless anything else crops up.

Update 22nd October 2021

Consolodated my posts on Gab into link posts. Two links here. If I get burned, I'll post up the contents here.

One stop wakeywakey shop page 1

One stop wakeywakey shop page 2

One stop wakey wakey shop page 3

The Ramblings of Mr Nobody Page 9 


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