Pooks Books

Django Zoon: The Straightener

Started out in 2001. Originally called “The Bastard” © 2001; the title was changed shortly after and in 2003 the full MSS was completed. Between 2003 and 2006 it was put on ice then brought out in the summer of 2007 and tweaked before being laid down again. In 2008 it once again saw the light of day and was edited and polished to its final state. A little on the large side, it weighs in at approx 156,000 words.  This book is unavailable from Amazon or any other POD company.

Django Zoon, a 28 year-old Liverpudlian who works in a factory by day and performs in a pub rock band by night has an apparent chance meeting with a long forgotten childhood friend, which sets him on the road to fame, but it’s not the kind of fame he envisioned and she is not the kind of girl he thought she would turn out to be. Initiated into a multi-dimensional world of evil via the ability to traverse time and space, he rises through the ranks quickly, becoming a force to be reckoned with.

 Set a series of tasks, he is sidetracked on his first mission by love, which skews him off on a tangent that sees him thrown into a world of madness, pain and confusion. Going from 1945 to 3035 and back to the years in-between and having the most incredible and bizarre adventures that are filled with horror, evil, romance, tenderness, love and compassion, humour and frivolity, adventure and excitement and sheer unadulterated stupidity - this set of adventures ends with Django doing battle with the most unlikely of adversaries. This is adult material.

Formally on Amazon KDP. This is now unpublished with Amazon and not available from any POD company. Given Amazon KDP reap profits from authors who are no longer with them and have unpublished their books; Amazon, via various methods, still profit from them. It's for this reason I will be placing these online as free epub books for free to minimise the profits of Amazon.

You can now read This book for free here... 

Mainstream publishers interested should contact me here.

The Video Trailer for this book is here:

A few of the players video:


 Wolf Cries Man

Holds many gifts for those with a certain freedom of spirit who realise that the seeker never finds and that the truth as one perceives it is nothing more than a chattering gremlin, born within an energy that knows its own ultimate destination, but keeps itself busy with concepts that point towards a belief that there is something to find in order to maintain its state of being. To those who are ready to live in acceptance and allowance that they are the eternal, indestructible energy that moulds the universe, and also the silent space; the void of nothing that is an integral part of creation, there are many signposts and many keys that will unlock doorways that for many are perceived as simply not there. To those who are constantly searching for the sign posts, doorways and keys, it holds nothing.

The writing for Wolf cries man started out in 1999 and the book in 2003, but the content has always been with me in one form or another. A separate piece of work called A Unique Reality was merged with it in 2010. A work that has developed over the years, WCM began its life as a few scribblings, moving on to automatic writing and later to the product of thoughts derived from and linked to other levels of consciousness that are not remote or running alongside other levels, but are actually just one level with many levels running at a single point of observation that can be accessed at the same point of observation using thought energy, which literally means: Every level is happening now and there is no travelling involved.

The point of observation remains the same as levels are switched in and out. Everything that is observed to be existing is only doing so because you think it is. The unknown beyonds are only unknown because a single point of observation has not yet brought them into knowing and so cannot present them to the collective consciousness. The scientists are a part of the process, as are those who know what the collective consciousness has no idea about yet.

Humans search on and continue to find something out of nothing. The searching machines get bigger, more complicated and complication keeps the search on levels that create further complication. The observation of the scientists brings new meanings to the perceived masses and as the collective consciousness agrees, the new becomes the old.

Constantly asking what the nature of reality is, the scientists play with their toys and they, along with the product of their searching; the collective consciousness, fail to see that reality only exists because it is observed as existing and it is observed through an energy that will never be measured by that which is constructed from itself, but only by that energy itself. That energy is thought. Without thought there is no thought and everything that is observed is only observed because thought makes it so. Reality is simply the observation of itself.

As the scientists continue to seemingly hypnotise the collective consciousness into thinking they and it can pinpoint the answer to it all, the all keeps moving just beyond reach - the donkey walking towards the carrot that dangles from a stick tied to its head. There are things that are known that cannot yet be conveyed to an audience that has not the ability to conceptualise them and so the buffer of time is employed to allow the flow of observation its course.

As a child, I thought that God was external to me. As I grew, I questioned God existence. I asked: *If God is the ultimate creator then what created God?* The searching began and it was only after my total understanding and knowing of my conscious state I came to know that I was the ultimate creator of my experience - I was actually the God I was searching for. Sometimes, it's hard to see the wood for the trees - the searching ended and I became free.

What once was a form of expression to the others I deemed as seperate from me when Wolf Cries Man was born and developed, has turned into something that is simply Me, I, Us, We, God, creating the writers and the readers and the players and the actors with an ultimate goal of keeping the creator busy in observation and so, if I were to summarise Wolf Cries Man into a single sentence it would be: Wolf Cries Man is merely Jibber Jabber in a lonely God's game of hide and seek for one.

Formally on Amazon KDP. This is now unpublished with Amazon and not available from any POD company. Given Amazon KDP reap profits from authors who are no longer with them and have unpublished their books; Amazon, via various methods, still profit from them. It's for this reason I will be placing these online as free epub books for free to minimise the profits of Amazon.

You can now read this book for free here...

Mainstream publishers interested should contact me here.

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