Jobo Pooks Archives
No hate here. No racism or homophobia or colour prejudice or any other ism or bia; Just freedom of speech, expression and my right to opinion. If you’re the type who is offended by anything at all then don’t read any further and block my page. If you choose to continue then that’s your choice. No one is tying you up and forcing you to read my stuff.
I try to see the humour in most things; even stuff that’s close to the knuckle, however, some of my material is deadly serious and is born out of a need to create, in my own way, a better world of compassion, fairness and sharing by pointing and allowing the reader to wake up. But at the same time, I have developed a state of mind and attitude thus: I am both compassionate and merciless in accommodating those who deserve either.
I've been online since the beginning; originally to push my music. Starting on news groups, I followed on to chats and forums sites then got sidetracked along the way, finding myself wrapped up in the spiritual scene then political platforms from which I've been gagged, burned, censored, abused, suspended, jailed and banned. Seen many changes on The Net, but of late I find myself wasting vast amounts of time on social networking platforms banging my head against a brick wall. Much of what you will find here was written a long time ago and has been updated for this page.
Freedom of speech and expression is under constant attack by the corrupt establishments world wide and it's not hard to see why. The truth is emerging, growing daily, and those establishments don't like it. They fight against the truth on many levels, which has turned social networking platforms into nothing more than the next level of TV hypnoboxes as they brainwash, hypnotise and divert the weak of mind.
As the sheep-people jibber jabber, the corrupt establishments ply their trade, while the sheep continue to whine and moan about their abuser and oppressor - the abuser and oppressor they still vote for. Try to show the sheep the truth and they turn into ostriches; burying their heads in the sand as they beg to be whipped yet more by the laughing 1% elite.
Cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome is rife on social media platforms and along with religious dogma, the brainwashed majority pray to their imagined gods to save them from their self-created Hell. They curse and blame and play right into the hands of their oppressor who runs them in circles until they fall for their next political saviour who, every time, fools and appeases the people to dumb down their anger at their oppressor to ward off revolution.
Religions fight against each other as The Jesuit Cabal uses them as tools for their own agendas. The latest sheep-people's enemy is Islam. The CIA created ISIS and the masses flock against their new imagined enemy. If only they woke up and opened their minds they'd see the real enemy. The Jesuit cabal have certainly brainwashed the majority of the world.
Monarchy. Freemasonry. Westminster and the Corrupt Establishment
From a backup dated 28th March 2013
You can't fight and beat a dictatorship by using democracy and its own laws against it. For those who think they, in the UK, are living under a democracy, they must think again. The current so-called coalition government, headed by a Tory who uses a Lib Dem puppet as a toy, were not voted into power; they walked in via moral corruption because polling station doors were closed in people's faces, denying them the right to register their vote. To those who actually voted for a Tory government - see what you have helped to create? The right and moral thing to do would have been to offer those who were turned away the opportunity to register their vote by way of a postponement of count.
For generations, people have been voting not for a party, but against another one; not fully realising that all parties are simply different heads on the same monster - a monster that scratches its own back and appeases the people by way of lies and deceit whilst portraying itself as a whiter than white savour.
Not like the uneducated of the past, people are becoming smarter, more savvy to the forked-tongued monster that deals in false promises, but there is still a way to go because the monster lives in a well established cave and it's playground has its corruption stamped and scent sprayed all over it.
The people are entrenched in an anachronism; a system that, at its heart, is now so corrupt, it is absolutely transparent. But the people are afraid of major change. They want change and new potential leaders spring up with promises to save the people, but they want to save them from the perceived safety of the same cave and playground by becoming another head on the same monster and the people should be waking up to this.
Westminster, royalty and the aristocracy; The Establishment, are a system that has passed its use by date. The year is 2013. It is high time we stopped supporting a dysfunctional royal family - a family that should be setting an example. A family that uses its self-created laws to keep its filthy secrets hidden from the people for fear they should be discovered.
It is high time we seized the ill-gotten gains of a corrupt aristocracy and placed it in the hands of a central government financier to be used for the good of the nation rather than fill the piggy banks of the filthy cold-hearted hoarders.
It is high time we did away with Westminster and replaced it with a central national management run by those to whom money is not a god, but a tool for the benefit of the nation as a whole - A central management that is incorruptible because it is policed by a national force that has been stripped of its top criminals; cleaned and purged of the current filth that runs with the monster. But there is a big problem. As the monster discovers its power is seriously challenged, it creates new laws to protect itself and the more laws it creates, the more corrupt it becomes. The people are oppressed and depressed by the laws; afraid to stand up against the monster because they see the most fearful and cowardly people take rank with the monster.
The people are forced underground and fight from a place of anonymity, but know that eventually, they must surface and stand face to face in defiance because you cannot fight this monster by using its own laws against it.
It would seem, the only way to destroy the monster would be to cleanly cut off its many heads by physical force; liberating the people. A blood bath with many losses. A civil war like no other. But there is another way. Help the monster to destroy itself.
Monday 19th September 2016
Westminster is a two party system. You may find that ok, but what if both parties are controlled by the same master and that master is as corrupt as they come? What if that master is a handful of families that own the banking system of the world and hence, control world finances? How would they ensure their power and wealth was never threatened? Perhaps by using a secret institution whose members are sworn to protect one another, no matter the situation? An institution that would be the glue that holds together all the corruption via fear, blackmail and greed, but one that portrays itself as charitable and philanthropic; hiding behind this veil to fool the weak of mind and brainwashed? Now that's a powerful beast that would be hard to kill; yes?
Sounds like something from the future? It's already here and has been for a long time. Don't agree? Do you vote in this two party system? How about if the controllers used a system based around voting that made their system look as if the people were in control, making people believe they actually held the reigns via democracy, when all the time, they were totally brainwashed?
You have The Internet; something that is relatively brand new; a channel that opens up a world of communication. It allows people to talk to each other, share ideas, dreams, achievements, hopes, fears - in a word .... information; something they've never had before. Guess who doesn't like information being shared amongst the masses? Yes.... the few controlling families....The Beast....The Elite Machine. Information is the weapon it is most afraid of and one which it uses itself to control the masses via its communication channels called Mainstream Media. So where does the buck stop? Who is the daddy of them all? It's none other than The Black Pope. All the world's shite emanates from this wellspring.
Modern freemasonry, that is, an institution made up of members not being stone mason tradesmen, was probably started by John Boswell who was the laird of Auchinlech in Scotland and a member of a lodge in Edinburgh in 1600. The first Englishman was Elias Ashmole, an antiquarian with an interest in Rosicrucianism who was the founder of Oxford's Ashmolean Museum. He joined the brotherhood in 1646. We can almost totally thank these two twats for what we have today ..... a totally filthy and evil institution. If we're ever hoping to overcome the corrupt UK monarchy owned establishment that is run out of the Westminster system then we must smash the medium through which it operates by killing freemasonry.
Freemasonry is the medium through which the monarchy and New World Order elite controllers run the world. It survives via fear, greed and blackmail and hides its filth behind cloaks of charity and philanthropy. One only has to look to see the subtle ways in which the mainstream media brainwashes its hungry customers as in the flipped BBC logo above. NLP at its best, controlled by masonic generals. Many images like this are hidden in full view and although you don't see them on a conscious level, on a subconscious level they take root.
So you think the Westminster system is all above board and squeaky clean, affording you the freedom and democracy you believe you vote for? Think again. Looking at historical patterns in politics and the establishment makes it more than clear that the whole fucking shooting match is and has always been bent.
Before The Net and our ability to communicate with the speed and depth we can these days, most people *knew their place.* They looked up to and were afraid of the gentry, aristocracy, monarchy, police and judicial system, They believed everything they read in newspapers and were told by politicians and spin doctors and many still do to this day. But there is a tide of awakening underway. People are seeing through the bullshit and corruption, the latter, which is becoming harder for the establishment to hide as it creates new and corrupt laws and statutes to protect those very laws and those who create and manage them.
People vote and believe they put governments into power, but every government fails and has done for many years. If the Westminster system worked for the majority, wouldn't you think it would be working by now? That's the first clue to the corruption.
World leaders, as in politicians, are not leaders. They are the robot puppets of the few elite families that control the world. The Black Pope, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros. All 33rd level freemasons amongst them and all controlling the lower levels of the most obscene institution in history. Through Freemasonry these beasts control CIA, FBI, MI5, police, judicial systems, governments. They fund both sides of all wars and reap the financial and power benefits of the millions murdering and maiming each other. Religion, fear, blackmail, greed, brainwashing via mainstream media are their tools. You believe a violent revolution will stop these creatures? Wake up! You will be murdered in your millions by those who operate their weaponry at the first sign of a storming and the sickest part is that the operatives are amongst us. They are our sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters. They have bought into the elite agendas. Their cognitive dissonance ensures complete obedience to the beast. The only way to defeat the beast is via education. Waking those who buy into the propaganda, lies, deceit, false promises and showing them the truth is the way. A majority who know the truth has the strength to kill the beast by simply unsubscribing and creating an independent governing body run by and for the people; a monarchy free republic with new police and judicial system. The best way to kill a monster is to stop feeding it. Once weak enough and with no operatives, it becomes an easy target.
You see, your Prime ministers and top politicians are not elected; they are chosen by their masters and groomed for years before being put into place and all the time, the system works to make you believe your votes are doing it. You buy into the system and every decade or so, the beast puts a people's government into power to appease the masses; make them believe their voting is responsible, but then it all turns sour and the people are brainwashed to vote for the other side. It's a never ending cycle of elite abuse as new generations with short memories and weak minds swallow the bullshit. Guess who wins every time.....the beast and its top puppet robots.
Look at the historical patterns of the Westminster system and the establishment and you will see the cyclical behaviour. It’s brinksmanship by the elite controllers who watch carefully, inserting socialist governments just before major revolutions and when the people have settled somewhat, the elite machine gets back to normal with its Tory robot puppets, abusing the masses. The only ones who ever win are the monarchy and the elite families. The only war we should be fighting is the war against The Beast - The Elite machine. Your votes mean nothing; they are manipulated, burned, spirited away as you are diverted by mainstream media consisting of TV, newspapers and fake internet news. Cognitive dissonance keeps you where you are because you are brainwashed.
The only time the people will enter the path of real freedom and democracy is when they wake up and therein lays the job of those of us who have woken. We can only point the way; the only one that can wake you up is you! Always remember how your true enemy works.
Capitalism isn't a dirty word
Greed and corruption are dirty words; along with lack of compassion, intolerance, unfairness and enforced inequality. Can one be a capitalist and support equality? I believe so. Given the current climate in the UK regarding the corrupt establishment that operates under the name of capitalism, we have an ever increasing faction that sit on the hard left and push the ideology of a non-capitalist country and world. The extreme right are no better in their bigotry; both sides being brainwashed in their radicalism.
Both sides want systems with no room for flexibility and believe that their way is the only way to a healthy nation, but there are many, like myself, who embrace balance to reach a fair society wherein everyone, although not equal in many respects, are equal in as much as they are entitled to a standard of living and or a life that does not cause them harm or prevents them from improving their position in that life via the hand of their fellow man.
The only real non-man-made rights humans have are natural rights, which state, by act of nature that we have the right to observe that which nature dishes out. This teaches us that life itself is not always fair and equal and that shit happens, but the human spirit rises above acts of nature and gives support to those nature has touched via its very nature.
Many call my vision a utopia, but a utopia is an imaginary place of bliss wherein no one gets hurt, ever, but in experiencing utopia, we soon would become blind to it - the lack of contrast giving us nothing to measure that bliss against. We would not see/experience that bliss because we would have nothing to measure it against and so, it would not exist. Again, shit happens to reinforce the contrast and give us the inertia to experience.
We are not equal in many respects because we are diverse. There are those that are bigger, smaller, stronger, weaker, more or less intelligent or smarter, fitter, happier, sadder. This diverseness is what makes the world interesting. If everyone was exactly the same it would be a boring and pointless existence. There are no disabilities - we all have different abilities and each and every human being has something to offer the world.
In the non-capitalist society that the radical left seek, we would all work cooperatively and all have the same, no matter how hard we worked or how much skill we offered up to that cooperative. In effect, communism - what else would it be? What would make one work hard in that kind of set-up? Why would one go the extra mile or take risks over and above anyone else for the same reward? It would soon end up a stagnant pond with nothing growing in it - a nation of bored robots with no drive to do better or improve.
There is joy in challenge as we overcome obstacles and receive the rewards that we are entitled to for those struggles, but if we gather up that which we worked harder than others for, we are corrupt in not sharing the excess amongst those who do not share our ability to enter into the challenges through reasons of a natural inequality.
This corruption is what gives capitalism a bad name because many people don't see that the corruption and the greed and hoarding is not because of the capitalism itself, it's through the abuse of it and it's ultimately the abusers who are at fault. Capitalism is just another word for free enterprise. There are many good people in UK paying fair wages and giving good conditions to those they employ. How is that wrong?
If we are to continue to use a money, which is simply a token based system, then we must use it by educating our children that it is a tool to be used and must flow. The hoarding of money through greed is based on fear of not having money - this is vile and obscene - it's why the world is in the state it is today as elite families - the 1%, hoard and create selective laws and statutes that protect them and control everyone else.
Do you see how real capitalism - free enterprise, if used properly can enrich society? Socio-Capitalism could help to encourage drive and progress through reward, whilst also eliminating hunger, fear, war, suffering and feelings of inequality and inadequacy. It would promote compassion, fairness, tolerance and understanding and a nation and world, happy in the joy of sharing those hard won, often huge risk taking rewards with those, who through no natural fault of their own, don't have the talent, strength or intelligence for such tasks, but who are still entitled to a decent life and standard of living without fear.
In my opinion, the only way forward is through balance. Balance is the key. Radicalism only serves to create an enemy of equal strength that pushes back just as hard, creating nothing but a no-man's-land at the junction of the pulling. A place of no progress, festering and feeding the ignorance that keeps its bigots alive and feuding.
In my nation, an independent republic run by and for the people that would embrace real capitalism, I would abolish the monarchy and strip it of it's wealth - wealth attained via ancestral murder and theft. I would seize the monarchy's entire wealth, abolish the current form of politics by election of managers sourced from the majority and working for the majority in a physical place central in the country with referendums at the heart of this structure. People are not stupid, as the current dictatorship seem to believe, and can make informed decisions.
I would nationalise all utilities and essentials. Power, water, health, education, transport and communications etc are essential for a successful nation and profits from these should not be used for private personal gain, but ploughed back in.
Sound like a utopia? It wouldn't be and would take hard work and struggle to reach, but I believe it to be worth working and struggling for. What of crime and punishment? People are human and don't so much make mistakes as get the results of actions, but as this kind of society grew, crime would fall dramatically as a new mentality took root. Of course there would be exceptions, but we live in a human world and humans are diverse; lets use that difference to our advantage by embracing balance and making progress.
The current mentality of the masses is one of selfish brainwashed apathetic self serving robots who can't see that the Westminster system is and always has been corrupt and that voting is futile in a system where prime ministers are chosen by the elite machine - not elected by the people. The people have an *I want everything now* attitude born out of having bought into consumerism, are afraid to lose their many possessions and often refuse to attend even one day strikes for better pay and conditions out of fear of personal loss.
There has never been freedom and democracy in UK. We are seeing this now as social media shows us the truth via political historical patterns. This current government (2017) walked into power with only 25% of the electorate's permission. That's nothing short of a dictatorship. An independent republic would have a potential of 75% of electorate support if able politicians woke up and had the balls to do the right thing. It would be a long haul with much sacrifice, but it would secure a future for our grandchildren and their issue. Is that not worth fighting for or will you continue, like sheep, to vote in a system that will never stop abusing you and murdering your people?
The Steps to Freedom
Step 1: Stop voting
The first step to freedom is in removing your vote and consent to further abuse. The cycle must be broken. A Westminster system without voters is powerless. Without a majority’s support there is no contract; its laws, rules, acts and statutes worthless and non-binding. Removal of consent leaves a void to be filled by a true independent republic by and for the people.
The establishment is allegedly controlled by the system the majority vote in, which is laughable considering the facts. Your freedom starts the day you remove your consent. Rebel, defy, unsubscribe.
The laws and rules of the Westminster system are designed to protect that system along with its filthy New World Order Masonic Iluminati owners and controllers. Those laws and rules mean you can’t get rid of the owners by using the system they own. Why do you think they call them Royal courts? Why do you think some laws get rushed through courts and others, which benefit the masses don’t? Why do you think there are bottomless money pits for politicians, monarchy and wars, but nothing for you? It’s a filthy system designed around the electorate being constantly held responsible for the corruption of the elite owners, has never been any different and by subscribing to it, you are responsible for keeping it alive - that’s the truth. Wake up!
The abuse won’t stop by constantly changing the elite’s chosen managers. Think about what you do. It’s quite unbelievable when you consider how people want to fight against their oppressors by voting in a sham system owned by those oppressors. Voting, complaining, petitioning, marching, pleading, exposing, debating, protesting doesn’t work when dealing with a criminal institution owned and run by psychopaths. Wake up!
That little voice inside your head that says you can't stop voting is the same voice that says you can. It's about losing the fear that's been brainwashed into you; the voice that says, if I don't vote, I lose that vote. It's your oppressor talking. The vote doesn't exist; it's in your beliefs. Think about it. If the Westminster system really worked for the majority then it would be working by now after centuries. Wake the fuck up and take back control. All governments in the Westminster system must abide by the corrupt rules and laws that are locked in place to protect it and its owners. That's how it survives to continue your abuse because governments have no real power to change the system for the lasting benefit of the people. Stop this self abuse.
Step 2: Create an independant Republic
An independent republic based on referendums is what UK needs. Run by and for the majority it would hold the power of the majority and starve the elite beast that abuses us all. The Westminster systems, like monarchies, are anachronisms, well past their sell by date.
Once in place, the republic could create a totally new Masonic-free establishment with new judicial and police institutions and new banking system. It could totally abolish the monarchy and seize its entire wealth back into the rightful ownership of the people; trillions, that over the centuries have been taken via royal ancestral murder and theft. All utilities would be nationalised. Private enterprise would be closely monitored with caps on hoarded wealth and no offshore havens. Proper and decent living wages and conditions would be created along with a welfare and health system that catered for our sick, elderly and disadvantaged in a fair and compassionate way. National Armed Forces would be set up with troops defending our shores and not involved in the business of other nations. This can happen if only the people would wake up and be brave enough to become renegades and pioneers, leaving behind the sheeple mentality created out of consumerism, selfishness and fear of self control.
Step 3: Eradicate the monarchy
The Royal Family. This clan is one of the lowest forms of consciousness. It’s an anachronism that has no place in today’s world and is kept alive by the blind ignorance and stupidity of the brainwashed sheep that vote in its Masonic corrupt political system.
One of its major goals is maintaining the Stockholm syndrome and cognitive dissonance of its supporters who then pass on this sickness to their flag waving children. It makes itself beyond any laws it sets for the majority, totally controls mainstream media to portray itself as charitable and philanthropic and succeeds every time by virtue of the brain dead sheeple that are glued to their televisions hanging on every word and deed of her and her filthy offspring; especially the royal princes who have the total attention of the young and play their off to war games when the reality is for example; young front line Harry is protected 24/7 by body guards and yet they want us to believe Harry was on the front line? It’s laughable and yet totally unbelievable that people swallow this garbage. Most of these idiots actually believe men went to the moon and that the earth is a globe as well. Why do you suppose Stanley Kubrick was done away with for fuck sake?
The order to arrest Queen Elizabeth was issued in 2013 by six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.This filth pile needs justice served against it. To add to and protect security and secrecy, the queen is the patroness of the freemasons. Given the fact that the entire establishment in UK is controlled by freemasonry you can see how the armed forces and police and judicial systems are right behind this Mobster family all the way. It’s sad that so many of the army, police and judicial system are ordinary people from working class backgrounds who should know better and despite many struggling to do a good job in their misplaced beliefs, so many of our sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and friends are traitors to their own blood.
The monarchy must go and not just abolished. It must be completely eradicated, its trillions in money, lands and properties seized and placed back into the hands of the people it was taken from via ancestral murder and theft. I would urge you to save all your searches on this family and burn any videos to disc and hard drive before the ever controlling and censoring internet networking platforms remove them by force.
Be sure of one thing though. The monarchy is not at the top of the chain when it comes to controlling the world. They bow to The Rothschild clan who in turn bow to the supreme overlords The Jesuits, controlled by the Black Pope. Do some work searching for these last two and practice your skills in retrieving your mind back.
Mainstream media claim the royals are the most popular family in the UK. Ask yourself; if you were so confident in an ability would you seek to constantly push yourself via propaganda bullshit on TV and in newspapers with glossy pull-outs every five minutes? Ask yourself also; How many do you suppose support this clan out of an irrational fear of being frowned upon if they don't?
People are homeless and dying on the streets. Many are ex soldiers. Good enough to suffer and die in royal profit and power wars but not good enough to support or for the families they left behind to be supported eh? God forbid they're about when Harry and the actress get wed; dear me. Then we have the millions who are sick and disabled with an NHS destroyed by the Elite private sector. The monarchy could fix this overnight without putting as much as a dent in their stolen wealth, but no chance. This proves their true face.
Let's not forget all the hangers on and sycophants who also dip their snotty little snouts into the royal troughs. How many do you suppose hang around in the shadows reaping the benefits of the biggest scroungers in the UK?
Then we have Prince Chucky the hypocrite, bleating on about his eco warrior hobby whilst clocking up millions of air miles and his little bro Eddie the fierce soldier from the Kellogg brigade. What a team they all make and there's none finer than Randy Andy who managed to have a judge throw his nonce business out of court. Freemasonry eh? How about Phil and Liz themselves and the missing kids from the children's home in Canada? Or maybe princess Margaret who had a film (The Bank Job) made all about her, but it couldn't be released until after she'd karked. Then there's Lord Mounty who was allegedly assassinated by The IRA. Hmmm, was he? The list is endless. Keep believing in this lot or wake up and smell the shite.
But the best of the bunch has got to be Uncle Jimmy. Nobody can get past royal security; it's the best in the world. Well, maybe Fagan seemed to, but that really was an enormous false flag - one of the first of its kind and carried out by, without doubt, a Manchurian candidate.
No, Jimmy Savile fraternised with royals in the closest possible sense and was a friend until the end so we must ask how a commoner got so close and why he was really knighted. Well, why are any of the knights honoured?
Many people knew of Savile's filthy habits and hobbies very early on, but kept quiet and of those who chose to speak out? Well, I suppose people either like money and lifestyle or choose to die for their cause. But don't you find it incredible that even after all the shit circulating about Uncle Jim over the years, he still managed to stay firmly embraced in the bosom of the royal family? I mean, given their power, I'm sure if he *had anything on them* he'd have been dealt with easily, so perhaps they liked him and allowed him to remain close for some other reason.
And finally, for now, just one of many eye opening pieces that should grace every hard drive and help to wake the people up. Royalty andthe New World Order. Lovely.
There's a pyramid and guess who is right in there with the rest of the filthy perverted scum that hoards wealth as people starve suffer and die.
Who helps run the world show and the monarchy alongside the Black Pope? Enjoy as you wake up. ( Taken Down )
Filthy royal secrets. ( Taken Down )
The UK Mob: A wealth of material. ( Taken Down )
Modern Freemasonry. ( Site Hidden )
The unlawful death of Diana. ( Taken Down )
The little black book and How the monarchy are above the law.
It's not going well at all is it? Royal supportive sheep with cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome really should get some major therapy.
Mr Epstien's little black book ?
Read all about it. What good is freemasonry if you can't use it for what it's intended?
Andy and his mate in 60 seconds.
VIP paedophile ring. ( Taken Down )
Step 4: Smash Freemasonry
This is a big one. Freemasonry, the chosen control tool of the global elite is successful because it is ruthless in its resolve to protect itself and its generals who control the filth that seeps out of its very soul. Almost everything in the world is controlled by freemasonry. The UK establishment is run by freemasonry with the queen at the helm as the patroness - let's not pretend that's not the truth. Open your eyes and minds. Let’s start with the top of the chain and work down the shit pile.
The Black Pope and Jesuits. The old Black Pope Adolfo Nicolás has been replaced by the new one, Fr. Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Jesuits. However, the wellspring is the grey pope Pepe Orsini. Everything starts here. Consider near the bottom of the chain, the UK establishment and judicial system for example; systems that we know are totally Masonic and corrupt and how difficult it is to even begin bringing it to real justice then consider how almost impossible it would be to smash the Jesuit hierarchy. But it must be smashed – we cannot continue on this world path or we will end up no better than chipped and brainwashed toys with no choices whatsoever.
At the lowest levels of freemasonry are the simple members up to and just beyond the 3rd level grand masters. These idiots are foot soldiers that protect those above them. Some know the truth, but many do not. The higher one climbs in freemasonry, the more one has to swear allegiance with more than just promises.
No doubt, as with the police institution, there are members of the freemasonry movement who are seemingly good folk, trying their best to create a decent world, albeit out of ignorance of the filthy institutions they ultimately support. But as in the UK judicial system when the ordinary man and woman on the street stands before the courts; ignorance is no excuse – unless, of course, you have the protection of the corrupt or Masonic because freemasonry protects its own whilst also, hypocritically, using its own as scapegoats and sacrificial lambs to protect its hierarchy. It knows no real compassion or empathy and survives via greed, fear and blackmail, hiding its filth behind cloaks of charity and philanthropy and most idiots on the street believe it to be totally a power for good.
Now do you see how the British royal family has survived all this time? Now do you see how top level elite paedophiles are never brought to justice? Now do you see why top cops seem to just walk away from any real justice? Now do you see why Hillsborough has taken 28 years and the freemasons who created that 28 year diversion are still not receiving the justice they deserve? They are protected by freemasonry until the time comes to sacrifice them because they are a threat to Masonic hierarchy.
If you start thinking more deeply and investigate the crap you are shovelled on mainstream media, you will soon begin to see beyond the lies and deceit it feeds you and realise that it’s all created via freemasonry to control you. Many so-called Truthers on social media constantly push people to stop watching MSM news, but that’s wrong. You must know the enemy and only by seeing MSM news in its true light will you begin to understand the enemy and the shit it uses to control you. This can only be done by watching with an open mind and understanding that everything it says is suspect and should be questioned – Everything.
So where to begin with eradicating freemasonry? Given the fear of freemasons to even consider squealing on their brethren it's a tough one. The penalties for treason in this vile institution are barbaric and draconian, not to mention the ability to have these penalties easily covered up - Kelly Cook and Dando spring to mind? Don't forget the on-going Hillsborough fiasco. 28 years on and still no real justice as the main and most importantly, Masonic element continues to be covered up.
Freemasonry knows no bounds in its attempts to protect its own. It sinks lower than snakes bellies to achieve this. One way is to actually embrace the enemy via royal honours to *get them onside* and unfortunately, many of the enemy fall for it hook, line and sinker. Potential recipients are asked in a subtle way beforehand about royal honours for fear of rejection; no prizes for guessing why.
Many freemasons are keeping low profiles or dropping out as public awareness increases and truths come to light. When people are faced with injustices on a daily basis surrounding those in high office they are confused as to how these injustices can be allowed to continue and how they're organised in the first place.
Freemasons are protected by the system freemasonry controls. In an interview last year on BBC radio Merseyside carried out by Roger Phillips surrounding *Sir Norman Bettison* and the Hillsborough inquiry, Phillips asked Bettison if he was a freemason. Bettison answered no and despite calls for Philips to rephrase the question to *Have you ever been a freemason or influenced by them in any way?* Phillips kept it zipped. The question is still pending.
So perhaps this is where the people could start in the challenge to rid the world of this Elite Jewish Cabal tool.
Even before the Westminster system is razed there could be referendums on freemasonry and its influence on the British judicial system for starters? There should be no place for secretive institutions or organisations in public office in UK and any referendum should be independent and closely monitored for corruption. Along with that, religion should also be banished from politics, but that's another story.
After spending years ragging into freemasonry it's refreshing to see many people increasingly waking up to the truth. Freemasonry has infected the political system in UK forever, https:/ but many wouldn't have it. Now mainstream media can't ignore it. No doubt freemasonry will up their game by flooding mainstream media with their false charity and philanthropy designed to fool the brainwashed sheep into believing the filthy institution is all above board with nothing to hide, which is what secret societies do eh? Check out The London mayor's response to freemasonry. I'm so looking forward to the shit yet to unfold.
The Westminster system has long been known to be a major seat of VIP paedophiles. Many working class brainwashed sheep voters in this system refuse to acknowledge this fact, but now that freemasonry in politics is being exposed, so the next stage of truth will come into focus. People can bury their heads in the sand all they like - the scum is rising to the surface to be skimmed off.
No doubt the masonic UK judicial system will do its best to ensure protection of the brotherhood, but the ticking time bomb is getting closer to exploding because the corruption in the establishment an only go on for so long. The ordinary man and woman on the street is asking questions and demanding answers as to why cover-ups are so blatant now and why certain people are either above the law, as in the monarchy, or simply allowed to just walk. The answer is freemasonry and there's a shit storm coming for these sick and twisted bastards.
Update: 8th Feb 18
BBC news Victoria Live this morning helping out Masonic brothers by pushing the poor freemasonry institution that is being unfairly targeted. Yeh right. Fact? Like I've already mentioned; freemasonry is on the run and shitting itself as many freemasons keep their secret membership even more secret. What next; the queen stepping in under the counter to have new protective Masonic laws written in?
26th Jan 18
The Holohoax
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic” – Dresden James
BBC Victoria Live. Here we go again with the Holocaust. As soon as more evidence pops up about the greatest hoax on earth, the BBC and other Masonic Jew controlled news institutions drag in their actors, many of whom are now being shown to be liars.
A quick check online will show many Youtube videos removed or nobbled by copyright claims to silence the truth; no surprise there then. Twitter is another censor tool that supports Jews and Islam. As for the so-called free speech platform run by gung ho yank god freak Trump supporter Andy Torba, you just currently get shadow banned and censored.
We live in an age of information and technology and that technology is able to investigate in depth more than ever before. It has proven beyond doubt many lies about the holocaust and offered up the choice to believe the brainwashing you suffered and still may suffer at the hands of the Jewish cabal that runs the world or wake up and see the truth. Here's just one of the eye openers that was nobbled by Youtube, but has found a voice elsewhere. The Holohoax
( Bitchute Channel censored )
30th Jan 18
Sanction Anarchy
Victoria Live BBC news: So now we have benefit sanctions extending to those in work from a DWP platform run by the lovely Esther McVey. The rich and elite welcome this; well they would because they believe it's the way to get more people into jobs that don't exist. These creatures live on another planet. Anyone with any sense can see exactly where this will lead and for the wealthy and elite it might just be their worst nightmare.There are now more jobs being lost than created and with the increase in robotics this can only get worse as is evident every day. The elite bury their heads in the sand and don't see the reality of what will surely happen if things don't alter.
As more people are sanctioned there will be more people unable to support themselves because of the very fact that there are none of these fictitious jobs the elite talk about. People put in this position will react differently. Some will fall ill or into depression, placing yet more strain on an already over burdened NHS. Some will be so depressed and filled with hopelessness they will commit suicide. Many more homeless will be hitting our streets. Crime will soar as people struggle to survive, but with increasing numbers out of work the ones angry enough to turn to crime will move their target area to the wealthy; why target their own working class?
Anarchy is coming for sure if this trend to abuse the ordinary working class continues and the more placed in the position of having to fight tooth and nail for survival, the more at risk the elite become. Imagine a couple of million desperate people marching on the capital? Imagine a Free British Army with nothing to lose?
When people have nothing to lose they have no fear and a fearless person is dangerous. Imagine a million fearless, angry, hungry people with nothing to lose? Imagine two million? Imagine the already overstretched police and army facing such a mass of like-minded people ? How many police and army would change sides?
There's a major shit storm on the way for the obscenely wealthy and elite unless something drastic happens to change things. Half of me actually wants to see the elite taken down and forced to eat their own shite. Payback.
6th Feb 18
Britain First
You lot all busy fighting the Britain First brigade? Guess what's happening while you're busy on this latest diversion; the New World Order Illuminati Jewish cabal is busy taking the piss once again and continuing to fuck you over.
Remember, the CIA created ISIS and likewise, the UK secret service, with the help of CIA, created EDL and Britain First as well as other Establishment shill Manchurian candidates like the so-called Muslim terrorists involved in all the false flag entertainment on your UK Hypno boxes.
There's not enough people waking up to this shit because they're too busy with fucking XFactor and Love boat and BGT and Cheshire housewives and wag TV and all the other shite that has you glued to the mind manipulator box in the corner or over your fire place.
People are like sheep as they swallow the next piece of social network crap and like sheep, they don't stop and think before diving in head first and running with the flock. Come on folks - wakey wakey.
9th Feb 18
EDL BF Wakeup
*Tommy Robinson* is an establishment shill and this is a false flag operation^share|twsrc^m5|twgr^email|twcon^7046|twterm^0 with crisis actors and paid operatives? Why? To maybe drum up public support for and create a victim out of Tommy? Reverse psychology? Brainwashing the sheeple? ( Twitter Account Suspended )
13th Feb 18
Protecting their own
Mainstream news is certainly proving itself to be very selective today. It's making it so clear to everyone exactly who it supports and is biased to and who owns and controls it. Unfortunately, many still don't see through what's blatantly obvious and lap up the crap like the brainwashed sheep they are.
Barry Bennell then. A creature who certainly deserves msm exposure and if this judicial system had anything about it, should bring back the rope and hang the beast. Lots about how all the paedophiles are being exposed, caught and rounded up, but not a single word about Westminster or monarchy nonces? Of course not - wake up. Freemasonry won't allow its own to be brought to justice within a Masonic judicial system.
Then we have the home secretary who still hasn't been charged with anything and her new ISP laws to control the internet under the guise of instantly censoring content. Bit like censoring the written and spoken word and legislating that. Where does it end? It doesn't while people still vote in this corrupt Masonic political system, supporting the filthy Masonic establishment.
Don't forget, The CIA invented ISIS and all these so called terrorist attacks are false flags carried out by brainwashed government Manchurian candidates and using crisis actors.
The whole idea of the government protecting everyone online from terrorists that don't really exist is just another excuse to gain internet control and many will buy into it; especially ISPs who are only interested in profit. The dirty establishment doesn't like us talking to each other and as we become smarter and more in tune with the real truth the more the establishment becomes desperate to stop our communication. Their desperation is certainly tripping them up at every turn as they constantly show their arse, winning nothing but disgust and anger from the many who are waking up.
Here's some more news main stream won't share: Another piece of legislation surrounding a free plant. The Blatant hypocrisy as Tory Drugs Minister opposes regulation while her husband grows acres of CANNABIS under a government licence. Never mind though; There's lots of stuff on Harry and his yank bird and how they're helping the homeless. Wouldn't it be great if millions got dressed up as homeless people and lined the streets at the royal wedding of a guy who is chaperoned 24/7 by bodyguards to protect his life - yes, the same guy who played royal soldier boy and flooded the news with his front line propaganda they expect normal intelligent people to swallow. It's fucking laughable and many believe this shite.
Another creature that conveniently escapes the spotlight unless it's for his benefit is Rees-Mogg. This hypocrite really is a major piss taker. So brainwashed and out of touch he actually believes his own shite regarding his statement that everyone who went to state school is a plant pot. This is the state of Britain today. Run by anachronisms and guess what; they'll keep coming as long as the Westminster system is alive. Shame on you voters.
18th Feb 2018
Weapons Amnesties
Time to wake up to Weapons amnesties. Mainstream media is flooded with mass shootings by individuals and groups under the guises of terrorists, mentally unstable, who the fuck knows types etc and fear is spread amongst the masses. Weapons are bad is the message and many simply buy into this propaganda because the TV hypnobox and newspapers tell them so; if they had brains they’d be fucking dangerous.
The first and most important thing to realise is that a populace that is armed is a very real threat to governments and governments, which are basically dictatorships in UK and USA; don’t want a populace that can overthrow them by force. Once you understand this along with the fact that voting in corrupt UK and USA systems is futile then if you have any brains at all you’ll be well on the way to understanding the rest that follows.
Check out Steps to freedom on this blog and you’ll get a clue as to where this is going regarding who actually owns and controls governments. The source of weapon amnesties emanates from the very top and is drip fed down. At the very top is the Jesuit black pope who runs the world, policing via freemasonry.
At levels of high secrecy via government intelligence agencies, Manchurian candidates are constantly being created. These are individuals and groups that are basically brainwashed to hold beliefs on all manner of things from political and religious to bog standard on the street matters and are utilised to carry out the orders of the black pope and the New World Order Illuminati. The assassinations of John Lennon, Robin Cook, Dr Kelly, Jill Dando, JFK, Abe Lincoln, Stan Meyers, to name only a few are examples of the use of Manchurian candidates.
A populace that is in fear is easily controlled and will look to its government for protection, but only if that populace is asleep and hasn’t yet woken to the truth. The truth isn’t hard to see, but takes practice. Watching MSM news and reading the mainstream press isn’t wrong; it’s necessary in order to know your enemy and once you can partake with an open mind you see more and more truths coming through as mainstream lies to you. You are shown atrocities and made to believe that the only ones who should own and control weapons are the government police security and armed forces who will protect you from the criminals that don’t give a shit about weapon amnesties. Think about that for a moment. There is no protection from an intruder that forces entry to your home and shoots you and your family dead because you haven’t got 24/7 police protection; unless, of course, you are royalty or aristocracy or wealthy enough to be able to afford private protection. The right to self-preservation is the highest right. A police force is useless if it turns up after the event.
Everyone has the right to be able to protect themselves and their family by whatever means from those who would threaten their lives. Weapons in the hands of the majority of people would not pose a threat to anyone except those threatening that majority. See how that works regarding governments that are basically dictatorships because they are corrupt and ultimately owned and controlled by NWO Illuminati cabal? Your government doesn’t give a shit about your welfare when it pushes gun laws; it is drip fed from the top to disarm the populace and remove a real threat to the oppressor.
To summarise: NWO Illuminati cabal run by the Jesuit black pope is in ultimate control and wants no resistance. All the orders emanate from this source and are policed by freemasonry, which survives via greed, fear and blackmail whilst hiding its filth behind cloaks of charity and philanthropy. Propaganda and lies are fed to the masses via TV hypnobox and MSM press. Weapons (inanimate objects) that are available to protect and preserve life are made out to be bad. The truth about weapons amnesties is hidden because the brainwashing starts at levels near the top of the control chain and is deeply reinforced through to lower levels and stops at the level of the masses that are simply sheep flocks and currently no different than chipped humanoid robots.
The problem of change is prevented by the populace fear of its governments; governments allegedly voted in by the populace through fear of those governments and also fear of not having those governments and believed protection to take care of it. Its fucking insanity and many are so insane they can’t see it.
See through the bullshit propaganda and lies you are being fed as you lap up the MSM shite. Wake up to the real reason for weapons amnesties and demand your right to bear arms for personal protection for yourselves and your families. From the beginning of time the world has been a dangerous place and it’s not going to change. There will always be those who would threaten us and our lives for their own benefit. Self-preservation is the highest human instinct and is built in to our biology at the deepest level.
6th March 2018
Carrot and stick cannabis
I’ll cut to the chase so you’ll know exactly what this article is about. My agenda is to help people to wake up to embrace the total decriminalisation of cannabis; not the legislation of it. That way, those with open minds can read on and those who are still fast asleep and slaves to their establishments can fuck the fuck off and go watch X Factor or Britain’s got talent or Ant and Dec or some other brain numbing crap on their hypnoboxes. The government wants to legalise cannabis, but it wants you to believe it doesn’t. There are many who know this, but still many who don’t; this is for the latter.
People worldwide have been and still are chomping at the bit to get cannabis legalised. There are various reasons – health, pleasure, profit, getting one over on the man, defeating the criminals who exploit it. I’m sure everyone has their reasons. So frantic are they to use the people’s herb for their particular reason, they have blinded themselves to the repercussions of the legislation of what is and always has been a free plant that belongs to everyone without license or monetary charge or conditions.
Simple searches online will bring up unlimited amounts of articles and information surrounding the hemp plant and all its products and uses so I’m not going to waste your time here jabbering on about its history and its benefits. My agenda is to point you to the reality of world governments who are fighting drugs wars and it would seem, all of a sudden, are folding to the will of the people in slowly legalising this plant. Do you imagine they’re really concerned about your welfare as they sell you what is really free for all to grow and use? Have governments ever been concerned about your welfare…… ever? Have they fuck!
In many states of America the legislation of cannabis is currently raking in a lot of money. People in those states are overjoyed. They’re allowed to use what is and has always been a free plant and it would seem the taxes raised and jobs created are making everything just hunky dory for all. Yay, everything’s great. But will it stay that way? Will it fuck!
For years, propaganda by governments has brainwashed the masses into believing cannabis is dangerous, of no use medicinally and its hemp strains, which are used for many things are pretty much useless and not cost effective. The reason they created this propaganda is because hemp and cannabis are a very real threat to many industries that are owned and taxed by governments, not to mention the illegal trade in cannabis and the protection of its sources by the very same governments on both counts.
The major issue with cannabis is its ability to heal, across the board, many ailments and maladies; the main one being cancer. The pharmaceutical and research industries have spent billions creating anti-cannabis propaganda material and have employed *sell-out* experts to give credence to their lies over the years. On the opposite side and after properly conducted tests and experimentation by wealthy well educated people who support the truth about cannabis over the years, the results and successes with use and treatments are more than anecdotal and have proven the worth of a plant that has seen no recorded deaths, ever and is blowing pharma drugs out of the water on many counts. Governments, pharmaceuticals and research organisations are well and truly shitting themselves.
Free plants can’t be patented and free medicine can’t make greedy people and organisations wealthy and powerful. The fight goes on to some extent, but governments and the industries that attack cannabis and hemp have changed their tune a tad. Here’s the rub though; they still want you to believe, in a lot of respects, that cannabis is dangerous and should be regulated, controlled, altered to create a patentable and licensed product that only they can have control of and that you must pay for. Guess what – people are buying into it.
People have been so frantic to use this plant without fear from authorities they vote in, they’ve jumped at the change in policies and bought into the legislation. They’ve basically given control of it to their fucking oppressors. Too late now for many states in America; the people have cooked their goose. Watch cannabis take the same route as alcohol, tobacco and pharma drugs; Taxed to the hilt with money being siphoned off for wars and elite and even more policing as crime surrounding black market cheaper and increasingly dangerous produce hits the streets.
As for the UK: We are actually a huge producer of cannabis, but the government is adamant it remains illegal, even to the point of letting sick children suffer and die - Murdering hypocritical bastards! Check these two links from different sources re UK cannabis production.
UK is world’s largest legal cannabis producer, UN reveals
UK is world's largest producer of legal cannabis - Sky News
Blatant hypocrisy as Tory Drugs Minister opposes regulation while her husband grows acres of CANNABIS under a government licence | Evolve Politics
Now, given the mainstream media coverage of cannabis via news channels and TV programs showing cops busting into houses and people on the streets being bullied for toking on a joint, you would think the UK government was totally against legalising cannabis. You couldn’t be more wrong. That’s what they want you to believe. They’re dangling a carrot on a stick at the British public while all the time gearing up to take control in exactly the same way as America has and idiots are buying it. The more the government says no the more the people will crave what it seems they can’t have. Get with the psychology of how the filthy corrupt establishment controls brain dead voting sheep. If cannabis is legislated with the agreement of the people then the crime surrounding it will not stop. Pharma control will decide who gets it (basically, who lives and dies in many cases wherein people need it for medicine) and at what price, and make no mistake; the price will go through the roof to raise taxes to feed wars, elite and filthy fucking monarchy. The black market will survive and thrive, just as it has with tobacco and alcohol; dangerous produce feeding low life criminal scum and poisoning many. Think you’ll see the end of killer herbal highs? Think again.
Wake up people. Don’t agree to the legislation and control of a free plant that belongs to everyone. Push for total decriminalisation and make this herb about as useful to criminals as parsley and as valuable to the masses as it’s truly always been. As for dosage, there is more than enough expert information on every aspect of cannabis and hemp online and the important thing to remember is that you can’t fatally overdose on it. Contrary to pharmaceutical drugs, humans have natural cannabis brain receptors and so it’s the perfect medicine. There will be many for whom cannabis is unsuitable just as there are with alcohol, tobacco and pharma drugs and they are the people whose are used by lying anti cannabis organisations to spread propaganda. People have the right to and can make informed decisions as to whether cannabis is suitable for them or not and should be able to exercise that right. The natural human right to use a natural plant for medicine, recreation or food is the decision of the individual. Wake up, don’t regret a hasty decision on the theft, by the establishment, of what is already yours.
Links: The emperor wears no clothes by Jack Herer. Ther greatest book on cannabis.
Marihuana history 101 full film.
8th Feb 18
Voluntary work for registered charities.
Re-created from a 2012 gagged blog and updated.
I recently surfed the multitude of registered charities in my area with respect to voluntary work and started to think a little more deeply about charities; especially the big boys. On a recent television interview, a spokesman for the British Heart Foundation pointed out that due to the increase in people now selling their unwanted clothes to businesses that recycle this for overseas use and with the popularity of Ebay in being an outlet for second hand clothing etc, due, obviously, to the current economic climate; they were losing £millions.
This loss of £millions is what got me to thinking about people who give up their time and energy working for these charities for nothing as volunteers. Now, if the British Heart Foundation, which I give to on occasion, can afford to lose £millions, but still continue to operate then why don't they pay their workers a wage? I would like to bet that the directors and hierarchy of these big charities are creaming pretty nice salaries from the profits, whilst spending a heap of advertising money in looking for people to work for them for nothing.
Ok, it's up to the individual if they want to donate via their time and effort, but I see charities as being able to actually create real jobs, whilst still doing the great charity work that is essential in this so called democracy we live in wherein the Establishment, the members of which don't have any financial burdens, are only too happy to support anything that keeps people busy and with their minds off the fact, albeit for a short while, that they are trapped in an eating or heating nightmare with the loss of their homes hanging like black thunder clouds over their heads, but at least they'll get some reward in heaven in their philanthropy eh?
We hear that these voluntary activities are real stepping stones to real jobs, but unfortunately, the real jobs are figments of the imagination of politicians who excel at brainwashing people who can't really think for themselves and believe anything that's chucked at them. No doubt there are some voluntary jobs that can be used to gain experience that would be most beneficial in respects of CV embellishment, but most charities are simply paid directors and anonymous finger in the pie people using the gullible for profit under a worthy cause disguise.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not down on charities here; I do stuff for them on this site and in other areas and they are a real necessity when times are tough, but in an ideal world, wherein the people are governed by a management that isn't filthy rich and corrupt, they shouldn't be necessary.
I would like to bet that many charities, if they got out their calculators and did a bit of math, along with reducing the money used in paying huge salaries to their top people and to the advertising industry and agencies in looking for voluntary workers, could actually create real jobs.
One Liverpool charity in particular, who knocked me back with respect to employment when I was suffering a period of winter unemployment because of the common downturn in the refrigeration industry in colder weather, are now advertising for unpaid volunteers. I certainly won't be applying to them to work for nothing in filling their bosses pockets out of my sweat, but in saying that, I wouldn't deter anyone who is looking to gain experience in what this charity does in order to enhance their place in the job market - no monetary gain, but at least they may be learning something so there's a trade-off. It beats sitting at home watching daytime telly or getting involved in criminal activity, which must look pretty inviting these days to a young person with a family to support given this government's constant failures and ridiculous policies.
But then, with respect to turning to crime to support a family, when you look at the young and what they have as role models and or people who are setting examples in the drug addled and alcoholic mentally retarded pop stars, the bent politicians and police officers and the greedy charity bosses with their pseudo philanthropy bullshit; is it any wonder they succumb to the temptation?
Update: 2013:
We are currently seeing cans of worms being opened on many issues regarding the corrupt establishment and now the truth about many charities is also coming to light. I was saddened by the recent news of the Salvation Army supporting Workfare. This was the only charity I ever gave to at the door, but this will now stop. When they call, I will be asking them if they are aware of what the money they collect goes toward and I'm sure they'll have no idea. If you do work for a charity it may be worth a little search to find out just what your sweat is supporting.
Update: 2018:
I’m sure people are a little savvier now from when I first wrote this article. Here’s a little information that many charities don’t want you to know. My feelings have changed somewhat regarding charity and paid workers; especially given the way workfare ripped off a lot of people who deserved a day’s pay for a day’s work. I believe that charities should be charities and just that from top to bottom. There should be no paid staff at all and expenses should be closely monitored by a non-Masonic independent investigative body that is paid for out of charity funds and by paid for I mean sensible money; unlike the kind we see coming out of UK politics.
6th Feb 18
A world without cancer
From a former blog dated 7th November 2013 and updated.
Most people are stupid, but they're learning. Slowly and surely, The Internet is bringing the truth to the masses and governments around the world are worried; very worried. They are the puppets of the elite and obscenely wealthy families and monarchies who, through vast wealth, control that movement of wealth and hence the people. They are increasingly worried as well, as they become subject to the laws they create; unable to wriggle out of the evidence produced against them by a people who are waking up and taking action.
The corrupt have become so corrupt, their selective laws, designed to protect them whilst treating the people differently, have become so transparent they might as well have a huge beacon attached to them saying "Hey, look at me; I'm a league division one criminal and there's nothing you can do about it."
Wrong! The people are increasingly becoming wiser and seeing through the lies, deception, greed, corruption, lack of compassion, intolerance and hypocrisy of the puppets of the few who hoard too much money and build on that hoard via the abuse and slaughter of the people who are used as cannon fodder and game pieces in wars played on a real life world board.
Cancer: Despite the astronomical finances spent and made in the research and treatment of this closely controlled and monitored man-made money making symptom, cancer rates are increasing and we are told they will continue to rise into the future, despite advances in mechanisms and regulations that have improved air quality along with other health and safety related issues. Cancer is not a disease! For over fifty years science has known exactly what cancer is and how and why it thrives, but despite advances and giant leaps in areas such as space travel, technology and other forms of medical procedures, cancer seems to remain a mystery - why? Control is the answer. The sick and twisted control of the few who hoard most of the world's money and money is power.
The people are being lied to in order to protect the money making machine monster. The machine is a convenient marriage of three bodies. 1. The research organisations. 2. The huge pharmaceutical companies and 3. Orthodox medicine. They have almost become one monstrous beast that is controlled by money - money that ultimately makes the obscenely wealthy even wealthier, but more importantly, for those elite, more powerful and controlling.
Orthodox medicine is trapped. Many who work in this field have to follow rules, regulations and procedures and cannot deviate, even when they know there are simpler answers to treatments and recovery. Any deviation from protocols would ensure loss of employment, position, license and livelihood for many and so they tow the line.
The pharmaceuticals are the super-glue that keeps this machine stuck together. Should people find the truth about the real cause and treatment of cancer, they would be finished overnight and so they fight tooth and nail with vast amounts of money to promote themselves and debase anything that would suggest what they are doing is only out of self-interest. Many of the ordinary people working in these three areas will be oblivious to the truth. The people at the top know what's happening and many instances of skulduggery and propaganda have come to light and are currently being exposed via the wonderful World Wide Web, proving that money comes first and people second.
Governments are and have been involved by way of agencies that control treatments via patented drugs (FDA & NICE etc) and prison sentences have been doled out throughout history to those helping and curing others by way of natural means. Governments are ultimately run by the elite families and monarchies and anything that threatens their survival and their hoards must be destroyed.
The Internet is bringing the world's people together in a most spectacular way and people are seeing the truth via many who are brave enough to shun orthodox medicine and not only prevent cancer, but actually rid their bodies of it with the most natural things there are; their own immune systems, adequate exercise, healthy living and food that creates a bodily environment and ph level wherein cancer cells cannot survive. The pharmaceutical companies hate this because natural plants and other alternative treatments can't be patented and hence, make money for the few.
One of the most famous on The Net is Vito Johnston who was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer and survived, with the cancer eventually being undetectable. This was after orthodox medicine gave up on him and told him to get his affairs in order. Vito is one oif the most censored and gagged people on The Net. Even his site has been highjacked. Read Here. There are many others throughout history with similar stories and searches online will open them up to a world that is brimming with successes, currently and historically. People are searching for truthful answers after realising they have been told countless lies and are beginning to take responsibility. Research, pharmaceuticals and orthodox medicine are panicking.
The biggest hurdle to face is the one wherein one must choose orthodox medicine and patented drugs over a natural approach. Orthodox medicine is fast becoming another money making machine on its own and trends now show that paranoia testing is on the increase. *We'd better test you in case you might get something nasty.* Once they find something, anything, they put you on the test circuit and poke and prod you until they come up with a snapshot of something the body would've dealt with on its own with healthy diet and exercise. This then gives them the excuses to *treat* you via drugs; pharmaceutical poisons.
Most people panic and place their entire trust in a system that is using them as a money making guinea pig. Is it any wonder people who are stressed out mentally with worry about something they've been told they may have, go on to develop serious illness? It's a clever and conniving machine and it's helped along by the governments via the food eaten, the water and liquids drank, the air breathed and the mental attitude many are brainwashed into developing via mainstream media and orthodox medicine. This is a monstrous machine without a doubt.
People are placed on orthodox protocols and those who survive are used as success stories to brainwash the masses; their own success bringing the belief that orthodox was the only way to go. Those who undergo the chemo and radiation and carving who attempt alternative as a last resort and fail, fail because their immune systems were so shot up by the orthodox procedures, they didn't stand a chance and it's these people the machine will use as examples of failed alternatives. They conveniently forget about the many alternative survivors. How the machine spins and controls.
Rather than go into a long drawn out explanation about cancer treatments I'll put a few pointers here and you can do your own online homework, thereby discovering for yourself and going as deep as you wish. Check out: cancer, PH levels and bicarbonate of soda. Check out: cancer and cayenne pepper. Check out: cancer and hemp/marijuana. Check out: cancer and mental attitude. Check out: Orthodox medicine, over-diagnosis and over-treatment.
Cancer, with regards to this article, is not just about rogue cells; it's about the cancer that controls the world we live in - the cancer that is the elite families, monarchies, governments and other criminals that abuse their positions of power. These are much harder to eradicate than a few bodily cells.
One of the most beneficial plants on this earth is hemp, but it's mostly illegal. It's always struck me as very strange how a plant can be illegal - crazy really. There are plenty of links online regarding the people’s herb so do some homework. It's incredible how much government bullshit surrounds this plant and how much is spent on prohibition. This really opened my eyes and after reading about Rastafarianism I got to thinking about the law regarding use and religion. Here's a blog post that has a different slant on things in the UK. It sounds feasible and I'm wondering if anyone has actually succeeded in having a conviction overturned on these grounds. The trend seems to be one of the people screaming for the legalisation of cannabis, but this is a ploy by the elite machine to gain control of an already free plant by having the people sanction its control over to governments. The only law should be one of the decriminalisation of this plant.
Back to the reason why marijuana is kept illegal by the UK and other governments. Pharmaceuticals spend vast amounts of money creating so-called medicines, mostly based on natural substances then patent them. The moment that patent exists is the moment the pharmaceuticals start raking the cash in. They steer well clear of anything natural because you can't patented a natural substance. Bicarbonate of soda costs pennies. This is what Veto Johnston used to eradicate the metastasising cancer in his body; the body the experts said was toast. It's what many have used over the years to cure themselves so is it any wonder the research organisations, pharmaceuticals and orthodox medicine go out of their way to debase it? Not really; if people started curing themselves for pennies they would go out of business fast. Governments and their real owners are in nice cosy marriages with the major Pharmas, orthodox medicine and research orgs. Where there's money you will find the corrupt elite families.
Could this be why marijuana is still prohibited? Extracts have been made, but this soon died out because people don't have to spend a fortune on something that grows freely - or should do if the governments got their heads out of their fucking arses. Another reason governments don't like marijuana is because of its narcotic compounds. Not dangerous, but more mind altering in as much as people become freer and start to think for themselves more. Governments don't want people who can think for themselves; they want sheep and nations they can control.
Will marijuana ever be decriminalised? 40 years ago, I and many others thought it was just around the corner; how wrong we were. But so many people now use it we have a situation wherein it's costing too much of tax payers money to police it and the people aren't happy.
The government's answer to a nation that doesn't want it in power is to keep creating new laws to force that nation into submission. In creating laws to protect a corrupt regime, the creation of those new laws is never-ending. When we become free in mind and spirit and live our freedom, no matter the obstacles, it lives in us and becomes our reality. Laws become unenforceable when the majority break them. They can’t put everyone in jail.
6th Feb 18
Bullying or self worth?
From a former blog dated 25th April 2013
A bully who works with words has only as much power as his or her victim allows. In the absence of a victim, there is no bully. Easy to say when your whole body is not shaking and you don't feel physically sick to the stomach, out of your mind with fear, but to those who allow themselves to be bullied, ask what creates those feelings and reactions and you will find, ultimately, it is yourself.
Of course, there are those whose mental capacity is such that they will always be limited in controlling their thoughts and hence, controlling their emotions and reactions to external stimuli. The bully will never be totally eradicated while those people are left unprotected. But the vast majority of people have the capacity to alter their thoughts and in so doing, alter their feelings and reactions to what is happening as they interpret the written and spoken word.
The problem is, too many people are bone idle and want quick fixes, so rather than enter into a little homework on the subject of self-worth and the practice of thinking, they try to kill the bully by feeding it with the food it craves and only end up helping it thrive. A bully can only work with a victim. In the absence of a victim, there is no bully. The victim has the choice to be the victim, just as the bully has the choice to be the bully in the arena of words. Words mean different things to different people and it's the interpreter of the words that is ultimately responsible for their interpretation.
Everything starts with a thought, from the tiniest perceived piece of matter to the largest man made constructions, and on other levels of consciousness, everything perceived is simply thought. Thought is the most powerful thing there is and yet, it weighs nothing and has no physical size. It cannot be truly controlled by any other than the person who is using it. Thought is everything you think you are and gives you all the emotions that shape who you think you are. It creates your emotions and in turn, your emotions feed back to it, helping to keep it alive and on its course.
The written and spoken word has the ability to harm you physically in many ways, but it can never harm you emotionally unless you agree to it doing so. Your choice in respect of the latter is dependant upon how you feel about the words you interpret and what they really mean. Self-worth gives you the power to care not a jot what others think about you because the reality is; what others think about you is none of your business and when used in the arena of the spoken and written word, self-worth is so powerful, it removes both the victim and the bully.
The bully will use the victim's lack of self-worth in order to create fear within the victim. Once this fear is created, the bully has a foothold and a ready supply of food. Removing the bully by physical means does nothing to help the victim because as one bully vanishes, another replaces it. The victim remains a victim, waiting for the next bully to move in. The only way to kill the bully is to kill the victim and the victim can only be killed by removing the bully's food source; the fear and lack of self-worth. The bully is only the bully because the victim recognises both the bully and itself, as does the bully, and therein is the unwritten agreement of misery and cyclical negative behaviour.
As the bully uses the written or spoken word to suggest the victim is a lesser person, the victim fears that others will believe the bully and despite the victim knowing itself to be other than what the bully suggests, it is fearful that it will be at a loss because of the thoughts of others should they believe the bully.
If it is true that the victim is a lesser person and the victim knows this to be true then it is the fear of the truth being made known that feeds the bully. If the victim sees itself not as a lesser person then the fear is created out of the belief that others will believe it to be so, again, the bully is fed.
How to break this cycle is via thought and emotion and you cannot walk before you crawl. The interpretations of the bully’s words are the first step in killing both the bully and the victim. As you will no doubt appreciate by now, it is the victim that ultimately stops the bullying, hence, the victim is the real controller in this partnership.
As previously mentioned most victims seek to kill the bully physically and will always look for the easy way out, which never works. Are you a victim? Do you seek bullet-proof self-worth? If you truly do then you will move on from here to find it yourself.
Many people wallow in negative, destructive thought and they are successful in their misery because they practice it. It is just as easy to practice the opposite and the best way to become proficient is to practice. With practice, thoughts and emotions can be totally turned around. What you see is what you get and what you get is what you see. Search self-worth. Learn as much about it as you can. Practice it and you will realise that you have more power than you ever imagined.
6th Feb 18
Modern Motoring and laws
From a former blog dated 31st December 2013 and updated.
A mobile service engineer for years and covering most of the UK, driving many thousands of miles in all conditions and with a clean license, I consider myself a professional driver. Over the years and despite driving tests being harder, I've noticed a real decline in safe drivers and driving across many areas. Stupidity, thoughtlessness, selfishness and mindless risk taking seem to be the order of the day.
Of course, the government doesn't help one iota and in fact, in my opinion, makes things worse by helping to bring out the worse in drivers with laws, agendas and rules and regulations that create dangerous, frustrated, angry and aggressive driving.
Whilst the government want drivers to pay precise attention to speed limits and rules and regulations, it sanctions the increasing number of road signs that must be observed and which only serve to detract from constantly watching the speedometer, which in turn detracts from actually paying attention to the road itself. A viscous circle that only helps to increase traffic offenses and boost government coffers through financial penalties for those offences along with turning many thousands of motorists with years of impeccable driving and clean licenses into criminals overnight and for the sometimes, act of a moment's distraction. On a recent trip to Milton Keynes I paid attention to and logged the journey there and back for reasons of this page and my observations beggar belief.
An early morning start on Boxing Day, the roads were relatively clear. Even Birmingham had no problems apart from the fact that for many miles, there were speed restrictions at coned areas with no work going on, which is normal all year round. I have to question, why so much work is needed on this Birmingham stretch of M6 motorway and why it is, and has been, for years, never ending. The M6 toll road never seems to have cones or work going on and granted, it may not have the level of traffic the M6 has, but is it made of superior materials to ensure it remains trouble free and if so, why don't the government make the regular M6 out of the same stuff?
My own opinion is that things are designed to force traffic onto the m6 toll, from the bottleneck at its beginning southbound, with the resulting backlog of traffic, to the never ending cones and seemingly non-existent and never ending road works through the Birmingham area.
It took three hours to reach MK from Liverpool on the outbound journey and three and a half hours homeward bound on the following Saturday morning whilst also using the M6 toll road. The toll road was relatively clear, but once back on the M6, traffic soon ground to halts on a regular basis. No accidents throughout the whole trip back and apart from the usual speed restrictions in force, with not one workman in sight, one would wonder what causes these tailbacks and delays. My opinion? Advisory illuminated signs! How?
Traffic is sailing along, despite lanes being busy, but once an advisory illuminated sign is reached that warns of non-existent queues and advises a reduced speed, many automatically drop to that speed despite a clear road. This causes traffic behind to slow and as the tailback gets longer, the speed reduces even more and to the point of standing traffic, which slowly picks up speed again.
This rubber band effect is clearly evident in areas with regular advisory signs and in the absence of these signs, the traffic, although heavy, continues on at normal motorway speeds until once again, being forced to slow by those who may think the speed advice is mandatory. Add to this the fact that signs warning of queues are on even when there are no queues or hazards and you will see that it's quite obvious; these things are the cause of major hold-ups on the motorways. Totally unnecessary. Why have signs that tell of spray when you are already experiencing it? You're in a queue; you don't need a sign to confirm it.
Now we come to the idiots on the road. Sorry to disappoint you women, but most of the dick heads in my observation are young women. Using mobile phones is the biggest offender and I had a job finding one that actually wasn't on the phone jabbering away with hand gestures included; even at speed. I even saw some applying eye makeup and doing serious preening and lip-sticking at speeds over 70mph.
Next we have the tailgaters in the fast lane who ignore your hazard lights because you have traffic on your left and can't go anywhere until there's a space and who then, once you've pulled into the middle lane, pass you at breakneck speed and take both hands off the wheel to turn and give you a hand clap applause. How they hasten to their deaths. Unfortunately, they kill other people in the process.
Now we come to the impatient bastards in lane queues. Traffic in the fast lane is standing, whilst the middle lane picks up speed. A glance in the mirror sees the risk takers and potential murderers jumping into the middle lane to try and shave seconds off their journeys and in the process causing traffic to slam on or swerve uncontrollably, thereby creating hold-ups or accidents further back in the middle lane. Can these tools not understand that the saving they hope to make in their journey times by this tear arsing and risk taking is only amounting to minutes or even seconds?
Next up is road speed humps, which are both dangerous and expensive to the vehicle owner and other travellers. Vehicles constantly swerve to straddle these things, especially when there are three spanning a road and if hit at regulation 30mph, vehicle damage often occurs not to mention injuries to other passengers. Many instances of injury involve people in ambulances that are forced to negotiate these death traps not to mention serious emergencies wherein the ambulance must travel at speed.
Winter time takes its toll on these humps, which develop road heave damage because of cold weather and are always on one or both sides of the hump, which leads to a vehicle going down a pot hole on one side and up across the hump on the other causing severe damage to the vehicle and putting drivers and passengers at increased risk of injury. Councils waste time and money by filling these holes in with tarmac and this soon fails in no time. The answer? Rip these fuckers up and let’s get sensible.
28th May 2018
The latest on the Tommy Robinson saga
So he's been arrested and imprisoned and the brain dead sheeple kneejerkers are out in force playing right into the hands of the new world order masonic illuminati jesuit cabal. Robinson is a shill. A manchurian candidate whose job it is to stir up hatred and further the agenda of creating division and everyone at each others throats and it's certainly working on those that haven't got the brain cells to wake up.
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