The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody

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Update 22nd Feb 2021

Couple of touchy arseholes on Twitter decided they didn't like me calling for politicians to be exterminated so they grassed me up and I'm on a ban for 7 days. I guarantee that the next one will be a full banning. There's a definite pattern to it. A few warnings followed by a few 3 day bans then after the 7 day naughty boy chair, it's goodbye Pooks for the millionth time.

Seems it's ok for politicians to send thousands off to profit wars that feed Rothchilds, monarchy and ultimately, the papal bloodlines and also murder many in denying people medical treatment in favour of a Covid hoax along with the loss of jobs via house arrests coined as tiers and the depression through hopelessness that leads to increasing suicides. Never see politicians being gagged or banned on Twitter. What a thoroughly nasty, filthy, Nazi, pedo supporting platform.

Many are heading over to gab now as the unending censoring and gagging is constantly destroying their work in fighting the NWO cabal and its puppets, of which Twitter is a major one. I don't give a shit. Gotten rid of it - Fuck nonce boy Jack and his 77th gang.

Update 2nd March 2021

Nipped to B&Q Edge Lane Liverpool on Saturday. I was the only one as far as I could see who wasn't wearing a face rag. Given the amount of people who actually use The Net these days and with the amount of information on this Covid hoax, I'm flabbergasted that so many are still ignorant and fearful. It really shows the level of intelligence when sheep, who I now call scabs, can allow themselves to be hoodwinked into believing this so called killer virus actually exists, but never the less, they've bought it hook line and sinker. Sad to think now that it's going to take many deaths and much sickness before retards finally realise just what is creating their misery and the demise of their loved ones.

Slap on the wrist?...

Herr Matt Hancock has been found guilty of unlawful conduct in dishing out lucrative contracts to buddies. This is 100% fact so where is the sentencing? Nothing. Slap on the wrist and all forgotten as always with this crew in the totally corrupt and masonic establishment. Time we took over. It's bullshit to make the scab populace think something is actually being done and the system is supporting them. People can't see beyond their ingrate noses and still, they continue to put their little Xs on the ballot papers, ensuring their continued enslavement.

The just after WW2 the Nuremberg trials saw evil perps being brought to apparent justice in what was nothing short of a huge farce. Everyone believed the monsters were fully dealt with as they were carted off to their respective punishments. They were sacrificial goats - nothing more. No one saw the major perps being slipped out of the back door to take up residency in the USA with new IDs as they were groomed for top positions in FBI, CIA UN, WEF, WHO, Big Pharma, major institutions & organisations and Whitehouse positions. These bastards are protected to their deaths before the truth starts coming out and still, no lessons are learned. Freemasonry polices all this. It's how the papal bloodlines control their troops.

Update 4th March 2021

Family gets Vax...

Can't believe that it's happened. Never in a million years thought it would, but here we are. This morning my wife shot through the door and into the car with the words "I'm going for the needle." I nearly collapsed. No idea where she went or what manufacturer and was worried sick because she was in the car and driving.

Together since 1974 and solid as a rock and she goes and does this then calls me a conspiracy theorist. I'm totally gutted. OK, her choice and I have to respect that, but what's done is done. Again, another example of a highly educated person who is blind to the truth. I've told her there's no going back for her now, even though she's not showing any side effects yet or may never until the shit starts.

The payload has been delivered and we'll have to deal with whatever arises. She kept telling me her friends had no side effects and were fine, but totally dismisses the truth about the real reasons this jab is being so vehemently pushed by governments. We never watch MSM news channels on TV but she does on her phone and coupled with that and her friends, it proves just how powerful the brainwashing is.

I'm going to use this update now for links to all manner of things hoax Covid - basically just the common cold hijacked. Off we go...

Agenda 21-30

We've been talking about all the shit going on now for a long time and despite it being under everyone's noses for all to clearly see, still, the blindness continues as the lemmings throw themselves over cliffs of their own making.

Youtube has well and truly proven itself a NWO platform in it's increasing program of truth removal to the point wherein many are waking up to the fact that those so called truthers who are still using it are either lucky or are shill and enemy nematode accounts.

Other platforms are springing up with no censorship agendas. They've yet to prove their salt and there are still accounts on those that support the evil of the NWO Oligarch mouthpieces.

Listened to a channel this morning which explains, in simple terms, the agenda behind the jab rollout. I won't call it a vaccine because despite me being against those anyway, this Vax is not a vaccine and this has been clearly stated by those manufacturing and pushing it. It's an MRNA injection. Learn the difference. Anyway, back to the link. Agenda 21-30 are ineffect! This will explain it all. ( Taken Down )

Fuck The Monarchy...

Excellent news. Dr Vernon Coleman has seemingly joined our Royal Club and made a lovely little video about Herr Majesty The Queen and the Royal filth that spewed out of her Satanic and putrid vagina. Even Prince *Nosferatu* Phil gets a little mention in his wish to be reincarnated as a virus. It's called, Let's Dump the Queen and the Rest of the Royal Family. Enjoy, but listen carefully to all his performances. Don't be a gullible disciple.

Update: 5th October 2022

The many links across my site, especially covering Coleman, were on but their servers got hacked and their failure in backing up meant that millions of users who had videos on there as well as users who linked to this platform lost all the videos and the links became redundant. Even Coleman got pissed off and doesn't make videos anymore.

Rather than search through the many videos to piece my stuff back together and that Coleman is a psy-op book seller like Icke etc etc, I'll just put this link to all his available rantings as *Coleman link*

Update 5th March 2021

The Vax is your ticking time bomb...

As we should all be aware by now, the Gates Jab is not a vaccine and it's been openly admitted it's not yet everyone keeps calling it that. It's basically, if you take it, a self created auto-immune disease similar to what used to be called AIDS.

It's a cellular genetic modification technology, admittedly designed to give those ignorant enough to take it an autoimmune response. Think about that for a while and realise exactly what you may have already or are considering putting into your body and guess what... there's no changing your mind. You can't just go back to the doctor or hospital or supermarket and say, I've changed my mind, take it out. Your DNA is manipulated from the first shot and all you can do is wait as your system slowly, or if you're lucky, quickly shuts down. We can only hope that some real scientists get their heads together to work out a way of reversing things, but for many, it won't be an option.

The most angering part of all this is that nothing is being done about the mass murdering puppet politicians that are being allowed to get away with this because idiots want to go on holiday or go to the shops and pubs. Here's yet another link to one of the many doctors and experts that are putting their careers and reputations on the line to get the truth out. DoctorSherri Tenpenny explains how the depopulation *vaccine* will work over time.

Jesus was a myth...

I'm sick to the back teeth of people on social media who put together really good material, especially surrounding the Covid Hoax, which is of major importance as the NWO dig their heels in, only to spoil it by including religious God nonsense. These people are destroying their credibility by showing they have the intelligence to research and investigate a subject then smack you in the face with the hypocrisy of buying into a cult and pushing it onto the listener or reader. It really pisses me off. Is it any wonder the world is in this state when we have apparently sane, sensible and intelligent people pushing for everyone to get on their knees and pray to a concept that has been nothing but an obvious spectator since day one?

The yanks are the worst for this as they push the *turn the other cheek* mentality then in the next breath, scream for troops to sacrifice themselves to go bomb babies in other lands because this God thing is on their side. Total utter hypocrisy, insanity and bullshit. Do they not realise that all gods and devils were created from the very first conscious thoughts of man and that before conscious thought, there was no conscious thought?

Holy books were written by the few to enslave the many weak of mind and are simply control manuals. They're Major brainwashing tools and because they're all based on the hypocrisy of a holy father who loves everyone unconditionally and forsakes no one, but will wreak revenge on those who deny him, it's plainly obvious that all religions are based on fear of denying the particular god they're based on. It's this deeply ingrained fear of denial that keeps them brainwashed.

I have nothing against people believing in this shit but imo, they should keep it to themselves and their families and it should definitely be kept well away from education. If they want their kids to follow this shit then it should start and finish in the home.

Jesus was a myth based on another myth called Horus, who allegedly arrived 2,500 years before and was identical down to the last disciple and miracle. They're all based on astronomy. Go have a listen to this and try to keep an open mind as you do.

The Ramblings of Mr Nobody Page 3

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