The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody


Update 9th December 2021

Haven't updated for a while and received more warnings and threats via gab moderators for trumped up accusations not even worth going into. Basically, the hypocrite, Torba has had his nose put out of joint via the truth and is looking for lame excuses to turn folk against me and look for a reason to burn me. No emails but now it's flagged up on my home page with no way to access the accusations and still being ignored. Not bothered, but need to update the body of recent material on here in case I'm not there all of a sudden.

Here are some recent consolidate posts:

1. They said an awakening had begun, but it hadn't even opened it's eyes until the first politician had a pistol pressed into the back of his head and his whole face blown off. This was the beginning of the true awakening. The people finally realising that talking to dictatorships and voting in their political systems was futile. Too many people were being murdered..The rising belched forth as police and local officials were slaughtered in their hundreds, each area combining until thousands were dead and dying before moving on to monarchy, elites, oligarchs and the papal bloodlines themselves. No one dared to help survivors, knowing it meant they would join the piles of rotting and screaming bodies of the once mass murdering tyrannical army of the few that laid waste, for the New World Order beast, the lives of innocent men, women and their babies. #FBArank an online fictional novel of a world in fumigation; creating its own freedom. 

2. Quit with this constant whingeing to and about so called political leaders. Politicians can't be shamed. They can't be reasoned with. They can't be spoken to with a reply even remotely expected. They are all New World Order puppets. Brainwashed and programmed and on autopilot reading from mental dummy cards and regurgitating the shit fed into them by their oligarch masters.

They have no idea they even exist, let alone be able to make any conscious decisions. They are 100% Manchurian candidates, inserted into a politician system that's now fully owned and controlled by NWO Illuminati papal bloodlines.

Talk is useless. Voting is useless. The only way to remove these mindless beasts is via a mass physical uprising, taking out their pig protectors and starting from local level up. Any other means via debate will be futile and result in more mass murder of innocents.

The Westminster and Whitehouse systems have, since their conception, slowly brought us to this point of total enslavement. Any sane intelligent person can easily see that the historical patterns of these institutions are ones of long term cyclical abuse followed by short periods of appeasement and that the majority have never benefitted, while the minority that hold the reigns always have. Only morons vote in systems like these. Look in the mirror. What do you see?

3. This War has been created by the people.

Every war has been fought for filthy Jew bankers and the papal bloodlines. Millions of lives wasted. The people, just fodder to fill coffers and feed the oligarch scum. It's happening again but this war is very different.

It's not fought with physical weapons, it's psychological and the enemy is the people. It's the people against the people and the oligarchs and their politician puppets are laughing their arses off.

The division of the masses that's taken decades to achieve is evident as race, colour, creed, family members, friends and colleagues turn against each other over a massive lie called Covid, gleaned from another lie; virus/ germ theory. It has to stop. It won't be stopped by voting in the political systems owned by the papal bloodlines.

Westminster and monarchies must be burned. While they exist, there will be enslavement. Many are too programmed and conditioned to understand this. They can only be left to bring about their own demise as they support their self created oppressor.

As they die off by their own hand, the balance will shift, our army will grow and the Jew beast will crumble via lack of slaves. Their slaughter will be a joyous revolution.

Back in 2020, when all this crap hit the MSM, people said to me, it'll be done and dusted shortly. I told them how it was going to progress. They wouldn't have it. They're now trying to tell me what Boris has just announced on the No 10 update. I reminded them that I told them about it in 2020 when all this crap started. Funny how all this has affected people's memories.

So how far are we going to let the government push us before we sort the cunt out? How much longer are we going to pretend that our so called friends, families and colleagues who support the Covid Hoax give a shit about us? All I see are creatures all around me who want to fucking help kill me and I'm done with it. Anyone else? As we are pushed and pushed and pushed to see how far this fucking UK government can push us before we snap, let's just remind all the pigs who are supporting this tyranny and mass abuse and murder of men, women and children that very soon, they will feel the vengeance of those they've abused. I smell burning pig stys.

4. Fuellmich Martin update:

For many years I've been working to bring the truth about corrupt masonic political systems to the people and been lambasted and called crazy. Maybe now, people will start listening. Another question that needs addressing now that Fuellmich has made this statement about corrupt systems is: Has Fuellmich and his merry band of fighters been bought off or threatened? Or perhaps they're looking for a way out as an excuse?

5. Stop picking that god scab.

Why would an alleged loving compassionate non-judgemental creator create all of this then sit back and chomp popcorn, doing nothing but be a spectator?

To pick and choose who gets into this god's utopia? Why do it that way? Where is the compassion and love? Where is the non-judgement?

What is the point?

It's tantamount to an experiment by a crazy scientist. Nothing will ever have me believe in a concept such as this so called God. It's brainwashing, conditioning and lunacy and let's face facts... How many of these *God fearing* disciples are even remotely kind and compassionate when someone rejects their concept?

The only creator is The Observer because without observation there is no observation and hence, no experience on any level of consciousness.

Gods and Devils were initially created out of fear and lonliness. They then became a competition. Then a few evil people discovered they could use this lie to control many. The dogma of religions went through changes (what hypocrisy) to strengthen those cults and give further power to enslave the disciples and here we are.

God proves it loves you by giving humans the power to choose good or evil then sits back and watches it unfold? Loves everyone unconditionally and forsakes no one, but in the same breath, threatens to cast the non- believers into fiery pits of Hell? Does this because it wants to sort out the good from the bad so the good can be taken back into it's kingdom? Why? If it created everything in the first place then why this game?

Total insanity with billions of programmed hypocritical psychopaths unable to deny their gods out of fear... Just in case it does exist and punishes them. Crazy cunts. Total nonsense.

The Jesus myth

6. The Free British Army. An online fictional novel. Here

7. Twitter flags this as sensitive material. They don't like it because it tells the truth about Javid and his gang mates. We must protect our loved ones. ( Account got burned )

8. Max Igan legs it from Australia with the donation and membership money.

Well what do you know... Good old Max has shown his true colours and with tail between his legs and a sack full of donation and membership cash, Done a runner here ...... and here ( Taken Down ) I was wondering when it was going to happen. After all his claims of standing his ground and fighting to the death and his bullshit about not being scared to die etc, he's fucking legged it and is now making excuses from his hideaway in Mexico.

Talking to a social media buddy a while ago, discussing Igan, we said how he seemed to be 100% genuine and neither of us could find any shit. Well, you know what they say... If it seems too good to be true it's because it is. No doubt, he'll have his diehard fans and financial contributors to help him continue on now with his excuses and I'm sure they'll be whoppers. You can't fool all of the people, *Max*

Update 7th February 2022

Fuellmich starts trial crimes against humanity.

Reiner Fuellmich and his team have kicked off day one of the crimes against humanity by pointing out that the judicial systems of the world will not hear the case. We did warn about this constantly, which Fuellmich ignored, wasting valuable time. The enemy the people are fighting own and control all governments and their judicial systems. Any kind of action using those corrupt Masonic systems is a complete waste of time and energy as was evident by watching the money making antics of Simon Dolan and comedian, Micky O’Bernicia.

In day one opening statements, US Attorney, Deana Pollard Sacks, is actually guilty of misinformation when she claims regular vaccines protect against viruses and stop transmission. This assumes virus/germ theory, as pushed by orthodox medicine that started with the Rockefeller family to build a pharmaceutical industry has been proven, which it hasn’t. The application of even a little logic clearly exposes the theory of protective flu vaccines as nonsense via the fact that a virus that hasn’t yet mutated cannot possibly have a vaccine attached to it because it doesn’t yet exist. Any so called vaccine would need to know what it was dealing with before it could be effective; of course, that would only be the case if orthodox medicine virus/germ theory was proven. This is a major mistake by this team and it needs addressing. It assumes viruses are alive and contagious, which they are not. Again, a little logic blows contagious virus theory out of the water.

Here is a link of the full day one proceedings. No doubt, platforms will take these down as the New World Order perps continue, in their desperation, to try and destroy as much of the truth as they can. They’ll fail.

I’ll add another in case the first one gets burned and will check back to update any that are being nobbled. Grand Jury Day 1 Link 2

I’ll post up further days as the case continues so pop back to keep up. Here’s a recent video by Dr David Martin exposing the Plandemic.

Update 8th February 2022

There needs to be a complete overhaul of education systems surrounding many things but most important is the virus/germ theory lie created by masonic bought scientists and Rockefeller medical schools.

Become smarter than your doctor in 27 minutes

Seven Steps That Prove Viruses Don't Exist.

The Ramblings of Mr Nobody Page 10 


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