The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody
Page 5
Update 10th March 2021
The Free British Army on Gab
The Free British Army: An online fictional novel.
#FBArankbuk Disclaimer.
Let me be clear on #FBArank
( ) just so those reporting me to @a and @support to try and get me Gagged and Burned from gab are in the picture.
It's an online novel. It's fiction. It clearly states that on the disclaimer. Honest.
That means, it's imaginary for all those grasses who want me gone. Not that they'd know, with their brain cell level, what is or isn't fiction of course.
Listen carefully. I do not push violence on the police. I do not advise anyone to carry out anything in my *work of fiction* Never attack police officers. Never push lighted petrol soaked rags or bombs through their letterboxes. Never ambush and kill them by night from the shadows. Never use any form of weapon or toxic material against them or their families, like poisoned darts or stabbing devices. Never talk aggressively back at them. Never burn their houses down. Never ram them with vehicles as they charge at you. Never use drones to drop fatal payloads on them or their families.
Always allow the police to do their job as protectors of the New World Order Cabal by being totally subservient and compliant. If they push you to the floor, leave them to their job of spraying you with tear gas and pepper spray. If they're kicking you to death then thank them for *just doing their job.*
Remember, the police have a job to do in enforcing the NWO regime's agendas. They're just ordinary folk who are earning a living and unlike many, able to readily get fuel and food. They have a duty to enforce NWO Depopulation and Vax murder. Muzzle enforcement. Blood brain barrier stabbing. Lockdowns. Bullying. Demoralisation. Creating fear. Enforcing corrupt so called laws. Firing rubber bullets at innocent people and finally... Not knowing their oath of office or the so called laws they are unlawfully trying to enforce.
Be good at all times. Never be naughty people by defending yourselves or your families and fellow humans.
Again. It's just a novel written online in real time. Violence must always be a last resort, but when necessary, must be with no mercy. The Free British Army FBA is a novel about a non-violent movement. I started this book years ago and have been waiting for the right moment to launch. It's based on non-violent rejection, defiance and unsubscribing from the corrupt and Masonic UK establishment. It has no HQ. No leaders. No organisers. Costs nothing to be a member and is based on common law, standing firm and saying en-masse to the corrupt Masonic establishments, No! We will not obey and bend to your enslavement and tyranny. If no one obeys then no one rules. Always give the enemy the opportunity to surrender. Violence must always be a last resort, but when necessary, must be with no mercy. The UK and other world governments have proven without a doubt they're tyrants and puppets of the papal bloodlines that own them.
All it requires is you being awake and that means not voting in or supporting your government or its corrupt Masonic establishment. You confirm this by placing #FBArank tag on your social media profile, your pinned tweet or via a confirmation post clearly stating you've woken.
Local groups may be set up. #groupsagainstgov
They may focus on identifying police, armed forces personnel and any other so called enforcers such as the silly Covid Marshalls and licensing and travel police in their areas re their numbers, names and addresses, then popping along to their homes when they're off duty or to their places of work and having a word to educate and bring them onto the side of the people, not the nazi governments that are using them as pawns to eventually discard, along with millions of others.
☆DO NOT☆ start these groups or discuss anything surrounding them online.
It must be by word of mouth and remain that way. Important note: The rule about FBA and GAG is that you don't talk about FBA and GAG...Total security is essential as is paying attention to enemy social media and group nematodes who should be dealt with permanently. Remember, no one is truly anonymous online.
If police, armed forces personnel and other little Hitler clowns refuse to listen then they should realise the people outnumber them massively; currently in UK, 550 people to every single cop, and the next visit may be when they and their families are asleep. We don't support violence unless the enemy bring it to us. It then becomes self defence and preservation of life.
Local groups may form their own rules and agendas and may be different than the FBA stance on peaceful outcome to the current problems created by the NWO Illuminati Masonic Cabal and their *Global Reset* agendas. The FBA has no control over this and totally discourages violence unless pushed to it with no alternative.
There's a war on. It's called World War 3. The government asked for it and there's no other way to deal with it in some circumstances because you can't remove a corrupt dictatorship by using that same dictator's corrupt and Masonic judicial system.
Removing government protectors ( police, local councillors, army) will increasingly render the NWO Oligarchs and their government puppets easier to overthrow. Let's hope it doesn't get to the point wherein it turns to major violence against the police, armed forces personnel and their families, but it's not looking that way.
You have to realise that voting in the corrupt Masonic Western political systems is futile and has been for a very long time. We need a clean out. We need a completely new system. I've been calling for this for a long time and now, at last, many are waking up and realising it's the only way to real freedom because the majority have never benefited for any reasonable length of time, no matter the party. I wrote an article a while back covering this in my archives and on Gab, here.
The Ramblings of Mr Nobody Page 6
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