The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody
Page 6
Update 25th March 2021
Cognitive Dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome.
The Covid hoax has actually been a great gift. It has proven the lack of loyalty, the stupidity and the ignorance of family, friends and colleagues, no matter their paper qualifications and standing in the community. Many have never fully investigated or researched how this plandemic has been a very long time in the making; Long before many were born and their research has mainly centred around MSM and the rest of the brainwashed herd. When I spoke of things that are currently happening I was laughed at and branded a loony. The shit is here and I'm still branded a loony.
Like the education systems around the world, it's Read. Retain. Regurgitate without questioning. Of course there's lots of fake stuff out their pushing the psyops and using reverse psychology. Much still hasn't yet come true, but remember, the alleged fake stuff over the years were visions of a future that is now here and still, those visionaries are branded as crazy conspiracy theorists. So be it.
The Bill Gates mass murder and sterilisation nano chip jabs will be protected by governments and MSM for a long time as many fall victim; the jab never being to blame as far as the perps go. But the truth cannot be buried forever and even when the truth is fully exposed, many will be so deep in Cognitive Dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome, they won't be able to see that truth. The thing about being brainwashed is that you don't realise you are, but your belief in the great lies will have you projecting that belief onto those who try to help you wake up.
I carried out a little experiment this week to try and elicit a response from the deeply brainwashed and it worked. They seized on the chance to reinforce their brainwashing and conditioning and helped me realise, repeatedly, that some are too deeply programmed to help. I planted a known fake meme in the hope it would elicit a defensive response from a sleeper who never ever replied to my material and I was not disappointed... I got a reply and it showed me just how programmed and conditioned some really are. This action served the purpose of highlighting, personally, those who I suspected were too deep to be saved and whom I could no longer waste my time on in trying to help them see what's right in front of their noses. It made me really sad, but what can I do? I can only hope that as things get worse and they're affected personally in very painful ways to come that they may see the light. Some may never see that light as the NWO agenda finishes them off as planned.
Many people on social media and at the street level assume that because I push certain issues and seem to support certain individuals and causes that appear to be on-side and fighting for the truth that I'm in total support of those issues, individuals and causes. In Example. Doctor Vernon Coleman. They whizz right on by my open-minded view and seek only what they can use from my material to discredit me. These are the same people who latch on to every new saviour forever popping up... Nothing new there.
Here's an entry from my diary of 24th March 2020. I was called a nut job for saying this and yet, here we are on the brink of it. Government say there'll be no forced vaccinations, but at the same time, they're rolling out a vaccine passport system that will see many refused services, amenities and travel because they refuse to be poisoned and have their DNA manipulated. In effect, they are denied a choice while given a choice. The psychology is not hard to see if you have the mentality to see it.
The argument of many sheep is one in which they've experienced themselves and others who have been sick, in ICUs, apparently with this Covid19 virus, which has never been fully isolated, and believe exists. They've done no research on what viruses really are, how they can't be passed on unless by inoculation and actually benefit us in creating symptoms to detoxify the body. (exosomes)
They've thought nothing about why people are getting sick in the first place and researched how immune systems have been systematically weakened and destroyed via food, water, skyborne chemicals, stress, brainwashing and pharma drugs. They've done absolutely no research or investigation into the fact that this Great Reset has all been a long term goal for the papal bloodlines and their world depopulation agenda. They have no solid understanding of why this is all happening and what the END GAME is. They simply fill their heads with MSM and word of mouth garbage from the easiest accessed sources, which are from those who own the MSM and have the ability and wherewithal to gag and censor anything that goes against their narrative including the control of search engines.
Thousands of doctors, virologists, scientists and other experts are now coming to the front and challenging their former colleagues, the handful of whom support the governmment agendas for various reasons. They're losing their jobs because they dare to tell the truth. They're in danger of losing their lives and many have because they've gotten too close to the bone and have the followings to be a real threat. This is not fantasy; it's hard facts and this has gone on for many years and over other issues than covid hoax. If your voice is loud and clear and you're gaining a following then you will be silenced permanently. Never go it alone. Create groups and organisations and speak as one.
When I and others suggested, long before this covid nonsense, that Bill Gates was pushing a depopulation agenda and it being supported by him actually admitting it on film, I was lambasted and scoffed at. When I and others said the 3 week curve flattening nonsense would be followed by lockdowns, masks, draconian social distancing and so-called vaccines I was scoffed at. People are still scoffing and still can't see what's right here in front of them... actually happening to them.
They really do believe that this is all just magically going to go away or that a few vaccines will save them and give them back freedom and so-called rights they never really had. That's how stupid and ignorant many are. Do you now understand why governments are Hell bent on killing the elderly? Do you not see that dead people can't pass on the past and educate via the truth? When we win this war and real freedom that has never before been known, those same ingrates will never give us credit for fighting this battle and winning this war for them as they followed the herd and complied with their corrupt Masonic so-called leaders by staying in and out of the sunlight. Hiding behind the sofa, believing their TVs. Muzzling up in the shops. Standing on the marks and following the little arrows painted on the floor. Rushing off for their jabs and DOING EXACTLY AS THEY'RE ORDERED TO BY THE NAZIS THEY VOTED FOR. These are many of the people who see the Nazi WW2 machine with concentration camps and say, "Never again." Hypocrites, the lot.
Always be aware that there are many wolves in sheep's clothing and that most are created, ultimately, by the papal bloodlines via the governments, institutions and organisations they control. They are enemy nematodes that infiltrate and act as friends, fighters and saviours. Many are so convincing that the ignorant will fight tooth and nail to defend them as in Icke, Corbyn, Wilcock, Dolan and the many apparent truthers that are popping up on Brand New Tube and are believed because people believe Brand New Tube is a non-censoring platform filled with comrades. They couldn't be further from the truth. Here's just one psyop channel. There are others. Watch and listen to them with an open mind. (Brand New Tube was hacked and never backed up. videos all lost)
To those who scoffed at Crisis Actors. Check out this firm. Not the only one hoodwinking the morons who belive everything the MSM and TV spews at them without question. Remember... If it's on MSM then it's what they want you to believe. They never show the truth.
Moderna Chief Officer says DNA is altered via Vax. ( This site is hiding )
WHO (World Health Organisation) insider blows the whistle on Gates and GAVI global health dictatorship.
Michael O'Bernicia - Case Update. This is for all those who rubbished it when they failed to get Hancock into corrupt Masonic UK court the first time around. This guy took on Royal Bank of Scotland and won against all odds. Watch this space. In all these cases you have to remember that the judicial systems of western governments and those very governments themselves are policed by Freemasonry. Freemasonry operates via greed, fear and blackmail and always has. Now you can see exactly how the clear insanity of those in government, police and judiciary is operating without question. ( Taken down )
Unfortunately, but not surprising, YouTube has just taken down the above link. It hates the truth. If this was not a threat then why would it do that? YouTube has altered its T&Cs to ensure that truth videos fall under the category of breaching their rules. You've got to be fucking thick not to see it. I'll update as soon as I find its new home.
Hey Ho, It's back up. Let's see if they burn it again.
Vernon Coleman supports old fashioned virus theory.
Vernon Coleman is hanging onto his medical school indoctrination like a limpet. Given the covid hoax, which he seems to wholeheartedly support, his apparent grasp of the whole thing leaves me at a complete loss as to his inability to drop these beliefs that viruses and their variants are transmitted to others via coughing, sneezing talking forcefully and from external surfaces. He constantly harps on about wanting dialogue and hands out challenges to all and sundry for debate yet at the same time he disables his BNT comments section because of trolls? Maybe his reluctance to have a comments section on BNT and not appear on Twitter is down to the fact he knows many are seeing through his shill mask and the last thing he needs is debate and people asking questions?
It makes no sense , him whining about trolls and attackers when you consider he also harps on about not giving a shit about what others say to or about him. Surely, if he reopened his comments section then this would go a long way to clearing up questions that people have regarding, in example, the point I made here about virus transmission. Also noting here his take on this whole thing being about money and wealth. He talks about seeing the big picture, but never mentions The End Game and the ultimate agenda that the papal bloodlines are trying to bring to fruition. Anyway, that being said, here's his latest sermon...
Fighting for our lives, we must unite. Not on brandnewtube anymore. Try here.
Update 17th April 2021
Vernon Coleman wants to sacrifice you.
Yes, you heard it correct. Coleman wants to sacrifice people to prove a point and bolster his self importance. After chucking his toys out of the pram and storming off, threatening never to make another video, he slipped back a week later with a huge headline video, speaking in the third person proclaiming a blockbuster return video and here it is, folks.
Good old Vern is back after a huge week long sojourn. His comments are still disabled by the way and now, after a year of telling us he never monetises his channel on BNT, he's selling his latest book, Endgame. Funny stuff and is he aware of the real End Game? I doubt it personally given his mention of the end game in his videos. But there's more, folks. BNT is now pushing paid subscriptions. Didn't take them long to show us why they're really here eh?
Anyway. To Vern's latest.
We Are the Resistance and We Will WIN this War
Let's break it down and watch how the people's champion and latest saviour shows us how he works. Within a short space of time, anyone with the brains of an amoeba can see what he's doing as he launches into a *poor me victim* status and tells us how he's only human and subject to downs like the rest of us.
Despite him constantly harping on about sticking with the fight and winning this war, this self proclaiming *50 years in the game of going up against the corrupt establishment and big pharma hero* whines about being tired and depressed. This theme runs through the whole video along with his almost carbon copy David Icke line about the amount of time he's been involved in this fight and how his predictions have now all come to fruition and we should listen to his new ones and watch this space. I'm listening, as always and watching to see how many make these predictions before him instead of just buying into his Moses role.
What about all those who made predictions long before him and shared them freely online for the benefit of their fellow man? Those who don't profit off the back of a few free sweetener tomes? Just how original is his material really? How many times have you watched one of his videos and thought to yourself... Hang about; so and so said that weeks ago; even years ago?
He spouts his *covid is a hoax* line and in the next breath talks about how the vaccines won't stop it being contracted and spread. He obviously believes that despite covid19 not having been isolated, it's "no more dangerous than the flu", which just reinforces his belief it exists. Then he launches into his personal vaccine test procedure saying the government should adopt his idea of giving so many jabs to people and seeing how many actually die. Let me just try and understand this for a minute. He wants to test these so-called vaccines on human beings to see how many they kill? This is the guy who openly admits being opposed to vivisection, but is well up for sacrificing humans to benefit the data banks of government and big pharma? Anyone confused here? Just what side is he on? I'm sure he's got great support from the anorak fluffy kitten brigade. This guy slams the barbarism of the non treatment of cancer patients but at the same time wants to trial thousands of people with so called vaccines to see how many actually die. His hypocrisy and contradictions are all here to see in this comeback video.
There are many people fighting this battle and have been doing so for a lot longer than Coleman's 12 months. They've suffered Trolls and paid attackers for a long time and never moaned or whined about it but just got on with the fight. Not good old Vern. It seems that if you disagree with him and say so then you're a paid troll and he's seemingly disabled his comments section because of these so called attacks; thereby, denying any dialogue with those who have questions. How handy is that... having the facility to silence questions that might be valuable to all, but incriminating to you know who? Even Max Igan has told him to quit whining about trolls and being attacked all the time. It really is getting tiresome now when virtually every one of his videos is a *support me because I'm being bullied* production.
He claims he's not on Twitter because he's not allowed on Twitter, they've allegedly banned him just because of his name and slams those who use twitter under pseudonyms as cowards because they don't use their real names. If he's never been on it and confirms he knows nothing about it then where does he get his opinion on the users? Maybe they're just like him and Twitter doesn't allow them on board eh? Or could it be that Twitter users are questioning him and his real agenda?
He says he believes the cheap innuendos on twitter will destroy us in the end. Hang on... So now he's projecting into a negative future? Not very good for a freedom fighter eh? This is the kind of thing a Controlled Operative 77th pushes isn't it? He claims we need facts and truths and yet, he clings on to his medical school teachings despite the evidence of many scientists, doctors and experts that the virus and germ theory is nothing more than a theory created to bolster the power and finances of big pharma. Who is the bigot here?
Now the monetising of his videos. He claims he doesn't and also claims that BNTs owners haven't got any kind of financial agreement with him but he openly pushes his new book Engame and actively promotes it using his videos and the BNT platform. WTF? More cronyism comes in the form of open support for Piers Corbyn, who he calls "the next mayor of London." No surprise there eh? Who will be Piers Corbyn's secretary I wonder... David fucking Icke; the self proclaimed top investigator who didn't bother to check out that he was moving home to live on Satan Island... The Isle Of Wight? Funny as fuck.
The bulk of this 47 minute video is without doubt a Vernon Coleman victim status performance to draw in supporters with the added bonus of his two free .pdf publications that are obviously designed as a gateway to his paid for books. I see no real difference between Coleman and Icke in that respect.
He finishes by asking everyone to share his videos on many platforms including *Facebook* and reminding all that he's an old man in a chair to obviously gain sympathy. Personally, I think he's a great speaker and not surprised at all at his popularity as the sheep who need leading and can't think for themselves latch on to the next saviour like they do and did with Icke, the Corbyns, Trump, Blair, Wilcock and other so called people's champions.
Max Igan. There Can No Longer Be Any Confidence Placed In Any Government Anymore.
Max Igan. Criminals run this world.
Reasons to not get the Vax.
Moderna chief confirms Vax alters DNA.
Has Covid19 been isolated?
Miles Mathis links.
Winter Oak. Shapers of Slavery: The Awakening.
The second Nuremberg trial has been prepared.
The Bernician. PUB v Hancock & Others | Service & Receipt of Evidence Bundle.
The Ramblings of Mr Nobody Page 7
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