The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody

Page 11

22nd December 2023 

The Filthy British Monarchy

The stench of royalty covers the UK like a blanket of poison fog, infecting everything it touches. Its courts are called royal for a reason... To ensure the corruption they're built on and designed to protect that corruption, places royalty and its closest allegiants above all so called laws, acts and statutes forced upon its enslaved subjects.

A multitude of websites, videos and blogs covering the royal family have been taken down over the years. It's not hard to figure out the many reasons. People being paid off or threatened. Direct involvement from royalty and their supporters and protectors to censor and gag the truth. Platforms pandering to the government thought police via the legislation of the written and spoken word. Royalty don't have to work very hard to silence the truth given their vast wealth which greatly exceeds the bullshit figures spewed out by the MSM and press.

A website I once called The Royal Bible has vanished without trace and any attempt to gain information on it has been futile. That site was called The Happy Fox at Unfortunately, all my archives were saved as URL links on this site so there's nothing to post up here. 

However, many people, including former diehard sycophants have awakened since those days and the support to abolish the monarchy, seize its wealth and deal with this criminal, nonce, Satanic, mass murdering and thieving institution is gaining much ground. 

My main Royals post on Royal Filth is here on Gab. I'll be updating and moving things over to this space to keep it all a bit tidier in future. As you will obviously notice, there are broken links on this post and I'll be leaving them up to show the future level of gagging that goes on as the OMITs expose more. Link back here for this post.

(These could vanish at any point as they often do)

Andy Caught Out by psychological profile... ( Another private account ) 

Missing Children 2... ( Another redirect ) 

Royal Satanic murders... ( Site can't be reached ) 

Epstein's little black book... ( Page can't be found ) ( Terminated account ) ( Terminated account )

Royal lords and butlers... (Private account. Who knows why?) 

Trump the liar... (Redirected for some reason) 


19th October 2023 

WEF puppet Elon Musk and other WEF platforms 

When Elon Musk was slotted into Twitter by his papal bloodline families masters, I decided to join again and see what the cracke was. I've lost count of the accounts I've had since that platform started so I rejoined as Jobo Pooks and was surprised I didn't get an immediate ban, but it seems they weren't that bothered. Didn't last long though. I tore into this fake bastard, Musk from day one and was astonished at the amount of people singing his praises as the new messiah coming to save the planet from the evils of the New World Order. Even those claiming to be awake were drawn in by the puppet. The most well educated seemed to be the most easily indoctrinated but then, that's always been the case because the well educated are often the easiest to influence via them being institutionalised from a very early age. 

I'd also decided to have a little go on Gettr and right away, spotted the Chinese influence, but I hung with it, warning other users of its Chinese connections and the amount of Communist China government bots on there. It got so bad with propaganda in the end that I had to sling this trash in the garbage... It's 100% enemy owned and operated. With the amount of bots, psy-ops, shills and complete brain dead morons on there, you might as well bang your head against a brick wall in trying to fight as a resistance member. 
I'm not suggesting for one minute here that gab is the be all and end all of platforms to fight the WEF Beast on; it's far from it and of late, it seems to be turning into Twitter as the bots infiltrate. But at least it's a place where you can mostly have opinions and be pretty much left alone to express them.
Last week I decided to take a peak at Mastodon and what a hoot. Mastodon was created by Eugen Rochko in October 2016. Rochko is a German software developer and entrepreneur who grew up using Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. I set up my profile as Jobo Pooks and away I went. 
My first post was a link to a video called *The lost history of flat earth* An unfortunate choice of name for this production as it doesn't touch on flat earth a lot but does explain much about the lies we've been fed through education and MSM. It's highly recommended and although a tad large, ( 5 hours) it can be viewed in one hour blocks so stuff can penetrate the noggin.
Anyway. As soon as I'd posted this link, I received an email from Mr. Rochko telling me that I'd breached the T&Cs of Mastodon and I was totally suspended from the platform. No attempt to even give me a chance to defend myself or given a warning to perhaps take it down; just, BANG!'re toast! 
I almost soiled myself with laughter and was overcome with pride as never before, in my history of speaking the truth and pissing off the enemy online from the day The Net started, had I been burned in just over five minutes. I was never even allowed to post on David Icke's discussion board back in the 56k dial-up days after joining' but this was something else and I wear my badge with pride. 

20th September 2023

A Summary of the Covid Hoax 

So here we are in 2023 with many having awakened to the mRNA nano jab and depopulation poison needle, only because they've seen the death and suffering of their loved ones, but not nearly enough awake to who actually controls the show and what to do about it. Sad that so many have been drip fed and brainwashed for years; Well beyond the time that the covid hoax was introduced and at such a level that their research and investigative brains are just not yet capable of working out what to many of us is so simple; So simple, but without the numbers to back us up and so very difficult to deploy against the Beast that wants billions of us exterminated.

We fight on and strive to continue planting seeds so that those who are not yet too sick and disabled, might see through the curtain the beast has thrown over their minds.

As I've spoken about already, the papal bloodline families are the wellspring of all evil and control in this world and have been for many years. They keep themselves well hidden because they have the means to do so. Their major puppets are organisations, institutions and governments that have been infiltrated by their own kind... the psychopaths that own and manage these places, businesses and establishments.

The major enemy and wellspring is too powerful and long standing to hit directly; despite our outnumbering them billions to one. Our strength is in hitting and exterminating their lower levels of control. The local government councils and police via the staff hierarchy in those places. The link between the people and the major institutions, organisations, businesses and governments, if broken, is the first step in the falling dice. Without the support of the people, local government cannot fulfill its role as controlling entities for the next level up and this will be the first dice to tumble. After this, the speed with which the rest fall will be great and automatic.

The WEF, WHO, NASA, UN, NATO, MONARCHIES, THE VATICAN and other major religions, UNICEF and other major so-called charities, BIG PHARMA, ORTHODOX MEDICINE, BIG BUSINESSES that control oil and energy, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS etc; All cannot function without enslaved people at local level. Such a simple step, but one that must be taken to bring about real freedom.

Local police, MPs and councillors are human beings just like you... (albeit of low intelligence because they're deeply controlled and remembering that paper qualifications don't automatically equate to intelligence and good morals) and they feel pain and fear, are motivated by pain and fear and respond to it in exactly the same way others do. Their major motivation is greed and power. *These little Hitlers* are so programmed by their masters in Westminster and MSM TV and press, they really believe they're safe in their positions, but they're far from it and have no idea that there's a swarm of killer hornets in the form of a disgruntled and insanely angry populace just around the corner, ready to unleash the mother of all attacks on them.

These filthy, greedy, power hungry liars and takers who masquerade as so-called working class caring folk who bend over backwards for their local people are scum traitors and will either step down, swap sides or be taken out. Their choice, because the shit is going to hit the fan soon. People have had enough.

Turn the fear they put onto you with the fake virus, poison needles, draconian lockdowns and nazi propaganda agendas and tactics back onto them. Make them feel the pain and anguish many felt who were abused, tortured, brainwashed and had loved ones taken from them or couldn't be with those loved ones as they died or were killed, that you felt and suffered. This war started long ago; the lack of conventional weapons making it seem like their was no war because it's a war of psychology in cyber world. 

Our only way out is via local communities taking control over every aspect of our lives and the cumulative effect of that would see every town, village and city in the UK acting as one to destroy the beast.

Develop a state of mind that will show the same mercy and compassion that the government and its local puppets showed to you. But there's a first step and that is to make it crystal clear to all local MPs, police, judges and councillors exactly where they stand and what's in store for them if they don't start working FOR the people. 

Step 1. As an individual; Contact your local MPs  via email or letter so it's official. Here is a draft you can use:

Dear (add name)

Without malice. I have no faith in the UK government to act for and on behalf of myself and the people and it follows, no faith in your ability to act on my or the people's behalf. The government, no matter the party, in giving its full support to The World Economic Forum and World Health Organisation that seeks openly to depopulate the world of billions of people via its own admission and pushing of proven toxic mRNA nano injections along with proven pharmaceutical poisons via an un-provable so-called virus and its so-called variants, are committing crimes against humanity and must be dismantled immediately. 

Your failure to support a majority in wanting this can only place you in the same position as the government and these organisations and unfortunately, when the people become so abused and downtrodden, physical revolution is a certainty. The first to feel the people's wrath will be those at local level who obey the government in their mass depopulation plans. If you are not for the people then it follows; You can only be against them. I do not require a reply and words are now meaningless in this political swamp we find ourselves thrown into. Your actions will be obvious. I'm sure the people pray that you make the right choice. 

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