The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody

Page 3

Update 6th March 2021

Lots of useful links here to check out. Enjoy.

Dr Vernon Coleman, learn how he really works by listening very carefully.


Everyone giving the so called vaccine is guilty of war crimes and David Lammy, the biggest racist since Cassius Clay and Anthony Joshua, has confirmed the vaccine is safe, thereby, becoming a war criminal himself.

With that said, find Vernon Coleman on Lammy.


Plague of corruption by Dr Judy Mikovits

Caroline Stephen's. Secret meeting. Common Purpose.

Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine) - Now Banned on YouTube and Facebook. Watch for their updates.

Delores Cahill

Inaliable rights under constitutional law.

Where we are now. 19: 01: 2021

No one will challenge her. They're afraid to. Governments just use hand picked paid off scientists.

Burned from Youtube ( Taken Down )

Vaccines will make you sick and will kill many. You were warned.

Bill Gates New Operating System

Bill Gates moves from one type of Operating system to another. This one works on humans. Unfortunately, there's no rollback. Once your DNA is altered you're a #Vombie. The link for this stopped working when brandnewtube was hacked and lost everything. If anyone has a link to this video please let me know. All I see currently is the enemy's fact checking propaganda.

Gemma O'Doherty

Proof Covid hasn't been isolated.

Max Igan

Max Igan -2020 was the Beta Test + What to expect in 2021

All coroner's who create death certificates claiming Covid as cause of death are guilty of fraud. Fight this if your loved ones have been labelled Covid deaths.

Pig Links and info

This is what is being used as an excuse for police. They dont even know their oath of office. Retards of the first order.

Total waste of time and resources. Pig bullying and for what? If there'd been anything he'd have been arrested. This nonsense must be finished with. We need a new non corrupt non masonic police system owned and run by and for the people.

Update 10th March 2021

Dr Vernon Coleman Blasts Dr Amir Khan for misinformation.

Almost a video a day, Doctor Coleman is on fire. He says he proves the ignorance and stupidity of not only doctors who, without questioning, accept the crap the government and pharmaceutical industry throws at them, whilst also highlighting those who blindly follow the advice of doctors just because they're doctors. The important thing to remember is that paper qualifications don't automatically equate to intelligence and good moral standards. Also notice how Coleman slams other doctors whilst still hanging onto his orthodox teachings regarding viruses.

Why I Think Media Doctor Amir Khan is Wrong about Vaccines.

See if you can find it here:

Here is the so-called *doctor* in question. Doctor Amir Khan. Exposed.

COVID: The virus was never proven to exist.

A statement from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Sally Fallon Morell

Canadian doctors speak out.

More doctors and experts with morals join the ranks in speaking out as government paid off shill so-called experts are left looking like the war criminals they are. Here:

Update 14th March 2021

Old school Floating virus theory. Vaccine WMDs. Survival tips.

Vernon Coleman claims viruses are floating and can be spread and infect people via coughing, talking and from surfaces. He's obviously not fully let go of his indoctrination via medical school yet. Wonder if he'll wise up.


Vernon Coleman says Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of MassDestruction - and could wipe out the Human Race. Seems he's having difficulty not understanding the germ/virus model he was indoctrinated with in medical school and still believes that you can *catch* viruses. However. Given we have no idea how these so called vaccines are going to work in future, we have no idea what they'll be capable of in terms of passing shit on to others. Whatever that shit may be.


Update 5th April 2021

Vernon Coleman calls out Cowardly, Brain Dead, Rancid Little Runts then chucks his toys out of the pram, says goodbye and thank you and quits making videos after telling us all to keep fighting.

Find it here:

The latest so called saviour, Doctor Ryan Cole, hits the scene ripping into the Bill Gates killer Vax ( Taken Down ) and gets tons of support on social media, but like other so -called experts working for the other side, he still hangs on like a limpet to his medical school lies. He supports normal vaccines and claims viruses can be spread between humans via surfaces and airborne yet rubbishes masks. No complaints about the mask rubbishing, considering the size of virus particles, but he doesn't consider the fact that people who are virus positive live in close contact with others who don't *catch* it. How does he explain that? Answer: He steers clear of that question. He also doesn't seem to consider that a normal virus mutates as the human body builds anti-bodies to it, but the vaccines they produce every year are useless against a strain that has not yet shown up. Are the vaccine companies claiming they're psychic now? LOL. He certainly talks the talk and at the end of the day is helping to destroy the MRNA jab, but does nothing to further the total lies surrounding viruses and how they are, in reality, created by the body to detoxify. NB: This has been flagged as false information by good old NWO independant fact checkers via your trusty browser. Well there's a surprise.

Michael O'Bernicia - Case Update on court case Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson. Updated link once again as this guy is constantly gagged.

World Health Organisation insider blows whistle on Gates and GAVI global health dictatorship

Dancing nurses and doctors. Police brutality. Bomb victims. False flags. MSM bullshit.

Lots more links and offerings here... Pooks on gab

The Ramblings of Mr Nobody Page 4

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