The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody
Page 1 
18th Feb 2021 

I pretty much started online when The Net started and originally, it was to share my music. Full details of this can be found here on my Music page and here on my About page so it's pointless boiling cabbages twice. It's been quite a journey what with all the sidetracking from one thing to another as I moved from solely music to spiritualism then on to writing only to drop my web authoring altogether to focus on social media, but given the current climate I find myself focusing on the current situation regarding the state of the world as the papal bloodlines struggle desperately to finalise their New World Order Great Reset, knowing, of course, that they are running a losing battle as all that was foretold is now coming to fruition and their demise is imminent; although many still can't see the agenda, let alone The EndGame.

 Checkout also, The Secret Covenant, written long ago with the source remaining a mystery, but which has been accurate to the nth degree. There are links here to my Gab social media site. I'm No longer on Twitter. I've been gagged and burned from Twitter more times than I've had hot dinners since this Nazi NWO platform came into existence - Jack hates the truth as much as Zuckerberg, Gates, the Westminster and Whitehouse systems, the BBC and every other papal bloodline controlled compliant and servant, of which they're countless. Much of my material has been lost via the shutting down of the old discussion boards and forums along with my Twitter bannings, of which I've lost count of the many usernames I adopted due to Jobo Pooks being banned for life on there so the oldest stuff left is on my archives page.

Last year, the New World Order, which I'll shorten from now on to NWO, Great Reset kicked off in ernest with the greatest hoax mankind has ever known since the myth of Jesus Christ and his identical predecessor, some 2,500 years before, Horus. We knew this was coming as Bill Gates had spilled the beans in the 1990s, but even before then, the depopulation agenda has been around for a very long time. I say *We* because there are many of us so called conspiracy theorists who have been trying to help the poor ignorant and stupid sheep of this world wake themselves up for a long time. I coined a name for us. OMITs, which stands for Open Minded Investigative Truthers as Conspiracy Theorist is basically a derogatory term for an OMIT that was created in the 1960s by the CIA to discredit anyone who dared think for themselves and expose the truth. The dictionary definition is: The act of conspiring. 1. An evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot. 2. A combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: 3. He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government. 4. Law. An agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act. So in summary; OMITs are people who investigate something that has a funny smell attached to it and put forward theories then openly share them to get to the truth whereas the likes of politicians, governments and freemasons gather in secret to plan evil and wrongdoings on the populace as has always been evident, especially currently with all the lies and corruption coming out of Westminster and the Whitehouse so I think we've cleared up just who the conspiracy theorists are then eh?

The Mainstream Media, most of who are funded by Bill Gates, began a campaign of lying and deceiving long ago, but since 2018 have been spewing 100% lies regarding the hoax virus called Covid 19, which has never been fully isolated. Even SARS Cov 1-2 haven't been either, but a full scale agenda to brainwash and condition the public via MSM, TV and radio advertising, TV Soaps, dramas and public notices has bombarded people with lies and propaganda to the point of criminality. Shops and businesses of every kind have joined in with the draconian so called government guidelines and recommendations which have been nothing like the official government ones, but more a *make it up as we go along and act like Nazi Gestapo from WW2* scenarios actually breaking criminal law; especially regarding discrimination.

Update 19th Feb 2021

SARS Covid isolation.

The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody won't be structured as such and although dated to make finding updates easier, it will not follow a pattern. Rather, stuff will be posted as it arises in my mind as I update. 

So today then. Had a notice from a Twitter buddy about a broken link to the holocaust in Archives. Given this is an archive page, links will be broken and possibly changed so I'll keep notes and fix if and when I find them. In the meantime, here's a similar link by David Irving called The hidden history of WW2. Irving gets a lot of flack and always has but he's not really a denier as such. He questions the figures and the methods, which is quite different and given the math and today's modern forensics, you'll find he's pretty much spot on. Like Enoch Powell, the truth is painful for the liars who try to silence them.

The Covid19 issue and those who can't seem to get their heads around the fact that this fantasy created by the NWO illuminati to further world depopulation is a major struggle for those who try to explain it. I think most people are waking up to the fact it hasn't been fully isolated but there are still many who are not quite there yet so I'll put my explanation in a really simple analogy that hopefully makes things click for the simple minded.

for a virus to be isolated, it must have everything it's mixed with removed so that only the virus remains. In that way, there can be no doubt the virus is pure and without question, exactly what it is proved to be. This is not the case with Covid19 SARS Cov 1 -2. They remain, to this day, simply computer models and as such, are nothing more than crude guesses. But here's how it works, folks. A so called vaccine, which is a bio weapon being used to kill outright the old and weak, ( old dead people don't draw pensions they paid into) sterilise, ID chip for crypto currency and DNA manipulate to kill the immune system of others is a tool for world depopulation and transhumanism that was developed long before the Covid hoax was launched. That's the facts on that part. Now for the analogy designed to tickle the single brain cell shared by those belonging to the all day pyjama TV bingo heads out there. (No offence meant)

Imagine you have a box of nuts, bolts and washers. Now imagine the nuts are the virus you want to isolate. You take some empty boxes and you sort out the nuts, bolts and washers into each one so that you have 3 boxes. one with only nuts, one with only bolts and one with only washers. You have now successfully isolated the nuts from the bolts and washers. You can now mark each box with a label stating what the boxes contain and no one can repute the fact that the box of nuts (representing the virus) is anything other than a box of nuts. This HAS NOT been done with Covid19 or SARS Cov 1-2. Read my lips....They don't exist, which leads me onto the legal side of things surrounding Covid19 and SARS Cov 1-2.

The general population of the world has been drip fed lies and fear surrounding many things in order to manipulate and control them over many years and the big daddy of them all is the Covid hoax. With each passing day the insanity of the situation gets clearer, yet people are petrified to make a stand against their governments through not only ignorance in not researching and investigating for themselves, but misplaced fear of a hoax virus and of litigation, with daily threats via their governments through TV and mainstream media of massive fines and imprisonment if so called laws or guidelines are broken. To put it in a nutshell, and as far as UK goes; no judge in any court can hear a case when there's no evidence to support the prosecution. IE: Given Covid19 and SARS Cov 1-2 don't actually exist, it would amount to someone being tried for murder when there is no victim of a murder.

Once the majority realise this they'll understand that in paying fines, following orders and obeying the corrupt masonic government, they're doing nothing more than rolling over like whipped dogs to get a good kicking by their enslaver and if they simply accepted any fine tickets given them with a nice smile then returning those tickets to the address on them stating the reason they're not being paid, ultimately, nothing would happen apart from further empty threats.

Anyone finding themselves in court should instruct their legal counsel to order the court to produce evidence of full Covid19 SARS Cov 1-2 official evidence of full isolation. This can't be produced and so the case would have to be dismissed. Can you now see how simple it is to open up your businesses and get back to living again? This goes for every aspect of this Covid hoax from masks, social distancing and assembly to being discriminated against in shops and businesses that are towing the Nazi regime line out of fear, support, ignorance or pure greed. It's 100% criminal and being pushed on you by a corrupt and masonic political regime. Maybe if people stopped voting for their own abuse in a system wherein voting has always been a complete sham, it might help a tad. Check out exactly how to return your fine ticket here.

Update 21st Feb 2021


I've never worn a mask since this whole Covid hoax started and don't intend to. I've never social distanced or overly washed any more than usual and yet, here I am, 67 years old, fit as a butcher's dog with not a sniffle in sight for the last 4 years. I don't use pharma drugs and workout daily. I don't smoke or eat garbage fake food and use an inline filter for my drinking water, yet given the 100% bullshit by government, I and millions of others should be piling up dead in the streets.

It's been well proven, even by government paid shill scientists and their corrupt masonic institutions and organisations that face masks are useless for stopping virus particles - even if they were actually alive, and are about as good as a chain link fence is in stopping a mosquito.

They restrict your oxygen intake and increase your CO2 levels, which can cause hypoxia and increased mouth bacteria to levels that can seriously affect the lungs to the point of bacterial pneumonia (as happened in the 1918 so called Spanish flu pandemic when this muzzle nonsense started and killed more than the actual fake flu) along with rashes and possible MRSA infection, yet governments are still pushing their use and the ever obedient sheep are complying because the ingrates don't realise what the masks are truly representing, which is control, compliance, dehumanisation, the hiding of facial expression, gagging and the furtherance of the hoax.

Think also on the long nasal swab scenario that takes samples from the blood brain barrier and can and has caused serious harm. If masks prevent so called spread of the hoax virus then all that should be required is a sample from the inside of the mask itself - none of it adds up and there's some real contradictions going on.

Other concerns surrounding the reduction of oxygen levels to the brain are those of drivers, both professional and domestic. Insurance companies and police need to be aware of the dangers, with this being put in the category of driving under the influence of alcohol. Not only does reduction in oxygen cause impaired cognitive function, but can put those at risk of heart attack or other medical issues in the position of being a real danger to themselves and others.

Most though, go along with their muzzle abuse just to avoid the hassle and don't give a thought to the fact they're monitored via CCTV showing the government the compliance levels for stats. Many sheep don't even know why they're wearing face rags, but are simply doing as they've been ordered by this now blindingly obvious mass murdering Nazi dictatorship.

The World Health Organisation and the UK government and its paid shill scientists and so called experts are in serious conflict over the whole issue of muzzles and shops and businesses seem to be making it up as they go along as well, fearful of the alleged fines they'll incur if they refuse to comply when in reality, non-payment is never going to see anyone in crown court if they simply refuse to pay because no court in the land can hear over a virus that hasn't been fully isolated and in effect doesn't exist.

The government have set out their guidelines for mask wearing making it perfectly clear that if masks cause you to feel anxious or present a harm then you don't have to wear them and no one has the right to challenge you over not wearing - end of story.

Inaliable Rights under Constitutional Law. Breathing and face masks.

forget all the medical exemptions nonsense over mask wearing. A major right under constitutional law is the right to breath unrestricted. No one can force you to breath restricted: IE, reduce your oxygen intake without your consent. In forcing you, they would be *committing a crime.*

Refusing you a service on the grounds you do not consent to restrictive breathing while others are receiving that service having consented is discrimination. *Des crimination in UK is a crime.*

Regarding face mask wearing, which has been proven to seriously reduce oxygen intake, it follows that UK government guidelines are recommendations because the government know 100% that restricting the air of a human being is against that person's right under constitutional law. If it wasn't then mask wearing regarding the unproven Covid 19 virus would be made a solid act or statute.

The first thing to do when confronted by *anyone* trying to force you to restrict your breathing is to tell them, "No, I do not give my consent under constitutional law to have my breathing restricted." It has nothing to do with medical or other so called government exemptions and this should not even be discussed when dealing with any confrontation over mask wearing.

There is not a judge, in even the highest court, that can deny anyone their constitutional right to unrestricted breathing. Doing so would be a crime. Hence, if you are threatened with court, do not concern yourself. They're nothing more than threats unless you consent to it.

Anyone physically touching you regarding your non consent to restrictive breathing is guilty of assault and police cannot refuse to charge the attacker should you request it. Doing so would be a crime.

It follows that police also cannot arrest you for exercising your inaliable right to breath unrestricted. Doing so is a crime on two counts. Breaking constitutional law and kidnap as police can only arrest you for a crime. They cannot enforce civil law. Only a judge can do that.

Drop your muzzles and stand your ground, folks. The more that do this, the harder it will be for government and police or even the little Hitler Covid marshals to control you. So called *laws* are unenforceable when the majority break them.

The Ramblings of Mr. Nobody Page two 

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