The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody

Page 7

Update 13th May 2021

Max Igan on Waking the future (1)

Update 15th May 2021

Max Igan and Dave Oneegs Part 1 and 2

Another couple of videos taken down because of brandnewtube and its alleged hack. Or was it? I would imagine the enemy would pay handsomely to watch all these videos go up in smoke.

Update 22nd May 2021

Vernon Coleman believes he'll be assassinated.

Vernon Coleman's latest video entitled; Time is Running Out - We Must Act Now! should really have been called; Poor me; I'm going to be whacked!

Try here:

Another narcissistic victim status production wherein Coleman claims to have first coined the phrase "Covid hoax" and goes on to repeatedly boost his own ego in telling us, for the millionth time, how he's not a shill and the establishment won't debate with him.

Let's look at it from the cabal puppet government viewpoint. If you have a psyop shill working for you then the last thing you do is challenge them to debate. You deny it so that the gullible believe your shill is your enemy. What better a people's saviour than one who had close ties with all MSM platforms and is now totally against them? You couldn't make this shit up.

As for his belief he'll be assassinated? This is no surprise at all. As he constantly drops clangers and spews his own self importance, he increasingly scuttles his own little boat and what better way for the cabal to pull one of their top psyops before the real truth comes out than do an Epstein on him. New ID. New life. New face.

Listen carefully to all his productions. The truth is there alright. The truth about the Covid hoax and the truth about his credibility. All you have to do is watch and listen with an open mind. It's all there, folks.

Update 26th May 2021

The great virus scam. You've been had and still are?

Virus theory is the greatest scam of all time and billions of people from the highly educated and allegedly intelligent to the most brain dead moron in existence have been had over. The fact is, viruses as a living thing in nature don't exist and cannot be spread to others in any way other than by injecting them directly into the bloodstream. They're neither infectious nor contagious.

The theory was created for one reason only; to give the pharmaceutical industry and those who control it power and wealth and control world populations via legalised murder and genocide. These aren't the only things we've been lied to about, but that's for another article.

The current Covid hoax and so called pandemic isn't the first time this lie has been launched upon the masses. The Spanish flu of 1918 was another scam wherein the majority were murdered via hypoxia and bacterial pneumonia through extended mask wearing. This one will be the same, with the added bonus of death via autoimmune disease caused by the Bill Gates MRNA jab masquerading as a vaccine and willingly taken by brainwashed and Mainstream Media hypnotised morons. But now to viruses. I'll use bullet points to give the reader the opportunity to take each one individually and investigate at their own speed.

1. Viruses are created by the body to help detoxify that body. When a pathogen enters the body and cell, endosomes grab hold of them and move them outside of the cell. Exosomes then clear them out of the body. Symptoms are created by the immune system to help this along. Raised temperature, mucus increase, fever state etc and as this is happening, the immune system recognises these exosomes (viruses) and builds antibodies to them. Any exosomes that are expelled via coughing, sneezing etc and land on surfaces or other people have no effect. They are not alive and have no power to make anyone sick. They're no more than tools to assist the body in healing. No symptoms means no sickness. The Asymptomatic scam is just that; another brainwashing tool used by corrupt governments that are owned by the 1% who seek to murder billions and enslave the rest.

2. Masks are totally useless in stopping the harmless exosomes from others coughing or sneezing because of their size. It's like trying to stop mosquitoes by using a chain link fence. Surgical masks are used by surgeons in positive pressure and oxygen rich operating theatres and regularly changed to prevent bacteria entering the patient or by those working in hazardous dusty environments and will, if used continuously without replacing cause bacterial infections of the mouth, throat and lungs along with reduced oxygen to the brain with a build up of carbon dioxide. Not very smart wearing these as fashion accessories then. They’re another means of depopulation and psychological control.

Update 18th August 2021

Not updated for a while now so here we go:

Trump and Joe are a double act.

Voting Yanks really do take the biscuit when it comes to stupidity and ignorance. It's as plain as the nose on your face how not only the Westminster and Whitehouse political systems really work, but all world governments. As I've said before, they're all owned and controlled by the Jesuit Cabal with Orsini at the helm with voting being a complete sham. But Trump is another story according to his disciples. *He's unlike any other POTUS* and is truly their saviour, So much so that their ability to think rationally is severely affected.

Trump is a wall licking Israel cock sucking Jew, a top hypnotist and a major NWO Cabal player. There's plenty of shit on him, but cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome blocks it in his sheep followers.

The NWO know for sure that their Covid baby they thought was going to usher in The Great Reset and one government world with mass depopulation paving the way for Artificial Intelligent android humans is not going to happen and in their last ditch attempt and through massive desperation, they're rolling out the nasty stuff big time. One of their weapons is in the form of secret double agents Trump and Biden.

Trump's popularity was waning because of his exposure via Epstein, Prince Andrew, Maxwell and other friends he denied knowing after he'd sung their praises and joined them in camera snapshots, amongst other low life shite. His lies were catching up with him so they brought in their good cop bad cop drama in the form of slotting in Joe Biden as POTUS, knowing full well that this demented amoeba would make Trump look half decent and gain him some brownie points and boy, did the stupid yanks buy it hook line and sinker.

Trump will be slotted back in for sure and the flag waving morons will once again sing and dance. But like always, the shit will hit them in the face when the truth comes out for sure. There's no talking to them once they've been got to so it's a case of sitting back, planting the seeds, taking their abuse on social media then watch them disappear once they've been exposed as voting toss pots.

The Queen loses in court.

Stew Peters and Patrick King Talk about the successful court win against The Crown in Alberta, Canada 2021. Brought to court for a fine revolving around Covid, King refused to pay and representing himself, demanded the court produce full isolation certificates for the so called Covid virus. It couldn't. The original subpoena was quashed and in desperation, it changed the prosecutor to The Crown, (The Queen of England) obviously in the hope it would scare King.

Patrick didn't back down and proceeded. Despite huge attempts to secure the full isolation certificate worldwide from all governments and scientific bodies, the court failed and The Crown lost. The Crown represents 54 commonwealth countries so by rights, this should stand for all. Alberta is free. Ireland has followed. Governments worldwide will be now be exposed. There's no hiding place for the supporters of this, the greatest evil of modern times.

Here is a post court video on the Stew Peters show. ( video taken down ) Check out other material on Stew Peters show here.

Dr. David Martin and Reiner Fuellmich

Doctor David Martin is another leading the fight in this evil attempt at genocide.

If this doesn't wake people up then they're beyond help.

Doctor David Martin just ended Covid, Fauci DOJ politicians in one interview. ( video taken down )

Along with Dr. David Martin, Reiner Fuellmich, who is in the process of a world legal challenge blows the massive Covid lie out of the water.

Coroners are criminals.

It's imperative that we push our legal professions worldwide to address this. If you have a loved one who has Covid on their death certificate then you must appeal and call for legal representation to have the coroner prove Covid by attaching a Covid full isolation certificate to it. It is *illegal* for any coroner to falsify a death certificate or put on it something other than a bona fide cause of death. Any legal firm must realise that this is a win win situation in the *no win no fee* arena. Here on Gab.

Real time comments as the circus unfolds are here on my social media page.

Update 19th August 2021

Liverpool police issue illegal dispersal notice.

All officer numbers were noted. There are innocent people in Liverpool being abused, attacked, robbed, raped and murdered while police resources, time and tax payer money is being wasted pushing this criminal government's agenda on a fake pandemic called Covid. Justice will be served on all who support this crooked regime eventually. These officers are a disgrace to their families, friends and communities as they follow the orders of a corrupt and masonic police institution and an equally corrupt and masonic government controlled by the NWO cabal. Note: The large sign at the back saying *welcome to Bold street* was erected to stop the homeless sheltering from the elements. Many ex servicemen have been totally disregarded after serving and this sign is every bit as bad as concrete spikes in doorways. Shame on Liverpool council. I also note that the Joe Anderson story has disappeared eh? Where is he? Who is shielding him? Cpould it be the same masonic scum that protected certain individuals in the plus 30 year Hillsborough farce, which is now up to 97 unlawfully killed with no perps convicted? ( video taken down )

What the elite don't want you to know.

An excellent film covering everything the new to waking up should be watching. Educate yourself and get a good grounding in further research and investigation. 

The Ramblings of Mr Nobody Page 8 


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